Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sweet Overload

What have I done?

Apparently I've decided to make up for having very little 'Halloween'ness in my life this October.
Because... I've totally loaded up on the candy.
Totally good for the next year or so.
How did I end up with so much?

Not via Trick or Treating
but via Walmart.

As I so happened to have needed to run to the store the night after Halloween.
And on a spur of the moment thing, went over to see if there was any good Halloween candy left.
You know...besides those nasty tootsie candies that always seem to be left over.
Surprise of surprises!
There was a TON of GOOD candy there!
-Even chocolate, though I didn't go for that.-
How could I resist so much sugary goodness before my eyes?
When it was 50% off....there was very little reason to resist. lol.

So I loaded up.
Skittles, Starbursts, Nerds, Sweet Tarts, Suckers, Smarties, Laffy Taffy...all the good sweet flavorful candies I could find. ^^
And now I stare at my loot and I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Sooo much sugar!!
lol. So I'm going to go through it at a nice slow pace....a pace where hopefully I don't end up with a ton of cavities...a pace where I actually remember that there is other food to eat that doesn't involve sugary goodness. lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was running in some sort of obstacle course marathon taking place at my school. -Which was a bit of mixture of all the schools I attended...- where we had to run miles upon miles, jump through things, answer riddles etc. I was facing off against my rival, a hefty guy that reminded me of an elementary kid I went to school with with a mixture of other guys thrown in as well. He was obnoxious, bragging that he would win the race, and he ended up taking an early lead. It surprised me how much faster than me he could run because he hardly looked to be marathon potential. I caught up with him at the computer lab where we had to solve a series of riddles. Which would have been more difficult had it not been a multiple choice thing. I managed to narrow down the possibilities getting 3 out of 4 correct which was good as I just needed to get 3 right before I could move on. But then, as I was coming to the finish line, ready to hit first place....I was told that I could only win if I had a can of soup in my hand....that can of soup sitting like 2 hours away at the beginning of the starting home. There was nothing I could do....I could call my parents to come bring it to me, but it would still be 2 hours before I could finish. I couldn't believe that I had made such a small stupid mistake and ended up back home at my apt where my roommates had redecorated the place to follow more of an underwater theme, complete with devices that sent bubbles up into the air making it seem like we were underwater....

then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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