Friday, September 11, 2015

A Day in Review -September 11th

Sunday, September 11th, 2005

-Its the anniversary for when the twin towers collapsed. It was a sad day.

Monday, September 11th, 2006

-It's the 5 year anniversary of 9/11 when the twin towers were bombed. Also went shopping for a Boutonniere for Dirk for prom as well as bought D.N. Angel 11 at the bookstore.

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

-Today marks the 7th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon. 7 years later and we're still in a pointless war in Iraq, just like the Vietnam war.
Good news, my alarm went off today. bad news I woke up with really bad butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I'm not sure why I was so nervous. It could have been a combination of many things like my nervousness about Randy calling (no idea who this guy is now...) me having to sign an ASL story in front of a camera, worrying about being late for class, or the fact that last night I dreamt I was getting married, but me and my husband to be were wearing skeleton masks and the groom had a skeleton suit on as well. A creepy dream. But I made it down to school in time for Institute where I didn't have to play the piano another guy did instead. Then between my classes I went and signed my 3 minute story. Visited my counselor to check about transfer credits and then for lunch I had tatertots before heading to the club joining thing to meet up with my class in front of the asl table. After signing up for the club we hung out signing and across from us was a "knapping" table. Curious I went over to see if it was the stone knapping (making arrowstones thing.) Turns out it was the actual Napping thing. (sleeping.) Where they want to lobby the school to put bunk beds throughout the school as they were tired of students taking up the chairs to sleep in. Personally I don't think they should have beds in the school. :S Doesn't seem sanitary to me... in any case, after having a conversation with them (I signed/wrote on paper as I couldn't talk due to it being an ASL class and we were supposed to just be signing.) I took a 2 hour nap. Did my Heredity homework and chatted with Mother Dearest about finances.

Friday, September 11th 2009

-Today ended up being a pretty good day. While walking to school, Elise from my ASL class picked me up and drove me the rest of the way to class. Since I got there super early, I called mother dearest, chatting with her for a bit until more students began to show up. in Voice and Diction we practiced relaxing our jaws with little sayings. Philosophy was interesting today because a girl came up to me and asked if I was still in high school and I told her I'd graduated 2 years ago... lol that seemed to make her think that I'd graduated young. She asked how old I was and I told her. And it just seemed to confuse her more. Biology and ASL were normal, I got out of biology 5 minutes early and saw a girl with ice cream. I investigated further and found out people were giving out cake and ice cream to celebrate the founding of the school. in ASL history we spent the whole class period trying to figure out a crossword puzzle. Whoever made it up didn't know how to spell... Started walking to the bus stop but then remembered I was supposed to be walking home with Kristen. Turns out she had a lunch date with her mom so I caught the bus anyways. I ended up running into Sharon from HS (one of my friend's little sisters.) I came home and relaxed until 7 when me, Kristen and Heather went to an Enrichment Activity where we made flower clips. They weren't as cool looking as I thought they'd I ended up messing around with fabric and eating refreshments. Came home and watched the Wizards of Waverly Place movie. Kendra came home and I found out she can't stand having dirty dishes in the sink...probably not full garbage cans either....

Saturday, September 11th 2010

-Ended up sleeping in til 11:30 today. Spent most of the day feeling sleepy. Staying up til 3 isn't good for me. Ventured to Walmart for food after I took a shower, then spent the rest of the day hanging out watching the Harry Potter movies. Only made it til #3 though. Worked on writing while watching. Woot!

Sunday, September 11th 2011

-Today was the 10th Anniversary of the collapse of the twin towers as well as the attack on the Pentagon and the almost attack on Washington D.C. I spent the 10th anniversary...well in church. I had church from 9:30-12:30. Came home and made BLTs for lunch and shared with the roommates. Watched a few shows about the 9/11 attacks and did a bit of writing and Anatomy Homework. Went to the Neffies after our friends came over first to make Zucchini bread. We played Werewolf and Harry Potter Clue. Came home and cleaned in preparation for the cleaning check.

Tuesday, September 11th 2012

-After going to work and institute I spent the rest of the day cleaning the apartment with a small break to pick up Kikay from school and deposit a couple of checks I'd discovered while cleaning.  which made it hard to sleep Used the ATM for the first time to do the deposit. That was interesting. :) Did lots more cleaning and ended up with a headache that made it difficult to sleep and had me seriously considering not going into work because of how awful I felt.

Wednesday, September 11th 2013

- I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night because Taar called me a little after 4 am to see if I could come in early because Joc had called I sick. So I did. I opened the whole department by  myself and also received in the small pets. The guy delivering the shipment was really informative and helpful for a newbie like me, though Cinres was also on hand to double check that the animals were healthy as well. Hopefully they stay healthy. :S Taar also let me and Kennan have sodas today, I think because we looked tired from working so hard. (we would get sodas as rewards for doing a good job.) At least Cinres didn't make me work til my original shift, which was til 3:30pm. I only had to work until 1:30 with Taar covering the hour and a half gap for me before my next coworker showed up. Went to Walmart and finally found work pants in my size! Yes! I also bought Star Trek into Darkness and some gas for my car, before going to the office to pay them more money as with the switching of the year, prices went up but the bill I received hadn't taken that into account. XP Hung out watching some 9/11 shows and I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get another 4 am wake up call tomorrow. (I didn't but did get a major headache that made it difficult to sleep.)

Thursday, September 11th 2014

-Work was crazy when I got in at 11. Kay was swamped with customers, and the bedding change hadn't been done yet. Chaos added upon itself with the delivery guy showing up with a shipment of new animals right then as well. Plus Kay was off at 11, so I had to deal with the craziness by myself. Luckily  Tam the new manager was on hand to give me a hand while I dealt with the deliver guy. Though the problem compounded upon itself when I found out that no cages had been prepared for the new delivery of animals! Sirch had thought that since I hadn't been able to find an order for our animals, that we weren't getting any today, so didn't have anyone prepare them. Luckily Katie managed to clean enough cages for me to quickly grab some, though they weren't set up. I did however establish that for some reason Kay  had decided to open the entire dept first and then do bedding changes. (never a good idea when the second person comes in AFTER the store opens.) I think she was trying to make my life easier...but got swamped with customers so she couldn't finish things. At least she'd gotten the dishes clean, I just needed to quickly change out the dirty bedding and put everything back. So after checking in with Tam and establishing the order of importance I first set up the new animals in their cages giving them their things, then got bedding changes done. Managed to do it all before Sirch came in at 1:30! Ha! After that point things got a little easier and I worked on our bug shipment and scrubbed tanks. All in all after that 11-12:30 rush things slowed down. :) After work I dropped by Hobby Lobby intending to get some shelves but decided against it for the time being until my room is more organized. That way I can see if I actually need the extra shelving or not. I did drop by Walmart and got a poster frame but found out it was too big when I got it home. :( I'll have to see if I can exchange it tomorrow after work. With my walls finally 'repainted' I was able to work on hanging things up, I also tried to put together my bigger bookshelf, but realized that I probably shouldn't be banging things with a hammer after midnight...oops.

Friday, September 11th 2015

-I had work this morning. Surprisingly I had a second opener in earlier than it has been, which meant we got done with everything a lot faster than normal because I wasn't opening the department by myself. We were even done with our fish shipment within the hour of the store opening. O.o Crazy. Also crazy was that we got in our bug shipment today instead of yesterday (due to Labor Day our shipments were delayed a day.) So I spent a lot of time counting crickets because we're trying to be more proactive in ensuring that we're being sent the right amount so that we don't have huge losses in our inventories every week. Thankfully it was a slow day, so we didn't have too many customers that needed help, so we were able to get everything opened and all our tasks done. :) After work I dropped by Walmart to grab cleaning supplies, as once again we have a cleaning check tomorrow. XP BLEH!! Its even more annoying this go around because they only informed us of this check yesterday! It's more difficult because Zizz is gone on vacation. So we had to take over her tasks as well. (I'm not about to let her fail because the apartment complex dropped the ball on informing us of this before she left.) And when I say we....I really mean me. I did nearly all her tasks. Another roommate did a little bit of her kitchen duties...but the rest...all me. *sighs* It really should have been more of a team effort on that. >.< Especially considering that Zizz and I helped out the other when she wasn't there for the last cleaning check!! >.< Grr. In any case, I grabbed Wendy's and once I got home from work I found Yater in a hyperventilation state due to her computer being ancient and cranky and not downloading things. Tried to soothe her by giving her fries and talking with her, but she found more comfort from Sejei who knew people who could help her out. We ended up going to Rita's -an ice and custard place- to get 'ice cream' there. I ended up getting a watermelon ice with some chocolate custard (tastes like ice cream.) before we came back to the apartment. I spent the next three hours cleaning up mine and Zizz's tasks....I really hope she can find everything when she gets back....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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