Okay, So I've gone voting a couple of times before. You know....to vote for the new President of the United States.
But I've never been to a caucus before.
I remember that I've attempted to go to one before.
When I was on Institute Council and on Spring Break with the group.
We had no idea what the caucus was then. We figured it was a meeting and such, talking about the different candidates and environmental issues and new laws and such.
Unfortunately, we got the times mixed up back then.
And showed up too late.
It was closed.
Everyone was gone.
Though, I suppose we would have been useless back then because we weren't from that city, so couldn't vote or anything.
Today though,
Even through a headache and not feeling well.
I decided....why not?
Why not go?
Why not go and vote for who I want to be the candidate for the presidential election?
Granted. I had no idea what I was doing.
Was it a meeting? A vote? A what? I mean, I just go stand in line and vote right? Should be done in half an hour.
I hadn't even followed the politics. What I know about the candidates is what I see on my Facebook newsfeed. (before I hide them from my view as I'm tired of all the bickering childlike behavior)
Soo most of what I've heard are negatives things about the candidates.
So why vote? Why go vote for someone when I don't know who they are? What they stand for? What things they're trying to change if they become President?
It's because of a phone call.
Or multiple phone calls.
As this random number kept calling me. (and I didn't pick up. because it's a random number.)
But finally I just got sick of it. (Since they've called me like 6 times in the last two days.)
And answered.
It was one of those people that call asking if you're going to vote. And give you some quick reasons as to why you should vote for a particular candidate.
I'd already gotten one of these calls before, for the same candidate....though this time it was a real person on the other end instead of a voice robot.
I told them I wasn't planning to vote.
And when I hung up....
I changed my mind.
(I can be prone to that on occasion.)
And decided to go vote.
For this candidate.
Why? Because one, they reached out to me via phone, two I liked what I heard, and three, their name hasn't been in the newsfeed as much in the negative light. Which means....they must have some good things to say.
So I looked up where to go.
Debating all the while if I actually wanted to go because I had a major headache going, and standing in a crowded area where tensions are high isn't the best idea when you have an aching head.
Found the location.
Waited til after the start time to go head that way....
And encountered a lot of traffic.
I mean a lot.
Turn down the street to the voting location....to be met right away with bumper to bumper cars as we slowly made our way down the road....with cars lining the streets on either side.
It was crazy!
Like literally people had parked 6 blocks away all around the location in order to vote. O.o
I had been expecting to pull into the parking lot, walk in, and two minutes later walk out. Maybe up to a half hour if there was a long line.
But I ended up parking like 4 blocks away.
And standing outside in line for 2 hours. In the freezing cold.
And that line? Wrapped around the block. It was Loooonngggg.
At first it moved steadily enough, that I was confident it wouldn't take longer than an hour to get inside to this 'caucus.'
They ran out of ballots.
Yes. you read that right.
They ran out of ballots.
So we stood unmoving in line for like 20 minutes.
Because they either needed to print off more, or send out for more.
lol. Which shows how underprepared our system was, to support all the voters.
Apparently this time around we came out of the woodwork. As all over the state I've seen reports of long lines, long waits, the voting locations being overwhelmed with people, running out of ballots.
Apparently, this time around, my state feels like they have something to say.
So I stood for two hours in a line (it almost felt like comiccon, just no people in costume. lol)
In the cold.
As it got darker.
And cloudier.
And finally.
I got inside.
Filled out the ballot thing.
Cast my vote.
And finally was free from the mayhem!
lol I'm still recovering from being in the cold that long.
I mean, I love the cold. Love it.
But with a headache I become more sensitive to things. Noise, light, temperature.
So I while I was fine to be out in the cold.
The after effects have left me shivering in my warm apartment. lol. Lucky me I have heat packs!!
In any case.
It was an interesting experience. I got to see and talk to a bunch of different people.
And cast my vote. Which I suppose is the most important thing.
I guess we'll find out when everything is said and done if my vote made a difference for the candidate I chose. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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