Sunday, March 22, 2015

Under the Car

Note to self: If I see something roll under my car.
Check and see what that something is before I walk away and assume it's not important.

So last night,
I went grocery shopping.
I needed to get some Pillsbury Breadsticks for Dinner tonight.
And other food, because I was running low on many foods that I need to survive. ;)

But upon entering my car,
I was distracted by an awful smell.
Seriously, it smelt like something had died in there.
And I couldn't find a source for it!
Plus, I hadn't been in the car for at least twenty-four hours if not longer.
For I didn't drive anywhere since I'd gotten off of work Friday afternoon.

So why did it smell like something was rotting?
No idea.
Though upon thinking on it later tonight...
I did drop by KFC after work....
and I wonder if the smell somehow stayed in the car....and fermented over the day. O.o
Sounds crazy. But it's the only thing I can think of....

Because I don't think I'd be nose blind enough to miss something that smelt like that.
Though it was always possible. *shrugs*
It's just a strange random happenstance.

In any case.
I wanted to deal as little with my car as possible.
And so I was in a hurry to get my groceries from the car,
To my apartment.
I saw something on the ground roll underneath my car.
But in the darkness and my rush.
I thought that someone had left an energy drink and littered.
And it had rolled under my car, and I had no reason to wrestle with arms full of groceries to fish it out from underneath.

I thought nothing more of it.
Until this afternoon,
When I went outside,
And happened to glance under my car.
And saw something underneath.
That looked like it had exploded.

Upon closer inspection.
I discovered it was my Pillsbury Breadstick can.
The end had exploded out and the dough had come flowing out.

Totally depressing. :(
Thankfully, I'd randomly decided to buy two cans, so I was not as dismayed as I could have been at the turn of events.

But seriously.
Next time I see something roll under my car.
I'm immediately checking it out. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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