Thursday, September 2nd 2004
-Today I tried out for the school play and I won't know if I made it until Tuesday. This weekend my dad brother and I will be going to a rendezvous, and its pretty fun to go to. :)
Saturday, September 2nd 2006
-Went to Boondocks after spending the day canning peaches and making spaghetti sauce as well as Freezer Jam. AT boondocks there's a rockwall with 6 sides -2 easy, 2 medium, 2 hard- I made it to the top of all of them. I'm so happy that I've restored my faith in being able to climb rockwalls really well. My dad even climbed the rockwall, he even beat me to the top once.
Tuesday, September 2nd 2008
- Back to school for me again. Luckily today was an easy day with only Institute and ASL to worry about. So I woke up about 9am and got ready for school. Stopped by the apt office to drop off my monthly payment before walking to school. At the institute building I had about 15 minutes to practice some church songs, since I think I'm the only piano player in our class of 10 people. We are now up to 2 boys in that class. After institute I went down to the school bookstore to pick up some sing language books. If I hadn't had my gift card, getting 3 books would have cost me almost $100, but instead it was less than half of that. :) Yay! I also braved the school cafeteria (instead of the food court.) and got an order of tatter tots. I spent about the next 2 hours drawing and reading before going to my ASL class and it felt like doing ASL 2 all over again. Oh well. I found out that one of the girls in my class -Kristin -lives in my apartment complex! She's in a different building but that means we can walk home together some days after class. At home I surfed the internet for a bit before doing some homework. Also watched America's Got Talent with Ali before calling it a night and heading for bed. I'm so glad that my parents and brother helped us fix the cable so we can watch more than staticy local channels. My family is awesome! I have no complaints besides t he fact that I miss their presence.
Wednesday, September 2nd 2009
-I slept for 10 hours (due to a headache) and woke up with only my left shoulder feeling tense. (it was more tense before that.) I got dressed and walked to school and the Voice and Diction class teacher helped us to relax which was a relief to me for a little bit. Philosophy class we continued to go through different philosophies. Biology I signed up for a group with Shantel. ASL I sat next to Kristin. W's class brought me to tears when the teacher asked what written language came first and I said "cuneiform." Which was right! A different teacher had told me so! But he said, no it was Mesopotamian! But we have no records of that! That I know of. So that just brought my levels of tolerance to the brink, so I spent most of the class trying to calm myself down and not see people see me cry for no apparent reason. Strangely sitting in a different part of the room, I could understand W easier today... Met up with Kristin again after class and walked to her apartment where we met up with Heather and chatted for a bit, before I headed home and read Sanctuary by Mercedes Lackey.
Thursday, September 2nd 2010
-Today was a....relaxed day. I didn't really feel any stress today though Brother D tried his best to dampen my mood with all his "we are fallen, we are all sinners talk." Luckily Sister T's homemade brownies and stories about Lucy Smith and Joseph cheered me up. I bought a 2 dollar lunch from the institute of a hotdog, chips, and soda. I wrote a little and had trouble paying attention in History and Business because of my new story idea. Met up with Kikay and walked home. Basically took an hour and a half nap then cooked dinner -spaghetti and breadsticks- and hung out watching Bones and working on writing. Also watched the Scarlet Pimpernel and Lion King 2.
Friday, September 2nd 2011
-Had to wake up early to go to my internship. I interpreted for an hour before going to my Anatomy class. Came back to interpret a bit more at the internship. I dashed over to the Institute to go to Devotional and sat with Kikay after staying a slipping into a skirt and church shoes because they wanted everyone to be dressed up for this devotional. Afterwards I switched back into jeans and did some publicity stuff. We had like 15 people this time around so we divided into groups and conquered our different tasks. Then I went home and relaxed for a bit before I packed up, said goodbye to Kikay -she's going to Cali- and drove to the -parental's just as the parents left to go to the temple. Hung out at home and played with the kittens. ^^
Sunday, September 2nd 2012
-We had fast Sunday and as church didn't start til 1:30 I didn't eat until after 4:30 and was feeling the effects. We had munch and mingle afterwards where I got some food in me before Kikay and I went over to the Neffies to hang out for a little bit -and to tell them about my job. (I was hired at Starsmet! Yay!) before going to a fireside the bishop was speaking at, which was a good hour filled with the Spirit. :) I helped serve some rootbeer floats afterwards by scooping ice cream before Kikay and I went back to the apt and had a couple of guys and some friends, where we played a version of Shoots and Ladders where Gingerbread men take over the game and go on a killing spree. It was a lot of fun and I ended up winning. ^^ Afterwards I ended up getting a after a journey outside to release an odd looking centipede bug we'd found in the apartment I went to my bed and crashed.
Monday, September 2nd 2013
-It's Labor Day!! And I totally lucked out and didn't have to go to work today, but that's unusual for Mondays anyways. That didn't mean I didn't drop by work though, because I did. Long enough to pick up the critter stuffed animal squeaky toy that Dot had had Tar and Cire pull down on Sunday and find for me so they could hold it. It was in the bottom of a box of the bottom layer of one of the pallets we'd pulled down the night I did something to my pinky -that still hurts- but yah! I got it today! Woot! I dropped by Best Buy afterwards to see if they had the cable I needed to get my VCR to work with the HD TV. No go. Apparently it might only be sold online, but I had a couple other places I can check into first. I also got food at Walmart before spending the day writing/commenting on my blogs. That evening my roommate and her brother came over for dinner and had a couple of friends over too and they discovered my Yu-Gi-Oh dvds. Lol we watched a couple of them. ah memories....but I think I impressed them that I had them. I was surprised actually, most of the time I get a negative reaction to them, so this was a pleasant surprise. Too bad the cute one is already taken... We watched Captain America afterwards and there was an epic thunder and lightening storm at the same time! Plus we had a praying mantis visit our apartment. So cute!! The roomies freaked out about it, but I enjoyed holding it.
Tuesday, September 2nd 2014
-Time passed rather slowly today at work, and that wasn't such a bad thing. Since it was slow there, I was able to task a lot more than normal. Though I was tired this morning, so opening took longer than I wanted it to. I still got a lot done, hopefully enough was done to help with the DM's visit tomorrow. We'll see. I hope he's gone before I go in. In any case, I dropped by Arctic Circle before going to Institute.
Wednesday, September 2nd 2015
-Today ended up being chaotic. Why? Because I got into find a couple of my other coworkers still waiting in their cars. Why? Because the manager in charge of opening this morning hadn't shown up yet, and they were already half an hour late. The coworkers had contacted the people they'd known, but hadn't found out who was supposed to be in today, so I called Sirch, who called the Head Manager...who ended up getting there half an hour after I was supposed to start work. I ended up spending that thirty minutes moving from car to car as people showed up to let them know that we didn't have a manager yet, but that they should be there soon. *sighs* It wasn't a good day...we had our DM show up, and they ended up having to help us with stocking for a few I tried to quickly open the department, and my coworker ended up taking forever on the bedding changes not even finishing 5 hours after she started! So I had to finish for her! Gah. It was just a stressful day for everyone, trying to get everything done. :S Yikes. Thankfully, our DM had pity on us, and said for the Head Manager to go grab everyone some pizza for the hard work we were doing -trying to get all our product onto the shelves- the Manager instead got a bunch of those sushi trays and I tried some...not a fan of sushi, but it was good enough. Especially because I was starving at that point lol. Managed to get everything done before I left. I came straight home and went straight to bed for a much needed nap as I was exhausted. Slept tensed though so I had a headache when I woke up. Thankfully it was easy to get rid of this time. Amazing Roommate and I went to Institute ^^ Which was as good as last week. We even got Nachos after class but I accidentally burned myself on the pan. Oops. Came home and made dinner with Amazing Roommate and her Fiancé before watching Ratitouille. Currently considering creating a fourth blog...we'll see if I actually do it or not. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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