I'd just gotten off work.
Planning to grab gas, and food, and run away from the world for a bit.
Anxious because I don't do this sort of thing. Not tell people where I'm going. Just disappearing.
As I needed space. Needed some alone time.
But that didn't mean I didn't want to talk to people.
I just wanted...I don't see a familiar face. Talk to someone I hadn't talked to in a bit.
Just kinda....have confirmation that people are aware of me, that someone is thinking of me.
Just when I felt like no one would notice I'd disappeared until today.
So I pull up to the gas station.
As I do, I get a text message.
My heart drops. Speeds up. Worry, anticipation.
It'd only been like 15 minutes since I'd left work.
Had my roommates figured out what I was doing so quickly?
Not really.
It was a text from a roommate.
But not my current set of roommates.
My first roommate had texted me.
Out of the blue really.
Because we haven't spoken in a couple of years. I haven't seen her in a couple of years besides in her facebook posts.
But she'd texted me.
Wondering if I was at the Vocal Point concert that night.
-Which I wasn't. Because I had to work through both performances on Saturday. :(
And I told her so.
But, I asked her if she'd spotted Ariel yet.
Which she had.
and she mentioned that she wished I was there. That it would have been fun to see me. state of mind is in that state of "Ha. Yah right." at the moment.
That she only mentioned it because I wasn't going to be there, but there was no real longing to actually see me. I could continue on, grab my food and head on home. With no consequences.
Still...I'd thought about going to the Vocal Point concert, not to see the performance since I'd already missed that. But to go see everyone after the show. Since Vocal Point does signings afterwards. Where they can interact with the fans and the fans can see them closer.
I'd seen them all Friday night. But there were Twitter friends of mine who were from out of town, that I'd seen Friday...but it would be fun to see them again briefly. Maybe get the chance to see Ariel, to run into and see other people I knew....
So as I was grabbing my food.
I made the decision.
To go.
My old roommate was going to be there. So I would get to see them at least. And I could find my Twitter friends.
So I put off running away for a bit.
To go be social for an hourish.
Because...why would my old roommate, after two years of not texting at all.
Randomly text me about the concert?
Randomly contact me? I mean, I had figured by now she would have gotten a different phone number.
Yet here she was, still with the same number, still having my number...texting me.
Would I just keep it at texting, and go on my merry way?
Or since I know where she is, and what time the concert was going to end, go and say hi and visit for a bit? She had reached out. I could reach out myself.
So I went, and spent like 20 minutes waiting for the concert to end.
And then.
I ran into Ariel!! :) I got to say hi!
And then all of a sudden I was being attacked hugged.
It was my old roommate! And she genuinely seemed excited to see me!
...Though it wasn't as long of a conversation as I would have hoped for... as she and her husband had to get back home to their young son.
But it was nice to see her in person and chat if only for a few minutes. :)
-And about this current roommates went all haywire texting and calling me. which marred the happy experience I was trying to make for myself, instead of being guilt tripped about not telling them where I was going.-
But I was also able to see my Twitter friends!
Say hi to a few more members of previous Vocal Point groups that I admire.
Say hi to Mckay -current director of Vocal Point.
And feel for a bit that people knew and were happy to see me.
Just when I felt like nobody cared.
So it was definitely a bit of a blessing, to go to the 'after party' and be able to have people be happy to see me. Even in the chaos.
Plus, I was able to listen to encore performances during the signings from the Alumni. ^^ Ah. So much happiness hearing all those angelic voices together. :)
I was glad that I was able to go and experience a bit of that. :)
Before I made the long drive to my parent's place, for some much needed quiet time.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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