Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Repeated Task

I don't know what happened.
Or more like, I don't know Why it happened.
As, it hasn't happened before....

So, we have some Betta Fish right?
-Yah the same ones that that lady got mad at me for not having them in 'clean water and them not looking healthy'? Yah those same fish (not all the same, most have most likely been sold and new ones are in their place)
Have caused trouble again.
Not from their own fault.
Not from my fault.
As you see, on Saturday I managed to find time to make sure all the Bettas had nice clean water for the weekend rush. A time consuming task really, especially on a Saturday, busiest day of the week for us most of the time.
So yay for clean water!

Only for me to come back on Monday.....
to discover that the Bettas....
No longer had clean water.
It was all foggy! O.o
It hadn't even been two full days yet! and the water was foggy?!

A closer inspection showed the reason why.

They had been waaaaaay over fed.
Like drowned in a food flood overfed.
As we usually only give the betas like 3 pellets a day to eat.
And almost every cup...
Had like 40 pellets in them!
Seriously, it's not much of an exaggeration. There were tons floating on the surface, even more sunk to the bottom, and the poor betas themselves had such bulging bellies.
*shakes head*
No wonder the water was foggy! The food had fogged it up as it disintegrated.
And since the Bettas make their temporary homes in cups...with no filter system...there was no place for the extra food to go.
And even after 24 hours....the water was beginning to smell rather badly. :S
Unlike our other fish tanks that have filters...it's okay to overfeed the fish, since most of the leftovers don't stay in the tank to dirty up the water.

I'm not sure how this overfeeding happened for the poor Bettas.
But I couldn't let them stay in such awful conditions which meant...
Yes, two days later, I was doing water changes again.
Ah. How the Bettas all perked up once I got them back into clean water. ^^
I'm glad I was able to come to their rescue. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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