President Henry B. Eyring
- We are so grateful that you would join us. To get inspiration and feel the Spirit of Christ.
- We meet as if we're all together, in one great hall.
- By the power of the Spirit we can feel that the Savior is here, with us.
- Call upon the Savior. Draw near unto him and he will draw near unto you.
- You can find love everywhere. There are just some times where you have to work harder to find it.
- Are you treading upon rocky ground or have you found good soil to plant your seed?
- If you've fallen upon rocky ground, do not fret. Just keep digging. Find the good soil. You'll bring up fruit in time.
- Know that you have a good seed. It will grow. But you cannot grow without being tested.
- Be observant. Don't let the faith within yourself slowly wither.
- What kind of soil is your heart? Are you prepared to plant the word of God and help it grow?
- Satan is clever. He tells those he wishes to be miserable that the joy they once felt was childish self-delusion. Stand strong. It's no delusion. You can find joy again
- Be of good cheer. Do not fear. The Lord is with you. And will Stand by you.
- Receive the Word of Truth. But receive it by the Spirit of Truth.
- You more than listened to the prayer, you added your faith to the petition. You drew closer to Him.
- Sometimes I don't have the best soil so I'm grateful for experiences that fertilize my life
- Christ lives today. A God.
- Listen carefully to the testimonies born in this conference. You will feel closer to the Lord... Your prayers help!
- This is the only true church, and he is it's cornerstone and President Monson is his prophet.
Sister Mary R. Durham
- Sometimes we feel like we're in situations where we desperately need to find help, but aren't sure where to get it or how to survive.
- Don't let the millstones drag you under.
- If we are not careful the things of the world can drown out the things of the Spirit.
- There are going to be times in life when we feel alone & struggle desperately but we are not alone.
- We all experience a drowning feeling in life.
- ACT! Do not simply be acted upon.
- Trust the Spirit when you feel you are alone in the deep waters of life.
- Children have a natural desire to do good and to be good.
- The best place for spiritual immersion and education is in the Home.
- Keep your hearts open to the Lord's influence.
- We all learn differently. What works for another may not work for you. Be adaptable. Find how you learn best.
- Recognize what you're feeling, and then Act Upon It.
Elder Donald L. Hallstrom
- Who art thou? Behold! I am a Son (or Daughter) of God!
- Do not overlook the simplicity of confirmation
- I. Am. A. Child. Of. God.
- Our Earthly identities are not wrong, UNLESS they interfere with our identity as a Child of God.
- In real life, we face actual hardships and trials when things are different from what we planned.
- Remember who we are.
- You can have what you want.....or you can have something better.
- God allows us to suffer, because suffering can refine us to become better and more like God.
- Mortal life can be agonizing but our hardships have eternal purpose.
- Do you know how Firm of a Foundation you have?
- I will not. I cannot. Desert to his Foes. I'll never, no never, I'll never forsake.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
- Without the keys nothing can be done.
- Even if you have Great potential, without the proper keys you cannot reach your Full potential.
- Priesthood keys control the exercise of priesthood authority.
- Do we take for granted the Keys that have been restored on our behalf
- Can you see the relationship between Priesthood Keys and Blessings?
- A sweet tender mercy, miracles happen when we least expect them, but we find great Blessings from them.
- Temples are getting closer and closer to you.
- Go forward in Faith!
- The Lord will never leave you for long in the Bitter Cold.
- End where we Begin. Begin where we End.
- Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ.
- As you do these things, the Lord will make much more out of your life than you can by yourself.
Elder Kevin R. Duncan
- At one time or another we will become victims due to the actions of others. Don't let them keep you down.
- We may have to be a victim once, but that doesn't mean we have to become a victim twice.
- Soften your hardened skin, and create an escape. Don't harbor the pain, but release it. Let yourself be healed. Become Free.
- Let Peace Be With You.
- The Lord compensates the Faithful for Every loss. Even a hundredfold.
- Remember we are all growing spiritually. We are all at different levels.
- We need to be understanding towards other's spiritual growth and forgive others.
- Too often we look at an offender like we would an iceberg. We only see the tip. We don't see the whole thing.
- To Forgive is NOT to Condone.
- We do not need to be judged by the Worst thing we've ever done.
- Do not develop resentment to others who think/act differently than we do.
- We all have people we know who have Saul like qualities with Paul like potential.
- I am not defined by the worst thing I've ever done.
- People who harm or offend us are often trapped by their own thinking Forgiveness is simple wisdom, an efficient use of spirit
- Live with Grace towards one another, and grace will be our reward.
- Let us rejoice in the Lord's offering to heal us all. His Atonement is for everyone. The Repenters and the Forgivers.
- Do. Not. Be. A. Victim. Twice.
- Break through the darkness of the world and enter in to the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Elder Steven E. Snow
- Some of the greatest Sermons are preached by Singing.
- Do not break the spirit by being Harsh and Unforgiving.
- Our genuine concern should be for the success of others.
- Don't become too full of yourself. A little humility will go a long way.
- Unnecessary Pride can destroy a lot of relationships.
- Simply living life can be a humbling experience.
- Trials change us. We will not be who we were before. But in the end it's worth it.
- Blessed are they who humble themselves without having to be compelled to be humbled.
Elder Dale G. Renlund
- The greater the distance between Giver and Receiver, the greater the likely hood for the Receiver to feel entitlement.
- The greater the distance from the Lord, the more entitled we feel.
- When we are close to the Lord, we are more accepting of his timing. We are less needy. Less likely to want it now.
- Do not be distant from God. Be close to Him. Know Him. Trust in Him.
- Murmuring is the scriptural equivalent to childish whining.
- Do not petulantly assume you need more.
- The Lord is not obligated to help you if you do not make the effort to ask for His help.
- If you feel that life is unfair, perhaps you've become too entitled.
- The direction we're heading is crucial.
- Do not be self righteous or fault finding.
- Whatever our direction or distance, we can choose to turn and draw closer to the Savior.
- Be built upon the Rock of the Savior. Not upon the Sand of Satan.
- No one is immune from life's challenges.
- Are your Eyes Opened to see the Savior?
- All that is unfair in life can be made right. Even if our present circumstances may not change.
Saturday Afternoon Session
Church Audit Report
Statistical Report
- Total Membership: 15,634,199
- Full Time Missionaries: 74,079
- Service Missionaries: 31,779
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
- I treasure your willingness to stand with me and all these great leaders.
- Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ.
- We need to help each other find Heavenly Father's answers through the guidance of the Spirit.
- Are we listening to their Counsel? Sometimes the answers are right in front of you.
- Be of Good Cheer. Do not Fear. For the I, the Lord am with you.
- Stand as a Witness of God. In all Times. In all things. In all Circumstances.
- Choose to follow the Lord. Hold Fast to the Iron Rod. Don't follow the World in it's spiraling direction downward.
- Your influence can reflect the light of Christ.
- No one goes his way alone.
- And Jesus said; COME.
- Will you leap over the side of the boat w/o hesitation? Or will you wait for a second invitation?
- The Lord will immediately reach out his hand to you and save you, if only you ask.
- Sometimes you need to leap without knowing the result. But you never need to do it alone.
- I pray that you will Reach out. Reach out and take the Savior's Hand.
Elder Neil L. Andersen
- You may not come from an ideal family. But the gospel is still true.
- God is my Father. He knows me. He loves me.
- A Child's spiritual DNA is perfect because they are a son or daughter of God.
- Open our arms and our hearts a little wider. Our time and our testimonies are needed desperately.
- Knowing someone’s name can make a difference."
- Do what you can when you can.
- Will we come running when invited to come forward? Despite our tatter clothing and bare feet, will we come?
Elder Mervyn B. Arnold
- As we go to the rescue, God gives us power, encouragement, and blessings.
- We must not delay in going to the rescue. Even if we are afraid, take strength from the Lord.
- Sometimes you may want to just dive in, but you may want to make a plan first.
- Don't take so long coming up with a plan that your efforts in the end are in vain.
- Never give up. Rescue may seem in vain now, but it's never too late. No cause is too hopeless.
- If we put off spiritual promptings to reach out to those in need, we may miss the opportunity to help.
- Sometimes that "special someone" is someone you already know.
- Do not hesitate until the boat sinks. Immediately go to the rescue. Dive into the waters for the one lost sheep.
- No matter our age, capacity, calling, location, we are all called to go to the rescue.
- Reach out to rescue. We can do better.
- I know He Lives! I KNOW IT!
Elder Jairo Mazzagardi
- Why did the Restoration have to be here?
- Anywhere your spiritual eyes can be opened.
- Sometimes you find Spiritual experiences while you're alone. Other times it's while you're with the crowd.
- The Gospel thrives where all can speak freely. Truth stands on its own.
Elder David A. Bednar
- It's important to know the glory of God and taste of His Love.
- Baptism provides an important initial cleansing of our soul.
- Baptism is the channel and key to which the Holy Ghost will be able to flow unto you.
- Repent sincerely in order to be renewed spiritually
- Baptism is a point of departure. It's not a destination to be revisited over &over again.
- God doesn’t want us to only feel that amazing feeling of being clean once in our lives—they’re for our entire lives.
Elder M. Russell Ballard
- Family councils will always be needed.
- The irony of being parents is that we tend to get good at it once our children are gone.
- The family council is perhaps the most important of all councils. They always needed and, in fact, eternal.
- Unplug from the Electronics and Check in with Your Family.
- Don't be tempted to respond to a "Poke" from Facebook while you're hanging with your family.
- A Family Council may not always have a former beginning or ending.
- No matter what our particular family situation is, it is critical we understand each family member.
- We may share DNA with our family, but we may be vastly different from each other.
- Be seen as a staunch supporter.
- There was a time when the walls of our homes provided all the defense we needed from worldly intrusion.
- With a few clicks and keystrokes the world can invade the home. But do not fear, there are ways to still provide shelter.
- Children desperately need parents who are willing to truly listen to them and their problems.
- I think it's important to note that family isn't restricted to blood relatives. Council with whoever you are close with.
- Couples need alone time, but children also need alone time with their parents.
Priesthood Session
President Russell M. Nelson
- You don't know the lives you've saved, and the hearts you've changed.
- You may have to be spiritually shattered first, in order to be rebuilt better, stronger, happier.
- Sometimes it takes visits from the otherside in order to get the work done.
- I wish each man would demonstrate the strength and courage to forgive and let go of old hurts and habits.
- I fear there are too many men who have been given the authority of the priesthood, but lack the power of the priesthood due to sins
- You need to work to have the power of the priesthood. It is not something that can be accessed without preparation.
- Do you care about your own desires more than the power from the Savior to bless others?
- We are here to qualify ourselves day by day for the positions Heavenly Father expects us to fill.
- Take the Priesthood seriously. Be diligent. Seek to be taught by the Savior.
- Only the man who has paid the price for priesthood power can bring about the miracles needed for the ones he loves.
- If you want to see a woman's heart melt, let her see you on the internet studying the doctrine of Christ, reading the scriptures.
- The Lord loves to do His teaching in His Holy House.
- If you truly want more priesthood power. You will cherish and care for women, embracing them and their counsel.
- Ask the Lord to teach you, and he will show you how to increase the access to His power.
- Brethren you have been given a sacred trust. The authority of God to bless others.
- Priesthood power can calm the minds and heal the fractures in the hearts of those we love.
Elder Stephen W. Owen
- Dad knows where he's going. If I follow him, I will be okay.
- You don't know how exhilarating the view is until you make it to the top.
- Jesus Christ is the Greatest Leader because he is the Greatest Follower.
- Leaders are meek, not mighty.
- Don't see the young men as they are, but as they become.
- Don't focus on their shortcomings, but on their good qualities, talents, attributes.
- If you are striving to become a follower of Christ then you can become a leader in helping others to follow him.
- Your ability to lead does not come from an outgoing personality, motivational skills, or even a talent for public speaking.
- Regardless of your calling, you are always a leader and always a follower.
- Isn't it inspiring to see an 'ordinary' young man accomplish the extraordinary?
- Whether you realize it or not, people are looking up to you.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- While there may be value in decluttering our lives, when it comes to things of eternal importance it may not be worth it.
- Replacing the original with the modern isn't always the best idea when it comes to relationships of eternal significance.
- Strong marriage and family relationships don't happen because we're members of the church. It requires constant work.
- In so many societies, everything seems disposable. Even relationships. When it comes to things of eternity, this brings remorse.
- Love changes color and flavor over time. That doesn't mean it has to get sour.
- If there were a 'perfect woman' do you really think she would be that interested in you?
- Marriage should be like a good wine. It gets better over time.
- Marriages shouldn't focus on the small details of everyday life that are annoyances, but the overwhelming joys it provides.
- Do not search for the perfect spouse, but a potential spouse who can become perfect with you over time.
- No matter how flat your relationship is now, if you keep adding good pebbles of good qualities, a mighty pyramid will grow.
- It may be a gradual work, but it doesn't have to be a cheerless one.
- Divorce rarely happens when both spouses are happy. Choose to be happy.
- Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be -Abraham Lincoln
- If we look for the good, we will surely find it. Because everyone has many good qualities to them.
- Pull out the weeds and savor the Flowers.
- Save you Marriage. Save your Relationship with your Family.
- There are no perfect families. Every family has their awkward moments.
- Celebrate the differences.
- The beginning and the end of the solution is Charity.
- Pride exaggerates its own strength and ignores the virtues of others. Pride is selfish and is easily provoked.
- Pride is a common human failing, but it is NOT part of our spiritual heritage. It has no place here.
- The way you treat others around you, may influence generations to come. What legacy do you want to leave your posterity?
- Please be merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
- Is being right more important?
- Build bridges. Don't destroy them. Let love conquer pride.
- We all can be Saviors of strong marriages and families.
- The Savior won our souls with LOVE.
- As we emulate the savior's love he'll surely bless our efforts in our relationships.
- Even when you are not at fault...especially when you are not at fault, let love conquer pride.
President Henry B. Eyring
- Every major decision should be based on what will happen in Eternity.
- Because of your Faith, the powers of heaven will come to your defense in times of trial.
- How in the world can I rise to these challenges? First, put your trust in the Lord.
- Sometimes the best thing to penetrate the hardened heart is to be taught by a child.
- One small action can have huge eternal consequences.
- There is always something you can do, no matter how small. The priesthood carries power in faith
- In considering Marriage, do so wisely.
- Be the best possible parents. Be Clean. Be Pure. You owe your (future) children that.
- The most important work that you will ever do for the Lord will be within the walls of your own home.
- Small acts can bring about great happiness and blessings in eternity.
- You have been faithful over a Few things. Because of that I will make you Rulers over Many things.
President Thomas S. Monson
- A common thread binds us together. We have been called to bear the Priesthood of God and act in His name.
- Ours is the responsibility to guard and protect the Priesthood. To be worthy.
- Remember. Wherever you go, your Priesthood goes with you.
- Consider the Consequences. Remember who you are & who God expects you to become. You are a man of might. A Son of God.
- You have the Priesthood. Command the Rescuers to Pick You Up!
- You are a Chosen Generation. A Royal Priesthood.
To watch/listen/read the General Conference talks in full you can find them at:
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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