Friday, April 8, 2016

A Pick Me Up

It's been a rough week for me.

Honestly, I feel like 2016 is doing great for the title of "Year of Tears" as honestly I've probably shed more tears in the last four months than I have in the last four years.

Things are just....I don't know. Spiraling.

This week in particular just has been one well of negativity after another.
I suppose that's not too surprising as it's the week after General Conference.
It follows that super highs are followed by super lows. *sighs* Wish it wasn't so though.

In any case.
I reached a breaking point today.
Like literally if I had time to stop and slow down and think, I would quickly be in tears.
Work is rough. Roommates are rough. The lymphnode arm situation is still basically rough.

Once again it's just piled to the point where I felt like I was a plane without wings, spiraling through the air without any indication of if I would actually land safely or crash into a big ball of flames.

Not the best day for me.

it wasn't all bad....towards the end of my work shift I had some of my favorite regular customers come in and they have a great positive energy to them.

When I got home.
One of my roommates had left me a present on my bed. :) (I'd posted on facebook that I wasn't doing great, and she'd noticed.)

She left me two packages of Goldfish Crackers, a package of chocolate truffles, and a Coca Cola Cherry Soda.

Her reasoning? Goldfish have smiles and it seemed like I could use some. lol.

It was a total random assortment of gifts.
I mean, I haven't had goldfish crackers in ages, nor do I usually drink Cherry Coke (Dr. Pepper is my preferred one.)

It was the thought that counted for me.
To know that someone knew I needed help.
That they paid attention enough to know that I like getting random things out of the blue. :)

Plus, it made great survival fare for me, as after I took a long shower to wash away all the negativity I camped out in my room eating crackers and drinking the soda until later in the evening when that same roommate invited me to go out to dinner with her and another roommate. :)

So what started out as a.....well bad day.
Ended on a pretty good note.
That gave me enough of a jump to get me back in a positive energy set up.
Where I feel like I've finally made it out of that 'low battery' stage that I've been stuck in this past week.

Hopefully I can keep it up....we'll see. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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