Sunday, November 1, 2015

Hanging Up Pictures

I'm getting waaaaay too much stuff.
I mean...if I lived in an apartment to myself, then I would still have plenty of room to expand things here and there.
But...I don't live by myself.
Which means I'm seriously limited in space.
Because the only area I can call my my bedroom.
And there are only so many surfaces and walls that I can place/hang stuff on in there.

I mean...I can always place more of my things out in the 'public' areas.
The kitchen, living room, bathroom etc.

There's just more of a risk....
Of my things getting broken/damaged/lost.

There's also a risk of creating tension with the roomies.
If I do something they don't like.

Or tension with me...if I'm the only one decorating the apartment...

In any case.

I had a few pictures I wanted to hang up.
That I'd gotten like...over a month ago. :S

But because I'd been 'busy' I'd just placed them temporarily in my closet so that my room would be considered clean for the cleaning check last month.

Yah...things in closets tend to be forgotten......

But tonight, with a reminder, I remembered them!!
But I was back to the same dilemma as before.
Where should I hang my pictures?

My roomies hadn't seemed so keen to have them hung up in the public areas. Which is where I really wanted them hung up.
Which meant rearranging my room's pictures on the walls.
A task...
I didn't want to do.
I didn't.
Not quite.
I moved a couple of pictures around to get one new picture hung up.
Place some others in the living room that better matched the theme out there.

And finally...
Still had like 4 pictures I wanted hung up....with no place to hang them up.
At least not in my room.

There was the wall outside my room. The hallway wall that shares my bedroom wall.
However that is used.
And I could hang the pictures there.
Only....across the way is a roommate.
Who's door opens out onto that wall.
aka -when she opens her door she would see whatever was hanging on the wall across the way from her right away.

This is where tension could be caused.
If I just hung up the pictures however I wanted.

But I wasn't that inconsiderate of my roomie.
So I went and found her.
And asked her if it was alright if I hung up some pictures across the way from her bedroom.
She asked what type.
I just told her to come see them so she could decide which one (if any) she wanted hanging up.

Thankfully one of the ones I had she liked, and said she'd be okay opening her door to that picture everyday. So.
I went ahead and hung up all my pictures!
And then again double checked with her to make sure I'd hung them up in a way that she would like.
Which she did.

So yay for ensuring that there wasn't unnecessary roommate drama caused lol.

But even more Yay because I finally have all my pictures hung up!! Woot!!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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