Saturday, April 25, 2015

At the Temple

Me, Kikay, and Daddoo went to the Temple today.
To do Baptisms and Confirmations for some of our Ancestors that my Sister had found.

^^ Which is amazing! She found a ton of names!
In any case.
We had our pick of temples to choose from, since there are plenty in the local area.

But we chose to come to the HomeTown Temple.
Because 1. Our Dad would be able to come with us to do the guy names.
and 2. We figured it would be less crowded which meant.
3. We would be done faster.

Because the one time Kikay and I attempted to go to the CollegeTown Temple...
We were there four THREE hours. O.o
That's how long the wait was.
And that line never got shorter.
Seriously, a lot of people go to the CollegeTown Temple.
I don't believe there is such a thing as a "lull" time there. lol.

So we went to our HomeTown Temple. ^^
And we were right.
Wasn't crowded. was crowded with people going to the multiple weddings taking place/photos and such around it. But the area we needed to go to was nice and not crowded at all.

Which meant that we were able to go and do the work of the Lord in less time than it would have taken us to go through the CollegeTown one.
We were there for hour?

And it's kinda funny.
Because I observed that we could drive up to HomeTown and do names there, quicker....than if we'd just gone to our local temple down there. O.o
Considering our drive is like 45mins-1hour away....
It just shows how busy the temple is down there. *shakes head*
But that's because we have two colleges full of LDS students there is a lot of saturation compared to other areas.

I definitely liked the HomeTown experience much better. ^^
It had a better spirit to it, not so many people around, I was able to focus on the names we were doing, and enjoy spending family time with Kikay and Daddoo. ^^

We're definitely going to come back up there whenever we find names.
It's less hassle that way. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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