Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Day In Review -January 6th

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009
-This day was my last day being 'home for Christmas' as another semester of school started for me the following morning. I didn't have much fun on this day as I had a dentist appointment at the unholy hour of 8 am where I had to get six cavities filled. :S Yikes! Even less fun was that I had to have all four sides of my mouth numb. They hadn't been planning to do all of them, but when I told them I wouldn't be back up until May....they went ahead and did them. (I didn't have a car at this point, so I was dependent on others for rides) I spent most of the morning not talking because nobody could understand me anyway. lol. I packed up my things, said goodbye to all my pets, and went back down to college town where I apparently stayed up later than I should have talking to my Roommates Ali and Jackie.

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010
-Whew, it's a doozy of a day. First day of my 4th semester of school, and I'm already sick of all the classes lol. I had to get up at 8am in order to get to my first class by 9, but one of my classmates, Elise, happened to be driving by and gave me a ride making me 20 minutes early to class. I was not happy about that....not much to do on the first day apparently lol. My first class was Intro to Speech (Communications?) And my teacher had the same name as my Maternal Grandmother. It was a class that didn't seem too difficult for me (it wasn't, I got extra credit on most of my papers without trying) though I didn't like that it was a 'black board' class. (I don't like the sound of chalk on board) with a dreaded "Group Project" on the horizon. XP bleh. Hate group projects too. (I can see why I already wasn't 'happy' about this semester lol)
My next class was Intro to Sociology (I think I was trying to get rid of all my generals...) which was a class that I actually had a couple of friends in. O.o That is rare for me. Kristian and Shawn were in my class. :) The class itself I called a 'cross between History and anthropology.' Which could be interesting, I do like both their subjects. I was left feeling iffy though. Didn't seem a hard class.
Next I had Intro to Business (hate business classes, not my thing)
(I was really focused on the ratio of boys and girls in my classes. First 50/50 second 50/50 third 30 guys and 6 girls) This class also uses the blackboard, so I was not happy, nor was I happy to find out we had another group project to do in this class either. XP Bleh. It may be a 'more difficult class' was my assessment.
I didn't want the classes to get more difficult. Already, I was in the 'lazy as possible' frame of mind lol.
I had a 2 hour break after my business class, that allowed me to get lunch and chat with my mom on the phone for a while. I debated about maybe using this time to go home, but I wasn't sure. (in a different year I used breaks like these to sign up for like 3 institute classes and took those. lol)
My next class started at 2pm (I would like to have my school days end at 3, it wasn't always possible) and was Psychology 1010. Possibly a fun class, also a blackboard class. I was annoyed though as I found out I bought the wrong set of books for the class, so I would need to find a time to exchange them for the right set though I was worried as some of the wrapping had torn and I didn't know if they would accept it back or not. :S
I had to go from the basement all the way across campus to the 6th level (that meant a lot of stairs) to the "hardest class I'll have have." ASL 4410 aka Linguistics (if I remember correctly.) I didn't buy that phrase. I'd yet to face a class that was 'difficult' (it was time consuming for sure, but nothing I found 'too hard' just...advanced really.)
I had another break, one long enough to walk home with my friend Kristin, have dinner, take a 20 minute nap, and then drive back with her to my last class of the day. (so it started at like 6 I think.) It was also a sign language class. (I didn't write the name down...but it may have been an 'ethics and values of interpreting' sort of class) The main thing was that the teacher had just been hired that day. O.o Talk about pressure for him! I have no idea what happened to the teacher who was supposed to teach....but yah...I just needed to get used to his signing style.
After class Kristin and I went to Walmart for food, and she bought me a twix bar. ^^
And at the end of the day, end of the entry, I found myself doubting my whole career path. My 4410 teacher was talking about us going to graduate school (which I did not want to do) in order to get a better career, and I wasn't sure if I was that 'gungho' about the whole signing thing anyway, as I felt I wasn't putting in an effort to go to school at this point. I didn't want to be the student that was never happy with their major and ends up changing it a hundred times, never finishing with it. So I told myself I need to stop saying "I can't," and instead say "I can." to hopefully give me more confidence in my signing abilities.

Thursday, January 6th, 2011
-"I spent the night as a sufferer in thrall of a major headache again" is how I started this entry. Not a good start to the day I suppose, and worse than the one I had had the night before. I spent the early morning hours taking a shower, lying on the floor with a heat pack and then on the couch before the pain finally faded, I was nearly late to my Dance Class (a factor to my stress may have been the unknown of what this class would be like.) My stress over it was so bad I considered dropping it during the night. :S But overall, I was determined to see everything to the end and not withdraw at all. The bright side to this year was that my sister Kikay was now down to come to school with me so we were able to share a car! yay! So I could drive to my first class....and ended up being late because I couldn't find it!! But oddly enough after I arrived, I relaxed.
My next class was an Institute Class PGP where Shawn (mentioned above) was also in that class. (It happened so much, I would have taken it as a sign to date him were it not that he was already married lol) Next I had another Institute class The Gospel and the Productive Life. (told you I would use my breaks to go to institute later in college) I felt that I impressed the guys in the class when I told them that I juggle and that I graduate next spring. (dun dun dun) I met up with my old roommate Ali (married now.) and had a cookie with her. We ended up helping a girl out in the parking lot get into her stall because she was stuck on the ice. :S -the whole place was a giant sheet of ice really.-
That night I finished the Latest Artemis Fowl book (didn't seem as good as I thought it would be) and then had an ABA meeting. (o.o forget what it stands for, probably stated somewhere else) Which is basically a writing group, but not everyone showed up that night. After that (this day seems long compared to last year when I had classes all day) I watched a movie with Kikay who needed a bit of cheering and calming after a stressful day.

Friday, January 6th, 2012
-"It is rather interesting to note that after I get a bit down on myself, I end up being pretty happy and cheerful with an excited cast to my heart later on in the day."
I had another difficult night this night, filled with dreams reflecting the loneliness I'd been feeling, it yet was mitigated when I went to the Institute to help put up some posters. It seemed like everyone was happy to see me there. lol, many of the people were especially excited when they asked "Are you here to fix the sign?!" It took me a bit to figure out they meant the electronic sign that the institute had, as it was still saying "Merry Christmas!" Apparently I was the only one who knew how it worked lol. So I changed that, and helped Brother Sa, hang up a welcome back sign. At 2pm I handed the car over to my sister so she could take herself and the Floofies food shopping.
I ended up taking up the trash, as over Christmas break our one roommate Lakai hadn't cleaned at all. There was Christmas trash all over, and the garbage can was over flowing, the sink full of dishes, the place smelled, suuuuuppppeeeeerrrr bad. When the Floofies and Kikay got back and put away groceries we went over to their home to exchange gifts.
At this point in time I was barely acquainted with them, as they were more Kikay's friends, and I found myself being jealous of their gifts given to her. It just showed that they knew her a lot better than they knew me, I was still a bit of an enigma to them at this point I think. But I was jealous of more than the presents, but of how easily Kikay can make best friends. I wanted relationships like that with a group of different friends. Wanted people 'on my level.' but it's hard when I don't connect to people my age that well.
I was dropped back off at the Institute for a council meeting later that evening as I decided it was more important than seeing the Incredible Hulk with Kikay at her work. I was eager to see the council again, and it was thrilling that more of the guys spoke to me this time around. (possibly because I wore makeup this night)
It was a little awkward for me with everyone talking about this semester had been the hardest semester in their lives....and I couldn't agree. Sure, I'd been busy and there had been hard moments, but all things considered, the semester before this one had been harder. I had Human Anatomy, A boyfriend, 18 credits....it was crazy for me. Really, I considered being on Institute Council a reward for that difficult semester lol. It was a real blessing for me really, to be on the council.
But all their talk of 'hardness' made me think I should write the council a letter about 1 Corinthians 10:13 how it talks about "God only gives us Trials that he knows we can get through." But I didn't end up doing it as I realized it might make me sound a bit prideful.
Bright note was that my crush on council MN complimented me on my makeup. ;)

Sunday, January 6th, 2013
-I woke up today and finished book 5 of the Wheel of Time before going to church and a munch and mingle afterwards. Then I went to the Floofies to watch Once Upon a Time before returning back home to start book 6th of the Wheel of Time. :)
-I used this journal entry to recap the day before as well because I'd been too tired to write much then. Mostly I worried about the '90 day' review my manager said I was going to have at my job. Not knowing what it all entailed...I was nervous, anything could happen there, but she seemed happy about it, which had to mean good things...yet I wasn't going to expect it to happen because I didn't get my 30 day review....and I was supposedly going to have one of those too. *shrugs*

Monday, January 6th, 2014
-It was a hurried entry I wrote because I was supposed to be in bed 20 minutes ago. (for work I'm guessing.) I had a shift from 12-7 (which wasn't too bad, so I said), Right after work I drove to Hale Center Theatre to meet up with the Floofies and Kikay to see the play "Kiss and Tell" I found it to be funny and enjoyed it a lot, I need to go to plays more often as the theatre is fun to be at. :) After that I dropped by McDonalds before coming home to go to bed.

Today. :)
Tuesday, January 6th, 2014
-I found myself luxuriating in the fact that the holidays are over, because that meant that work has gone back to it's usual morning self of not being crazy busy all day long. In fact, it was pretty dead so even though I was by myself for most of my shift, I was able to get everything open and ready by like 10am. Which is amazing. It helped a lot though, that I didn't have any cat cages to clean right now as we don't have any cats in the store, which meant more time to focus on other tasks.
We had our reptiles come in today -totally unexpected, but very welcome as we couldn't get in reptiles last week due to how cold it was. (cold=bad for reptiles) Yet, I feel bad for customers I told that we wouldn't get our shipment in until later in the week. >.< I hate being an unintentional liar.
I got a bit of a surprise though, for when I opened up the container...there was one of our snakes sitting out in the open as pretty as could be. He'd gotten loose from his place. *shakes head* At least it wasn't out of the main container. :) It got rather busy towards the afternoon, to the point that I had like 5 people waiting in line and no back up in sight. But overall, manageable. :)
After work I went down to the school, as classes had started back up again. I went originally planning to write before my institute class started, but ended up chatting with some friends and grabbing subway for dinner. I tried one of their subs melted for the first time. O.O Amazing. I didn't know it could taste that good! (perhaps I was just starving lol. I usually get them cold.)
My new Institute class is focusing on the Teachings of President Monson, I have a teacher I haven't had before, so I'm a bit...undecided how I like this class. At first I wondered what I'd gotten myself into, but as it went on, I found myself liking it. It was stimulating and I was able to learn new information... so maybe this will be a fun class to look forward to. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was heading to church, and I was told that I now had the calling of being Relief Society President. Which was unexpected and a bit frightening considering that I hadn't yet fulfilled my current calling, but I went into it expecting it to be announced only...it wasn't, and suddenly I was in a backyard type place fighting against being crowned queen as I didn't want to be tied down and regulated to pieces because queens didn't have fun.

then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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