Friday, November 25th 2005
-Right now I'm on Thanksgiving Break and its going great! Currently I'm cleaning out the stuff that is under my bed. But its very boring work. I'm only doing it so that I can go look at some books at Barnes and Noble. (bribery at its finest lol.) Mom told us kids that we had to have our Christmas list (what we want.) done by December 1st. Which is so unfair because I haven't even thought about what I want yet.
Tuesday, November 25th 2008
-I only had one class today. Institute. Then I went to get help on my sign song by going to my teacher. She was light. I had started to ask another sign teacher when my teacher showed up. Then as I was walking away from the school Daddoo called saying he was here to pick me up, so we met at Subway on the corner and ate lunch there before heading back to my apt to get my things. Then we headed home, stopping at Michael's so I could buy some clay, the D.I. to drop off our junk, and then to my friend Jesss's house to give her a few books. Later the family went to dinner at El Matador's then to Barnes and Noble to get a book. I met Jess there and we went and saw the movie Bolt. It was good and I liked it. Afterwards I had to call my parents to come pick us up because instead of driving like she was supposed to Jess walked the 5 miles to the theatre. Why couldn't she have gotten up the nerve to ask her parents to borrow the car?! Geez. She wouldn't even call them to come pick us up! >.< So irritated. In any case, after doing some errand shopping I came back home after dropping Jess off and finished packing for Florida and here I am. I'm so nervous to get on the plane. I keep conjuring up images of bad things happening, so I'm psyching myself out. I pray nothing goes wrong. Sunny Florida here I come!
Wednesday, November 25th 2009
-Did laundry and dishes today to help out Mother Dearest. Went shopping for food and such with the siblings. It was funny because out of the three f us I looked the youngest yet I drove and showed my license to the check out lady when she asked for it so I could buy Nyquil for my daddoo. The parents managed to beat us home because Daddoo got out of work earlier. Watched Twilight with Kikay and Mother Dearest -had to bribe Kikay with chocolate lol.- We were refreshing our memory for when we go see New Moon tomorrow. Went to mutual with Kikay for fun and chatted with the neighbor. Also got Ice cream and Taymil stole my phone. Watched a dumb movie at Lovell's house then came back and chatted with Kikay.
Thursday, November 25th 2010
-Happy Thanksgiving! Went to Grandma's house this morning to check out some Christmas Decorations she didn't want anymore. It was mostly odds and ends but there wer ea few good things hidden amongst the stuff. Went to Meralto's girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving dinner at 1pm. I don't really understand why we have dinner @ lunch time. Found a "soul sister" there in girlfriend's mom's sister Susan. Went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. It was a good movie! It stuck closer to the book compared to some of the other movies. Came home and relaxed.
Friday, November 25th 2011
-Slept most of the morning til 11:15am. Did some online stuff before going over to Jess's place to watch the Polar Express and work on a story involving some of our characters. At 3:45 I went and picked up Mother Dearest from work because the bus she usually takes wasn't running today and Daddoo gets home later then her now because he works 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. Hung out at home for a bit then Shane picked me up to go to a Game night at another friend Kelly's house. I met her in 7th grade. She was in my Jr. High math class. Adam and Brandon -people I've known since elementary also came as well as Shane's cousin Lynsey. We played Spoons and I ended up getting the nail of my left ring finger forced upward causing it to bleed. Its still really painful and makes writing hard since I'm left handed. Played another game called Witches before having Pie and Ice cream.(I just had Ice cream.) before watching George of the Jungle. Brandon took me home because Shane went home early. Strangely he has a self imposed curfew of 10pm...weird.
Sunday, November 25th 2012
-This morning I actually wrote a bit, focusing on my vampire store that takes ideas from Warm Bodies and Rise of the Guardians. I still haven't named my main character yet and I wonder if that's one of the problems why my writing feels flat. I also think its a bit flat because I don't really know much about the character or the plotline. But hey, I'm writing. :) I also took the initiative and brought up the Christmas tree and decorations before Church so that we could decorate it later. I went to Jess's ward to hear her farewell talk. It was actually surprising to hear her be so eloquent and concise and to hear her bear such a powerful testimony. I'd gotten used to how "non-talkative" she is especially on Instant Messaging that it was weird to see her being 'normal'. I really wish she'd show that side of herself more as it reminded me of why I became her friend back in 5th grade She didn't really say much about it when she opened it so I felt sad, but later today she sent me a text saying she really appreciated the note and gift and how thoughtful it was. :) That was a little bright spot to my day. I said goodbye to her and Tay. Logically I knew that today was my last day to see them for 18 months but emotionally it hasn't really hit me. Or I suppose it has, but I don't really think of it as a separation. No, I think that probably happened when I moved to college town 5 years ago. This is just going to be a longer span that I don't see them. I hope that I have something interesting to report when they get back like I published a book (nope.) or got married (nope.) or got my ASL certification (nope) and interpreted conference (nope.) lol A lot can happen in 18 months. (just not any of those things lol.) so I guess we'll see. I am going to miss them. Particularly when I try to go see movies as I don't really have other people besides them two to go see movies with. Guess I'll just have to try and get in contact with my guy friends or something lol. Anyways, I got back home and Daddoo made Mashed Potatoes for dinner while I hung out with the cats. MiniWhisker had a live mouse she was playing with when I showed up. It was weird to see a mouse outside of the petstore. O.o After dinner we set up the Christmas tree and got out the decorations before Kikay and I drove home and watched Once Upon a Time with the Neffies before coming back to the apt. Kah, Kikay and I got to talking about Christmas treats and presents and Kah showed Kikay the gift she got me. And we planned to go to the mall tomorrow to do some more Christmas shopping for each other. I don't really see the rush (which is funny as I've already got most of my Christmas presents ordered this year.) I'd be happy to wait another week or so and go see Rise of the Guardians again tomorrow, but I like the idea of it so I'm going to go. Took a shower and here I am downloading the bagful of Christmas Cds, rather slowly, that I brought from home as I will likely hear more Christmas music on my laptop here as I will be working with no vacations up to and after Christmas. Again a weird feeling.
Monday, November 25th 2013
-Today was a pretty good day. I forgot to turn off my alarm so it went off early in the morning, but I still managed to sleep in til 1030. I took a shower before driving over to Institute for Bro S's Revelation class. Its odd to think we only have like two more classes before the semester is over, however, I'm getting excited as that means I can sign up for a night class and change my work schedule to reflect that. I mean, I'm super excited for Sister T's Dating and Courtship class as I had to drop out before due to work the last time I tried to take it. *fingers crossed* After class I dropped by Taco Bell to get my "red meat" in the form of two hard tacos and one soft taco. I ate the two hard ones at institute and saved the 3rd one for "lunch" at work. Work itself was alright. I wasn't scheduled in my department, but I managed to avoid being on register for most of my shift, (hate register shifts.) There was only an hour where I had to stand there. Work went well though I got a major headache towards the end of my shift. I'm thinking it was a lack of liquids or too much red meat in one day. in any case we got totally crazy in my department the last hour with lots of people wanting fish. I ended up adopting out a bearded dragon. That was an adventure trying to find the paperwork for that, but it worked out in the end. :) I mean the copy machine wouldn't print. So annoying! But on a separate bright note, I sold two of our fancy rats! (they're the most difficult to sell.) Yay! 2 down. 4 to go. I'm excited for the guy who got them for his birthday. I hope they are a good match. I ended up helping to close my dept as well and helped Siera w/ cats before we went home.
Tuesday, November 25th 2014
-Work started off rather well for me in that I was on track to get both cats and the bedding changes done by the time the store opened, but then Tanner came to me with a distraction. I'd just started working on cleaning the bird glass when he knocked on it for me to come out. He then informed me that we had an animal on the loose. A tortoise. O.o I thought he meant turtle as we didn't have any tortoises, but no, there by the fish podium was an actual tortoise. O.o How it go tot be there, I have no idea, the Store wasn't even officially open yet! And it definitely wasn't our tortoise. We had none in stock, I even double checked to be sure. But there he was crawling around the floor covered in dust bunnies. Apparently someone had dropped him off. I don't get it....But what person in their right mind would leave a $120 tortoise on the floor?! Its beyond me. He is so lucky that we didn't accidentally step on him. Poor thing was rather cold too. :( I don't know how long he was wandering around our floors. Hopefully less than an hour or so, or at least at most over night. In any case, he seemed fine and active, but we couldn't sell him since he wasn't in our inventory. So we needed to find someone to give it to or have a shelter take him away. Luckily I knew the perfect person! My Daddoo. :) He told me that if we ever had one of our tortoises go up for adoption (meaning be free.) He'd want it. It took a while to contact him though. Took me like 2 dozen phone calls to remember mom had gone into surgery today to have her throat widened so she could swallow easier. -she's doing fine- Dad was definitely excited to get the tortoise! So I set him up in a temporary cage to get him warm until later and grabbed the necessary supplies before distractedly going back to my work shift. I didn't take him after work. Instead I came home and took a shower before meeting up with Tay and Jess at the mall to go see Big Hero 6. Then after the movie we dropped by work to pick up the tortoise and supplies to drive back up to Hometown to drop off the tortoise to Daddoo for me. He's super excited. :D I stayed and went and saw Big Hero 6 again with Mirleki and Ashley who made it just as the movie was starting. :) Good thing I had the inspiration to check my phone. (as she texted asking if we were still meeting.) In any case there was suppose to be more people but the rest ended up bailing. :( Depressing but not surprising. Next time I try and plan something I'm going to personally invite everyone and see if I get more results that way. But in case you were wondering, I saw the same movie twice because Tay and Jess couldn't do the later showing and I really wanted to see them, but no one else could do the earlier showing and so...two movies. And I didn't even get a headache from it! yes! We went out for ice cream afterwards and met up with Kikay, Ross, the other Neffies before I dropped by Walmart to get food supplies and came home.
Wednesday, November 25th 2015
It was hectic at work today, as expected because we're closed tomorrow. Which meant today was the last day before the black Friday crazy to get things done. Like all normal days work started out alright. I managed to get most of the department open -besides fish- by the time the store opened, but got waylaid in finishing my animal inventory of the week for a while due to needing to cover register, help customers, figure out problems with this and the time I got done with that, we'd already received in our Fish an hour before, and I already had customers hounding at me to get certain fish out if we had them. *shakes head* I got lucky with one and the first box I opened had the desired creature inside, but after that point I told others I wouldn't get to the fish for an hour or so. (how right I was.) I did manage to get all the new fish out into the tanks before I took my lunch and my coworker left. Thankfully I wasn't left alone, but had our greenie come in as my coworker left, so she could finish the tank tasks of scrubbing. While I did some gravel vacuuming then had her do some vacuuming (whenever she wasn't trapped on register.) to train her, while I worked on Betta water, and then taught her some of the fish feeding. It really...just got to the point where I was ready to get out of town because I felt like I was one step away from causing a major disaster by the end of work. The one bright side is that a customer found our missing leopard gecko today! So we were able to get him warmed up and fed and placed in a cage before I left work in a rainstorm (wish it was snow.) to drop by Walmart before I returned to my apt to briefly see my Roommate TIK before she went to work. I took a shower and quickly packed up my stuff, drove over to Kikay's to pick up her, and then we made the drive up to HomeTown for Thanksgiving. We hung out with the parents, ordered pizza, and just chatted for the rest of the evening. A nice way to unwind after a long day at work. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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