Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Day In Review -March 27th & 28th

Huh, I thought there was something off about Yesterday's Post.
Now I realize what it was.
I was supposed to do my Day in Review yesterday!
So, for fun, I'm just going to do a two-dayer March 27th and 28th. :)

Monday, March 27th 2006
- I had Driver's Ed today, Biology where we had an assignment on disorders in genes (always found that interesting.) ASL learned signs of jobs like Doctor and Painter (first year of ASL), I had breadsticks for lunch (rather common for me at one point.) Seminary we had a discussion on 3 Nephi 8-10. My bus ride home  (I got to ride the bus in High School! Yes!) was 10 minutes late to pick us up as it was a sub today. Then when I came home I had to clean my room because we're getting new windows installed on Wednesday.

Friday, March 27th 2009 & Saturday, March 28th 2009

- I forgot to turn in my lab sheet in ASL today, the sub in Anthropology didn't show up so I read the book Dewey By Vicki Myron. It was an out of the box book for me because I usually don't read nonfiction, but it was given to me, and I actually liked it. Who doesn't like a story about a cat in a library? I finished it after school and started reading CastleDance by K.L. Morgan (love that series.) In English we talked about research papers (again, seems like that's all we ever did in that class.) History we played a game, I went to Devotional where the subject was staying in Zion and not going to Babylon. Kristin, Ali and I hung out for a couple of hours before we went to Ali's therapy (for that torn ACL) After that we got Frozen Hot Chocolates (best thing on earth.) We went to a Talent show the ward was putting on after tha tpoint, I was part of it...I dressed up a bit like a clown, and my talent was to juggle for a little bit before signing (not singing) In the Dark of the Night. Soon after I went out to change out of my costume because it was hot! But then a quartet of guys came up and said "We'd like to dedicate this last song to the clown girl but she's not here any more apparently." But I was, my friends drawing their attention to me. I put my green wig back on and went up as they serenaded me in front of everyone to Kiss the Girl. I was somewhat embarrassed thinking "Please don't Kiss me!" (I was still VL at this point.) Apparently I turned very red. And at the very end of the song the cutest guy out of the four started moving forward as if to Kiss me, and my knee jerk reaction was to scoot the chair backwards. I felt kinda bad about it afterwards. (what if he was the one? ;) ) I just didn't want to be kissed by a complete stranger.
I had a lazy Saturday where I finished reading Castledance (yes I can read rather fast) I also downloaded a bunch of my files to my flashdrive as my parents were coming to take my computer away (I'm guessing to have it fixed.)

Saturday, March 27th 2010 & Sunday, March 28th 2010

-I slept in today. ^^ dog pepper woke me up at 9am to go outside, but I slept a couple more hours afterwards. The parents took Meralto computer shopping as he'd broken his computer and wanted a new one, they also got a couple of tires replaced on the Tracker (the car I ended up buying a few years later) Once they got back the whole family when to the Gem Show. ^^ We ended up running into Grandpa and Grandma Dirchi there! It was great to see them. I got a bunch of stone things, wands, balls, a stone bear, a purple stone pig... And ended up buying the $60 rock ball that I liked yesterday. I'd been planning to not buy it originally because it was so expensive, but Mom surprised me when she bought it for me. ^^ She's the greatest! We had lunch at Taco Bell before driving down to Happy Valley to check out the computers there at Best Buy and office Depot (pretty sure they were dropping me off back to college as well.) and Meralto ended up buying a laptop there before they headed back North. I spent the rest of the day working on a talk I have to give tomorrow. >.<
I gave my first talk of a single's ward today. I think it went rather well, though it was torturous as Sacrament meeting was in the third hour this time around, so I had two hours of pretalk nerves. But I had the audience laughing and afterwards many people came up to compliment me. :D I came home and took a nap, but woke up with a tense neck and stiff jaw and a headache. >.< bleh. I went to ward prayer -where I got more compliments on my talk. ^^ -and ended up signing up for the talent show... :S Yikes. It's going to be the same thing I did last year. Signing a song. I ended up watching the movie Titanic and remembered why I don't like that show. >.< And my roommate Shelbie finally paid me for utilities for Feburary, and also for March when I wasn't expecting her too. ^^ (I ended up seeing this roommate like three times in the whole time she lived there. Honestly she'd show up only once a month... my first real ghost roommate.

Sunday, March 27th 2011 & Monday, March 28th 2011

-Left church early today due to not feeling well, ended up watching Atlantis with Dan which is apparently his favorite movie. He watched almost all of it without talking. :) We went to ward prayer, and I locked Dan inside the apartment by quickly reaching out and locking the door as he reached for the handle to go outside. lol his reaction was funny. ^^ We went up to his apartment and ended up watching Lilo and Stitch.
For the first time in a couple of weeks I actually walked to school. It felt so strange to do so. I had ASL first where it started snowing. (yay) My next class we talked about the advent of nuclear bombs, for my noon break I went to the language labs to do homework, had my anatomy class, we're working on the respiratory system. Had Brother Peterson's class on Alma 13, again spent my next break working on the same homework I'd been working on before. I turned in an 11page paper. Whoosh, hope I get a good grade for that. After school I met up with Kikay at a blood drive at the church. (can't give blood yet myself. >.< don't weigh enough.) Had FHE with President Livingstone there.

Tuesday, March 27th 2012 & Wednesday, March 28th 2012

-I had my CJ class today, thought the teacher might have called my name to do presentations...not sure. It was another school day basically...We got out of class early, I dropped by the kitchen downstairs to grab a brownie to eat and ended up running into one of my teachers there and his sun. In Brother Monson's class I was asked to give the thought, but he was excited enough about his lesson he got up right after the prayer, so I guess it wasn't needed, though it did happen to go along with his lesson. I grabbed another brownie and had Sis Terry's class before getting the Publicity department together to reorganize our banner closet. It's finally manageable, but I broke/tore a bunch of my finger nails in the process. :(
Gave myself a headache bad enough I had to wait until the next day to write. It started out pretty normally, in Religions we continued with our Christianity subject, Ethics (philosophy. Bleh.) we discussed which I dislike. ASL class we went over the elbow (how interpreters can injure it.) Deaf Law...same thing as usual. But as Kikay and I were headed back to our car, I saw a rock wall! And it was free to climb! I ended up climbing it twice. :D Because I was up and down the first time in like 30 seconds lol. (Love rock climbing) The second time I nearly fell because a rock hold slipped under my hands. Kikay and I went to the Fencing Arena to duel our friend there with our Yugioh cards. (he was just getting into it. )He thought he would cream us but we ended up creaming him. Afterwards I met up with some ASL classmates to go see Peter Cook live at the Deaf Center. Needless to say it was Awesome! But the lack of AC, food, and water gave me a headache that kept me semi wakeful during the night...but managed to fall asleep.

Wednesday, March 27th 2013 & Thursday, March 28th 2013

-Work went well today. :) I got all the bedding changes done, but ended up spending most of my last two hours on the register. Boo. Came home and gathered the info needed to move into the Vil. After a nap I drove there only to find out they didn't need all the info I'd gathered O.O They waived the application fee. They just had me pay the deposit. So once I get an email for the lease..I'll be officially moving into the Vil! :S I'm kinda nervous though because I was told I would need to park on the street for the summer. And College town is notorious for tow trucks circling like vultures. I don't want my car to get towed! (good news it didn't while I lived there.)
I had work really really early this morning at 4am because our DM was coming to visit and Reth wanted the place to look amazing. He ended up showing up really early at 830am! Before the store had even opened! I think he did it to try and throw us off our groove. Still we were basically opened already, just needed to feed the fish, so Reth sent me off at 9am when my shift was supposed to end. (I was possibly going to stay late just in case.) I walked over to Institute making it to my class for the first time in three weeks. (I think I was still trying to do morning institute...) But it wasn't the lesson I was hoping to have, instead it was just like a political discussion. I walked home and spent like the next two hours reading through the Vil's lease/contract they mailed me. ()_() Such an intimidating thing! I vaguely remember my current place being like that...but this is a bit worse. I have to be a "Student." to live there. Which basically means I just need to sign up for an institute class and I'm good. I went grocery shopping and came home to work on writing. Found it hard to focus as I am a bit nervy still over wondering what I got myself into. But totally excited to move. :D

Thursday, March 27th 2014 & Friday, March 28th 2014

-Another work day, not too bad. I didn't need to do the bedding changes this morning, I'll be doing them tomorrow instead since I was the only opener today. So that was nice and relaxing. I tried to meet up with a Coworker Tre to have a dinner thing (date) but he ended up not being able to make it due to some registration thing for his apartment taking longer than planned. (We never did end up going out weird as it is.) I ended up hanging with Mirleki watching Arrow. :)
Friday went well, I ended up opening by myself cus Reth couldn't make it as early as she thought. She told Cire to tell me to only do the desert side, but I'd already finished all the bedding itself when he finally got around, I just needed to put the decorations back. Reth called me Wonder Woman. ^^ I met up with Kikay after work to go to the Gem Faire. We ended up staying later than planned. But I got some more wands, a couple of stone eggs and a flat wand. :) However being late was bad because I was going to meet up with friends at 530 to go up the canyon to a cabin. But it was 545 when we left the gem fair, got caught in rush hour traffic, and didn't make it there until 640. Stress for me. I ended up with a slight headache. That got worse. I ended up carpooling with strangers. I thought it was going to just be an institute council party. But a ton of people I didn't know came as well. More stress. Apparently the change of location for the party also meant a change in the people coming as well. We dropped by a diner for food (also unplanned) and drove way up and out into the Canyon, up the mountain. Where there was hardly any signal. Really isolated. Still snow on the ground. Thick snow. I was surrounded by strangers, in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, with the possibility that everyone staying over night with me having work in the morning. Thankfully a friend was heading back, I made him go back earlier as I was feeling more and more sick. The headache getting worse. I was getting all tingly, all over, an experience I'd never felt before. The drive down was horrible, but I got a priesthood blessing, and had friends/Kikay come pick me up to drive my car back home as I didn't know if I could do it myself with how I was feeling. Strangely enough as soon as I got in the car with Kikay I relaxed and the pain went away and I was able to relax a bit, though I ended up just going to bed.

Friday, March 27th 2015 & Saturday, March 28th 2015

-Loved work this morning. :D Why? Because in our fish shipment, I happened to look at the manifest of what fish we were getting in and noticed a new fish the Butterfly Pleco on the list! That meant that my favorite biannual event was happening! Because twice a year, starsmet changes up what fish we sell. Adding in new ones, discontinuing old ones, and then moving fish about to make sure there is room for the new ones. ^^ I love moving the fish around, love getting new fish in! (sad that some of my favorites are going away though. :( ) So I spent a couple of hours before the store opened doing just that. Looking at the new schematic to make sure the fish were put in the right spots. ^^ So excited. To see the new fish! :D
- Today I went with Kikay up to the Gem Faire to meet up with the parents, Meralto, and Grandma Dirchi in the morning. ^^ It was such a different experience going up earlier without needing a deadline to get back to. So I was able to stay relaxed and not get my usual headache after going to such a high energy spot. We went to dinner at Sizzler afterwards before going back home. I took a brief nap. Cleaned up the place a bit, then met up with my friends Jess and Tay. We went and saw the movie Home. :D Such an adorable movie! Loved it. ^^ Much better than I was expecting it to be. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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