Thursday, June 30, 2016

Action to Prayer

"Behold, you have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me.

"But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.

"But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings."

That principle is illustrated by the story of a little girl.
She was upset with her brother, who built a trap to catch sparrows.

Unable to get help, she said to herself, "Well, I'll pray about it."

After her prayer, the little girl told her mother, "I know he is not going to catch any sparrows in his trap because I prayed about it.
I'm positive he won't catch any sparrows!"

Her mother said, "How can you be so sure?"

She said, "After I prayed about it, I went out and kicked that old trap all to pieces!"

-Boyd K. Packer -Prayer and Promptings -October 2009 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Paint All Around

Do you ever have those mini panic attacks over something that shouldn't have caused a panic attack?
Though it's not an actual panic attack, it's just a. "Ah!!! I thought things were going one way, but then you thought they were going another, and now should I go with my original way or the new way?!" sort of panic attack.

I got that.

Ugh. :(
Yah. Blew it out of proportions like a lot.
Just one of those 'the stars aligned moments' I suppose.

So what was the stress inducing panic thing?

I'm moving into a new place.
One where we're allowed to paint the walls!! (within reason aka, no crazy colors)

So I'd been like "Sweet!! I know the general theme, no dark colors, so why not go to the paint store and pick out some and check with the landlord to see if they work!!"
()_() Who knew there were so many colors in a store....

In any case.
I ended up picking out two different shades of lilac/lavender (light purple)
and a creamy shade that had a warm orange tint to it.

-They wanted light themes. So I was trying to pick light without going 'white' or 'grey' and boy is that hard!!
Really some jewel tones would be my preference.
But not good for a bedroom lol.

And in that moment I was 'craving' some purple and orange in my life.
Thought it would be a good change from the Red/Brown/Cream theme I've had going on for like....nearly a decade lol.

But by the time the land lord got back to me -approving one of the purple colors
I was thinking it wouldn't match a lot of what I wanted to put on my walls.
So instead I'd decided to go with the tan and cream colors that they were using to paint a few of the other walls in the house instead.
As it would match stuff better I thought.

In any case.
I finally had the opportunity to go over and paint my room. find out they were out of the cream paint. :( And it was too late to go buy more at that point.

And they were like. O.o "I thought you were going with Lavender."
And I was like "O.o No...I thought about it...."

But then I was like... Well maybe I should....
Should I?
Shouldn't I?
Did I want to do cream and lavender?
Or did I want to do cream and tan?
Which would match my decorations better?

And....I basically spiraled into full blown hyperventilation mode.
As I couldn't pick a color scheme!! Agh!!!

It was made even worse when it turns out that the landlord thought that I was going to keep one of the grey toned colors already on the walls. Which I was like. :S No? That'd never been a plan.....but only served to stress me out further....

I eventually figured out why.
It's because I didn't know for sure what I wanted to put on my walls, or what my furniture would look like.

As before I've always been confronted with white walls that I couldn't paint.
Pretty easy to match basically everything with white.
So it wasn't a problem.

But I realized that my main source of trouble.
Was that I didn't want to get things that clashed with the walls.
Nor did I want to be confined by the color of my walls to certain furniture pieces.

In particular though, was the fact that I'm going to have a Queen bed.
Which I've never had before.
So I have no bedding comforter set that size. Which means...I need to buy a new one.
And since the bed is going to take up most of the room, then I need to pick a comforter that will match it/go with the wall theme.

And after a lot of consideration.
I thought that I'd like to have a bit more green in my room.

But I was still considering the purple as well.

So I looked up possible comforter sets with those colors in mind.
Went to my mom.
So I could get a second opinion and have someone to shop with.
So we went shopping to look at more comforter sets, and furniture, and decide what I liked the best.
As well as returning to check out the paint samples.

As by that point I'd made up my mind that I wanted an Emerald Green accent wall.
And then the rest of the walls would be a creamy/tan color.

But since the landlord had been hesitant to use the darker shades.
I went with a plan B plan that I also liked.
Which was the Lavender and the offwhitecreamy shade.

No surprises. The landlord still went with the lavender shade.
Which meant that I would just accent my room with the darker green colors. :)
Since purple and green go rather well together.

And finally.
Now that I knew my color shades of Lavender and an off white cream thing.

I could go paint!!

Which I did!
Well....I painted the purple onto the chosen walls. Still need to do the off white painting.
But I was there....and the landlord was there.....
And as I was looking at my room.
I was looking at the tiny wall spaces above the doors and to the side of the door.
And so asked them....if it would be alright if I painted those small areas the green color I'd chosen (that had been rejected) 

To which....
They said yes!!!

:D YAY!!!
lol. I was actually expecting them to say no.
But they said Yes! And I'm excited!
I can't wait to go buy that paint.

....And see if what's on paper actually works in real life. lol
Can't wait to try this lavender, green, and off white theme together. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Another Chip?

So a week ago, I had the unpleasant misfortune.
To feel an odd edge on one of my teeth.
Which can only mean one thing....something was either stuck there.
Or...something had chipped/fallen out.

A quick check in the mirror showed the unfortunate truth.
One of my front had a chip in it. A half moon shaped chip.
Probably about the width of a dull pencil tip.

And I stared at it for a minute.
Trying to decide if I could learn to live with this chip in my tooth.

No. No I could not.
I mean I had a tiny chip in my other tooth. About the size of a sharpened tip of a pencil. Not very noticeable or feelable.
But this one?
Much wider.
I didn't like it.

Honestly, I wished it was a dream. I have these sorts of dreams pretty why couldn't this one be a dream too.

In any case.
I called the dentist.
And got more bad news.

:( They couldn't see me until today. A week later. Booooo.

Which meant I'd have to deal with the odd edge for an entire 7 days!!
Thankfully it wasn't jagged.
As that would be annoying to have a sharp edge for my tongue to play with for a week.

For the first couple of days, I was rather conscious of whenever I opened my mouth.
As you know when  you're worried about something it seems much larger.
So I was worried about people seeing it and such.
Though I kept telling myself that no one would notice it.

I mean it wasn't like half my tooth was gone or anything?
It was just a slight chip.
And I was correct.
Nobody noticed... I think.
Or if they noticed.
They didn't comment on it. :)

In any case.
I wasn't too concerned this time around that my tooth was going to chip away right in front of me....
As it wasn't the tooth that chipped.
In reality. The half moon space on my tooth....was from a filling that had been placed there a few years ago. ....When that same spot chipped for the first time.
Oh, I was way more panicky back then. lol.

But I remembered that happened.
And it looked like it was basically in the same spot.
So. It had to be the filling that had finally just given way.
As they do that on occasion.

Turns out I was right.
Yay for being right!! :D lol.

So, finally, today arrived!!
So I could go to the dentist.
And get my tooth fixed.
A process I was expecting to take like an hour (just like all my other cavity/fillings)
()_() But to my surprise.
I was in and out in like 15 minutes!!

The benefit of the problem being on your front tooth lol.

The Dentist took a look at both my front teeth.
Saw the large one that had reappeared.
And was like "Oh yah, we need to fix that."
But then he saw the smaller chip in my other tooth.
And was like "Is this new?" And I was like..." No it's been there for like a year..."
He was like "Huh."
(As the dentist and dentist hygienists had commented on it before.....but I said it was fine.)
This time though he was like "I'm gonna fix both of them."

O.o okay.

So both the chips from my teeth are gone!!
Woot!! Yay for a new smile! lol. :D

The only odd thing right now is when I place the front teeth on edge with the bottom teeth...the bite doesn't feel normal any more there. Not that one usually places there teeth on edge unless biting into something....
But it now feels off. *shrugs* Something that I'll have to get used to.
lol as I can't really put the grooves back in my teeth now that they're fixed. ;)
So long as my mouth feels normal with my mouth completely shut. I'll be happy. :D

Soo happy!! :)

I'm glad for the 'new' smile. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 27, 2016

October 2010 General Conference -Saturday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -As We Meet Together Again
  • A word to you young sisters: while you do not have the same priesthood responsibility as do the young men to serve as full-time missionaries, you also make a valuable contribution as missionaries, and we welcome your service.
Jeffrey R. Holland -Because of Your Faith
  • Your loyalty and your love mean more to us than we can ever possibly say.
  • WE all know there are special keys, covenants, and responsibilities given to the presiding officers of the Church, but we also know that the Church draws incomparable strength, a truly unique vitality, from the faith and devotion of every member of this Church, whoever you may be.
  • I am trying to be voice for the very angels of heaven in thanking you for every good thing you have ever done, for every kind word you have ever said, for every sacrifice yo have ever made in extending to someone--to anyone--the beauty and blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Smile, if you will, about our traditions, but somehow the too-often unheralded women in this church are always there when hands hang down and knees are feeble.
  • God bless you and all the 'helpers' in the kingdom.
  • I thank you for sacrificing for your children (and for other people's children!), for wanting so much to give them advantages you never had, for wanting so much to give them the happiest life you could provide.
Rosemary M. Wixom -Stay on the Path
  • Our children can find the courage to "do whatever is necessary." When we are intentional about holding them and teaching them of Heavenly Father's plan through prayer and scriptures, they will come to know where they came from, why they are here, and where they are going.
Claudio R. M. Costa -Obedience to the Prophets
  • The living prophet is receiving specific revelations for us.
  • President Wilford Woodruff said: "The Lord will never permit me or nay other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty."
David M. McConkie -Gospel Learning and Teaching
  • There can be a significant difference between what a teacher says and what those in the class hear or learn.
  • "What matters most in learning is attitude. The attitude of the teacher."
  • Note that what matters most in learning is not the number of years a teacher has been a member of the Church or how much teaching experience a person has a even the teacher's knowledge of the gospel or teaching techniques. What matters most is the attitude or spirit by which the teacher teaches.
  • A teacher's attitude is not taught; it's caught.
  • We cannot love what we do not know.
  • Brothers and sisters, it is contrary to the economy of heaven for the Lord to repeat to each of us individually what He has already revealed to us collectively. The scriptures contain the words of Christ. They are the voice of the Lord. Studying the scriptures trains us to hear the Lord's voice.
  • No class is so large that we cannot pray for inspiration regarding how to reach each student.
  • It is natural for teachers to have feelings of inadequacy. You must understand that "age and maturity and intellectual training are not in an way or to any degree necessary to communion with the Lord and His Spirit."
  • "We watch. We wait. We listen for that still, small voice. When it speaks, wise men and women obey. Promptings of the Spirit are not to be postponed."
D. Todd Christofferson -Reflections on a Consecrated Life
  • "The man who so walks in the light and wisdom and power of God, will at the last, by the very force of association, make the light and wisdom and power of God his own--weaving those bright rays into a chain divine, linking himself forever to God and God to him.
  • "By continuous labor [we] were enabled to get a comfortable maintenance."
  • Work builds and refines character, creates beauty, and is the instrument of our service to one another and to God. A consecrated life is filled with work, sometimes repetitive, sometimes menial, sometimes unappreciated but always work that improves, orders, sustains, lifts, minsters, aspires.
  • Just as honest toil gives rest its sweetness, wholesome recreation is the friend and steadying companion of work.
  • Those who quietly and thoughtfully go about doing good offer a model of consecration.
  • Integrity is not naiveté
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Of Things That Matter Most
  • It is good advice to slow down a little, steady the course, and focus on the essentials when experiencing adverse conditions.
  • When stress levels rise, when distress appears, when tragedy strikes, too often we attempt to keep up the same frantic pace or even accelerate, thinking somehow that the more rushed our pace, the better off we will be.
  • Let's be honest; it's rather easy to be busy. We all can think up a list of tasks that will overwhelm our schedules. Some might even think that their self-worth depends on the length of their to-do list. They flood the open spaces in their time with lists of meetings and minutia--even during times of stress and fatigue. Because they unnecessarily complicate their lives, they often feel increased frustration, diminished joy, and too little sense of meaning in their lives.
  • It is said that any virtue when taken to an extreme can become a vice. Overscheduling our days would certainly qualify for this. There comes a point where milestones can become millstones and ambitions, albatrosses around our necks.
  • 'There is more to life than increasing its speed."
  • "We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families."
  • There is a beauty and clarity that comes from simplicity that we sometimes do not appreciate in our thirst for intricate solutions.
  • "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
  • I think most of us intuitively understand how important the fundamentals are. It is just that we sometimes get distracted by so many things that seem more enticing.
  • Printed material, wide-ranging media sources, electronic tools and gadgets--all helpful if used properly--can become hurtful diversions or heartless chambers of isolation.
  • My dear brothers and sisters, we would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most.
  • In family relationships love is really spelled T-I-M-E, time taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. We talk with, rather than about, each other. We learn from each other, and we appreciate our differences as well as our commonalities.
  • It may seem odd to think of having a relationship with ourselves, but we do. Some people can't get along with themselves. They criticize and belittle themselves all day long until they begin to hate themselves. May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better. Walk in nature, watch a sunrise, enjoy God's creations, ponder the truths of the restored gospel, and find out what they mean for you personally. Learn to see yourself as Heavenly Father sees you--as His precious daughter or son with divine potential.
  • Strength comes not from frantic activity but from being settled on a firm foundation of truth and light.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Organizational Energy

The eternal struggle for me.
Cleaning my room.

I mean....
It's not that bad.
You can't see the I guess that means its bad.
But it's not like two Christmas's ago where I had things stacked all over in my tiny room and you could basically make it onto the bed and that was about it...

But it is getting messy.
To the point where me....easy going thinking I should clean up my room.

Honestly, I could have it pretty organized in like fifteen minutes.
Pick up the clothes.
Make the bed.
Throw away the random drink and food stuff and I'm basically golden.

So why haven't I done it?

Honestly I'm not sure.
Laziness for sure is a factor.

In any case.
It's not even cleaning check time.
Yet I'm considering cleaning my room.
Perhaps I'm feeling like my life is out of control.
And that with a clean room, with something organized,
I can feel a bit in control again.
Where I can feel that I can do other things.
Perhaps with a clean room, I can gain energy elsewhere to do other things I've been wanting to do.

It's just a matter...of taking that first step.
Organize something somewhere.
To get other things organized elsewhere.

It may
I just need to do it. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Let Down

It's annoying when the little 'bad' things that happen in your day just seem to pile on top of each other, so that even though you actually had a pretty good day.

You end up sitting there....feeling lonely, sad, miserable.....
For no real reason.

It's just a accumulation of this that and the other....brought your mood down.

I suppose was disappointment.

You see, I've been struggling for like a month, to convince my managers to hire my friend at the store.

But it started off on a bad foot because when I was trying to say all the good qualities about my friend....I ended up...over qualifying her?
And put like multiple marks against her. The main one being that she was looking for a second job.

Apparently. That's a bad thing at work. :(
Which is weird because a fair few of my coworkers have second jobs....
But apparently they can't hire someone they 'know is going to quit."
And I'm like. O.o But...why then ask how long you want to work at the store on the application if you can't hire someone because you know when about they want to leave?? It doesn't follow logic.
Neither does the fact that they should prioritize people who don't have a job over people who are looking for a second job.
Shouldn't everyone have an equal chance?
I mean, if a person is looking for a second job...doesn't that show their dedication? That they're hard working? That they are willing to do what it takes to get more money??

In any case.
The managers were like. "Oh no, we're not going to hire them." "We can't hire them for these reasons." "We're not going to hire them."
And I'm like "JUST LOOK AT MY FRIENDS APPLICATION!!! Can't you see how amazing she'll be joining us in our team!!"

Frankly I just found it irritating.
Because they express that they can't hire people they know will quit.
But for the particular position my coworker applied for.
We end up losing 3 out of the 4 people we hire in that area within 3 months.
Most of the time we end up losing at least 2 of them within a week or two I feel like.
And all these people? Yah. This is their only job.

Honestly. Can't you see that that tract recored isn't boding well for you?

So I would bring it up every now and then. Just say "Hey, my friend is still available. You should hire her."
But it looked like it wasn't going to happen.
Again for that "already has a job reason."
As people were called in for interviews.
And she wasn't one of them.

But then.
My manager asked about my friend.
As he stated that the people he'd wanted to bring in and hire for that position....had all failed to show up.

Wanna bet they're all 'this would be their only job' people?
Case and point.

But he was like "I'm going to call her Monday and bring her in!"
And I was like "GREAT!!"
I even told my friend to expect a call to which she was like Awesome!

And me and the manager chatted a bit about her work ethic, and availability etc.
And I was buttering her up to make her look really good.

and I was so excited that finally things were going to work out and my friend was going to become my coworker after feeling like it would never happen. That justice was served and the girl with the job already would be able to get the second job.

But then I went to visit my friend.
As she was throwing a party. -Which I couldn't make it to because of work.
But I was just going to drop by and say hi.
But when I walked around the corner, and she saw me....
Her face dropped.
Like "Oh great. Sarnics here. Unexpectedly. What are we going to do with her?"
It was the look of "Oh no, here is someone to ruin our nicely thought out plans."

I'd been planning to stick around a bit.
Honestly I'd thought the party would still be going. And I'd see what it was like, and either just stick around long enough to say "Hi, here's your present! I'm so excited we're going to be coworkers!" and then leave. Or else hang out and meet other people.
It all depended on the atmosphere.

But whammy to me.
Not a fun atmosphere.
In that I could just sense that she was waiting for me to leave.
That she didn't want me there.

Which. I brushed off in the moment. I usually do. In the moment I'm really understanding of situations. But afterwards....comes the doubts, the hurts, the loneliness.

As I wanted to just chat and catch up because I hadn't seen her in a bit.

So that atmosphere wasn't doing good for me.
And then...
came the Bombshell.

When I mentioned being work buddies.
She was like. "I'm not actually sure now I can take the job."


So I basically got slapped with a double Whammy hard in the face.
Because one. I'd failed my friend. Because the managers had waited too long and now she was past the point where we could easily hire her.
-Which was hurtful, because the same thing happened the only other time I tried recommending a friend to my managers to be hired.
Which she made valid points of why she might not be able to take the second job. Seeing her husband at some point for one, being able to sleep for another.

I'd literally just been buttering her up not even an hour ago!! And now...I know that unless the managers are willing to work with her new time schedule (as her time schedule has changed at her other job which is bringing in the issues) she's not going to be hired.

Which stinks.

But then. the second half of that double whammy.
Is that I basically just let my manager down too.
I mean, I had basically all but promised that she'd be able to work with us within the time frames needed, and now I'd just found out that those time frames had changed. That'd I'd been giving out the wrong information.
But also, my manager had just told me that all his other hires hadn't shown.
And now I'd pointed him in a direction of my friend.
And it's going to go south if he's on the ball and calls her in for an interview and it turns out they can't work with her new schedule.

It means that he'll have to go on another hiring spree and see if he can find other people to hire instead.

So basically, I'm left feeling that I just let down everyone.
And that I basically put my neck and my credibility on the line....for nothing.
That I failed in being a friend....

It's a set of hard blows to come back from.
And keep the happy positivity going.

Who knows....against the odds it may work out.
But they're steep odds.
It will be a Cinderella moment for sure.

In any case.....
I know that if I ever have a friend apply to work at my job again.
I'm not going to say more than "Hey, my friend so and so applied for a job if you want to look them up." and leave it at that.
That way I can avoid sticking my foot in my mouth, and having to go through the 'let down' process for a third time.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 24, 2016

Safety Blanket

You remember when you were kid.
How you'd have a 'safety blanket' of sorts.
Where you couldn't go anywhere without this comfort item?
Whether it be an actual blanket, a favorite stuffed animal, or a certain necklace.

It was something that you didn't feel comfortable without it being near by.

Only, eventually you left that comfort item behind.
Or else found new ones to take the old one's place.

Like, for example, I would bring Stuffed Animals to school. To play with, to be my 'safety net' of sorts.
I may have done it way into Jr. High, I can't remember for sure.
I do remember I still had them in 6th grade....

In any case.
I ended up exchanging the stuffed animals for jewelry instead.
Where if I'm not wearing a ring and a necklace....I feel more vulnerable. Off center.

But I had the realization,
In the middle of a conversation with a friend about the fact that one of their friends is always bringing another friend with them whenever they go anywhere.

That your 'safety blanket' doesn't have to be an object.

It can be a person.

It's the thought...that you're so comfortable with the person, you have a ton of fun with said person. That you end up bringing them everywhere with you that you can.
As a safety net/blanket.
Because if they're there with you, you know you're not going to be alone. You know you'll have someone to talk to. You know you'll be able to have fun with them if wherever they're going ends up being not fun.

Which....for the person who wants to just do a one on one with their friend
Can be super annoying. lol.
You feel like you're 'not good enough' for the person if they're always bringing someone else with them. Or else you can't open up, discuss problems, talk to just them....
When there is a third wheel in the room.

I often felt that way with my roommate and her boyfriend.
There were days when I just wanted to be with my roommate.
But it felt like the boyfriend was constantly over.
And it would occasionally get on my nerves.

I learned, that I had to be really specific if I wanted to just hang out with her.
I had to say "You and I." Or "Just us." or other variations.
And sometimes she'd ask if she could bring the boyfriend along.
To which I sometimes said yes, and sometimes said no.

In any case.
Back to Safety Blankets.

People can be safety blankets too.
In that you know that soandso is really fun to be around. So why not bring them along to an activity to ensure that there is even more fun!

lol. I know that I did that a few times when I was getting together with other friends.
I would occasionally ask if I could bring my roommate along as well.
Or even way back a year ago when I was looking to move into a new apartment, I wanted desperately for my roommate to continue being my roommate and did what I could to ensure that it would happen. (which it did.)

And its the sort of thing, where you don't always realize what you're doing.
You're besties with this person.
And if you're already often around them, then it feels natural to think of them, and think to see if they could join in on whatever you were planning to do.
As two is often better than one.

And it isn't even a question of 'comfort'
Like there are people where I love to be around them.
But that doesn't always stop me from trying to my include my roommate in with them as well.

It's just the sort of thing where you congregate where you know people. Hence why you always choose to sit with friends, or that one person you know when you're at a party/school/work/church.
Its your security blanket.
You know what to expect around those people.
So you stick by them. Because its safe.

Even if it causes annoyances with others....

It's funny how we do things without realizing it.....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Drive to Visit

There are days when I really have to fight the "stay at home" instinct whenever opportunities to leave my apt.
Where I have to fight to convince myself that going out and meeting up with people is actually something I want to do.

To start off.
My cousin was in town. He's from out of state, and I see him like....once every couple of years or so.
So definitely not somebody I can just drop in randomly on.

But it seemed like we weren't going to be able to meet up.
For a variety of reasons.
First. The fact that he was in a different city.
Second. the fact that he couldn't obtain a car to drive down to see me.

But then he brought up the concept of me driving up to see him.

I was conflicted about.

Me? Drive up to see him?
Selfishly I was like "why do I always have to do the driving to see people?"
Because it literally feels like I do. I'm the one who goes to others, they don't often if at all come to me.
I mean, that was gas money.
It was gas. And considering I was trying to not spend money until payday....
and the fact that my tank was just under half full.
And that the distance to his place and back to mine would basically drain my tank....

Left me seeing this as...much more effort than I wanted it to be.
So, the 'stay at home' part of me won.
And I was like "I don't think I can make it."

But he was like. ()_() "But why not?!?!"

Which left my satisfied self....feeling guilty.

I mean, this is my cousin, someone who I don't see everyday.
Why not go see him?

I truthfully answered. "'s the cost of gas, and the timing of it all."
Because usually if I try to force something to happen....then it ends up being more stressful than fun in the long run and I end up with a headache from it all.

But he was persistent.
Saying "Well, I was hoping we could meet up in the evening, maybe grab some ice cream."

Was surprising.
That someone was actually planning on things to do when we met up.
That they were actually wanting to meet up if only for a little while.

So I considered my gas tank....
Decided that I could at least make it up and down, and resigned myself to having to buy gas today instead of tomorrow...
Which with all the driving I've done around the past month or so....I feel like I've been going through a tank a week, when it used to last me a month. *sighs*
But hey.
It was my cousin!
From out of state!

Come on Sarnic! Stop being a homebody and go see Him!

So. It was decided to go see him after I got off work.

They go awry so easily.

It started with me getting off of work a bit late.
I mean, that's unsurprising but frustrating as work had been slightly...stressful.
But it still gave me enough time to go home and take a nap. So I could recharge a bit. It would be good to keep me from getting that headache.
So I thought.
I came home, went straight to bed, with my alarm set....
and woke up 10 minutes later than I'd planned.
Ugh. As I forgot to set my alarm from AM to PM.
So the alarm didn't go off.
Which was bad, as I was supposed to wake up and head straight to my car and go.
So I was 10 minutes late.

Another problem.
Was that I'd checked the gps earlier in the day, and thought that the drive to his place was only half an hour away.
But when I replugged it into the GPS...It's estimated traveling time had changed!! Doubling to an hour!!
So instead of being like ten minutes late.
I was going to be 45 minutes late! Gah!

I didn't think it would be too bad....originally he'd said between 430-5pm and I'd be arriving 15 minutes past that window.

But then he dropped the bombshell.
He had another thing planned after he met up with me.

-Understandable trying to squish as many people meet ups together in one day as possible, especially when you're only there for a week.
He'd already had lunch with our Grandma before meeting up with me, so having him meet up with someone later wasn't surprising to me. :)
As he'd asked me how long I planned to hang out and I'd -to be on the safe side- had said a couple of hours. Just in case we didn't really click or something was my thinking. So I wouldn't plan to spend the whole evening with him if our meetup didn't go as well.

So now...
I'd just shortened our time together by like an hour.... :S oops.

To top it off.
It was rush hour.
I always forget about rush hour.
Honestly how can we still have traffic jams with all the advances in society/techonology today??

Thankfully they were minor slow downs.
And I made it to meet my cous!

I'm really glad I was able to meet up with him. :)
We ended up having a great time!
Eating ice cream, chatting, realizing that we think similarly and enjoying the fact that we have things in common lol.

I really wish I was able to spend a bit longer with him. :(

Plus he was a real gentleman. lol :) paying for my ice cream, and offering to pay for my gas. So sweet of him!

Though I ended up using less gas than I thought I would.
So I didn't think to stop to top off.
So I just called the ice cream even. :) lol.

It was a great way to spend the evening. :)

Even though I did end up with a headache. *shakes head*
I blame more the fact that I hadn't eaten much more than anything else. That and irritation at all the slow tall vehicles I got stuck behind. But.
It was totally worth it to see my cousin and have a great time with him. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Unwanted Tenant

There is one thing I find irritating about work.
About all the different departments.

It's the fact that my department expected to help out and do all the other department's jobs when they can't get it done.
But....none of the other departments aren't expected to help out my department when we're in need.

Granted. In order to help out in my department you have to take a couple extra tests. As we go through a 'safety certification' when it comes to handling and dealing with animals.

Still, its frustrating all the same.
I mean, how many times could I have used back up in my department when I have twelve customers waiting for fish, but only me to get all those fish? Because even if I called for the managers to come back me up....its unlikely they would.

Yet, my department is expected to help back up the cashiers when they get overrun.
My department is expected to do down stocking and facing, and stock our own department when the stockers don't get to it. Which, to no surprise, is hardly ever it feels like.

It's frustrating. To expect so much from my department, and so little from everyone elses.

Today was another day of that.

Where the managers had gotten it into their head to go through my department, double checking inventory and holes on our shelves.

And they encountered an unpleasant surprise when they were going through the wood and paper bedding along a side wall in our store.
-The wood and paper stuff is placed in the bottom of rabbit, guinea pig, rat, hamster, etc cages.
A wild mouse had gotten into one of the packages.
And made a house there.
I don't know if it was just the one large bedding or if he'd expanded out to others.
I didn't encounter the situation until after the managers had cleaned up the huge mess on the shelf that had been left behind.

Ugh. Encountered yet another situation where "my department needed to step up"
Because apparently, if we'd been doing the stockers job, which is filling empty shelves, facing, etc...then we would have noticed that one of the bags had become a huge mess.

Which...honestly, how can they expect us to notice that? If it was in the back? How can we keep the department stocked and neat when we're constantly dealing with customers wanting pets and dealing with that? *shakes head*

In any case.
One of the managers told me to take care of the large bag of wood shavings, when I happened to walk past. (after haranguing me for my dept not facing and stocking our shelves)
So I picked it up, and went to take care of it.
Only.... O.o
As I was setting it down.
The area I was holding under my right hand.

I put that thing down right quick! :S
Why was a bag of wood shavings moving?!?!
It's wood!

The obvious answer?
The one creature who chewed the holes in the bag....
Was still inside.
A bit of cautious poking, got the bag wiggling again, and into view.
Crawling through the bedding along the plastic.
Was a brown mouse.
A wild mouse.


In the bedding.
It's not like I wanted to pick that up and have the mouse come out and possibly jump on me.
So I needed to get the mouse out before I could continue on with my task.

But how?
I could just tear open the bag and let it escape....
But letting it escape into the store...didn't seem at all helpful, sanitary, or healthy for a wild mouse to be wandering around our store.

So instead.
I grabbed one of our critter totes.
-Plastic containers used to temporary hold creatures.
And placed it against one of the holes.
-after I put on some gloves just to be safe
And slowly poked at the plastic where the mouse was with the back of my box cutter. Directing it to the hole.
It took some time and patience.
But eventually I got the mouse to jump in through the small opening up top.

Where the mouse promptly went wild and acrobatic within the plastic container.
So I had to wait for him to stop being spastic before I could tilt the container back far enough to place shut the lid.

Where I was then able to take the mouse outside, and let him out onto the grass to go enjoy the outdoors.

Yay for the mouse rescue! lol. won't surprise me if he's already made his way back into the store by now. ;)

A picture of our unwanted tenant. Don't worry he looks squished, but he's alive and well.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Soaken Socks

The sprinklers in front of my apartment do not like me.

My roommates don't encounter them when they leave for work.
But within that time frame between when they leave and when I leave....
The sprinklers turn on.

The ones right in front of my apartment entrance. Soaking the sidewalk.

With no alternative way to escape it's soaking spray.

I'd already encountered it the day before.
And learned my lesson.
As my work shoes....not very good in the wet.

Water soaks through the soles basically instantly.
Which....isn't good when I deal with fish water on a daily basis.
Though usually not a big deal.
As not much water gets on the ground at work.

In any case.
I'd learned from having to work in wet socks yesterday.
So I turned back around and grabbed a second pair of socks.
Just in case.

And braved the sprinklers outside.

To find to my surprise....
My shoes didn't get soaked!

I'd basically grabbed my extra socks for nothing.
But it's better to be prepared than spending hours walking around in wet shoes.

Little did I know.
That I would need my socks later on in the day.
As my coworker....ended up flooding the department when she was gravel vacuuming.
Because she'd forgotten to clear out the sink in back, and so the drain had gotten blocked, leading to the sink filling up with water and overflowing.

In any case.
I was the one who volunteered to sweep the water over to our floor drain (for when such things happen.)
Which took a good 20-30 minutes to do so.
Which meant....yah my shoes got soaked. And my socks got soaked.

Thankfully I only had like 3 hours left in my shift.
Even more thankfully I had my extra pair of socks!

I mean....I discovered its kinda pointless to put on dry socks when your shoes are still wet....
But at least only the bottom of my new pair of socks got wet.
Which was a lot more tolerable than the entire thing being soaked.

Yay for me having the inspiration to grab socks!!

because wet socks are no fun at all.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, June 20, 2016

April 2010 General Conference -Sunday Afternoon

Russell M. Nelson -Generations Linked in Love
  • In order for the Church's family history efforts to succeed, priesthood direction and leadership are essential.
  • While temple and family history work has the power to bless those beyond the veil, it has an equal power to bless the living. It has refining influence on those who are engaged in it. They are literally helping to exalt their families.
Robert D. Hales -Our Duty to God: The Mission of Parents and Leaders to the Rising Generation
  • For youth, there is no substitute for seeing the gospel lived in our daily lives. The stripling warriors did not have to wonder what their parents believed. They said, "We do not doubt our mothers knew it."
  • It is impossible to overestimate the influence of parents who understand the hearts of their children. Research shows that during the most important transitions of life--including those periods when youth are most likely to drift away from the Church--the greatest influence does not come from an interview with the bishop or some other leader but from the regular, warm, friendly, caring interaction with parents.
  • For our interactions with youth to truly touch their hearts, we have to pay attention to them just as we would pay attention to a trusted adult colleague or close friend. Most important is asking them questions, letting them talk, and then being willing to listen--yes, listen and listen some more--even hearken with spiritual ears!
  • Don't look at today's trials as eternal. Heavenly Father does His work in the long term.
Bradley D. Foster -Mother Told Me
  • "There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation."
  • Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mothers' love is because it typifies the love of our Savior.
  • "The love of a true mother comes nearer [to] being like the love of God than any other kind of love."
James B. Martino -All Things Work Together for Good
  • We will each face times of difficulty, and the question is not when we will face them but how we face them.
  • To some, our trials may not seem great, but to each of us who are passing through these experiences, the trials are real and require us to humble ourselves before God and learn from Him.
  • We must remember that often the answers from our Heavenly Father do not remove the trial from us, but instead He helps strengthen us as we pass through the experience.
Gregory A. Schwitzer -Developing Good Judgement and Not Judging Others
  • We may often find ourselves making quick judgements about people, which can change or redefine our relationships with them. Often incorrect judgements are made because of limited information or because we do not see beyond that which is immediately in front of us.
  • Good judgement is needed not only in understanding people but also in facing decisions that often lead us to or away from our Heavenly Father.
  • Many blessings in life are missed because worldly judgement was applied to what was really a spiritual decision.
  • The standards of morality are eternal and have not changed; neither should we try to discover a new interpretation of them.
  • A relationship of listening often requires a quiet environment in which we can take time to ponder and hear the still, small voice. This peaceful environment is both external and internal.
Francisco J. Vinas -Things Pertaining to Righteousness.
  • "He who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come."
  • In order to more effectively teach the things pertaining to righteousness, it is important to understand that, in addition to imparting information, we must facilitate revelation. This way, the person being taught can feel the desire to know these principles for himself or herself.
Neil L. Andersen -Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
  • "The adversary is using every means possible to ensure us in his web of deceit."
  • Live up to your important responsibilities and great spiritual capacities.
  • If a child is not listening, don't despair. Time and truth are on your side. At the right moment, your words will return as if from heaven itself. Your testimony will never leave your children.
  • 'Two men can do anything as long as one of them is the Lord' and 'The Savior must be our foundation. Without that we flounder.'
Thomas S. Monson -A Word at Closing
  • "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
  • "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
  • My brothers and sisters, today, as we look at the world around us, we are faced with problems which are serious and of great concern to us. The world seems to have slipped from the moorings of safety and drifted from the harbor of peace.
  • Permissiveness, immorality, pornography, dishonesty, and a host of other ills cause many to be tossed about on a sea of sin and crushed on the jagged reefs of lost opportunities, forfeited blessings, and shattered dreams.
  • My counsel for all of us is to look to the lighthouse of the Lord. There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life. The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, June 19, 2016

To Relax

It must be summer.
Because today,
My family was able to take out the BBQ
and gather together.
Sitting outside.
In the sunny weather.
Eating BBQ steak, corn on the cob, watermelon.
Mmmm!! So. Very. Tasty!!!

It was great to just spend a couple of hours relaxing.
Listening to my parents and Grandma telling stories of their youth.

Enjoying the warm weather.

It was great.
I could have sat there all day listening to those stories.
Hearing the adventures of the past. :)

Totally a fun day. ^^

Glad I was able to spend Father's Day with the people I love. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Gone Again So Soon

Another one bites the dust.

It's only been like....maybe 3 months since I got my new manager over my department.
A manager I liked because she knew exactly what I've been going through, as she was in the exact same position I was in.
Where basically....I've been doing the manager's job while the manager is either training, or being found, or unable to do some of their tasks.

--And before you ask.... No, I don't want the manager position.
The manager has like only 5 hours scheduled in my dept.
Because technically the manager of my department only exists to do paperwork related stuff.
Not a fun job at all. They're main duties are customer service. Which is fine,
but I love where I'm at. Where I can spend every shift in my dept and have a good grasp on what's going on.
So, I'm sticking where I'm at. :D

Even though it is getting frustrating that none of the managers over me are sticking around. *sighs*

It's not a fun trend.
*shakes head*

In any case.
There I was, happily going along.
When our Assistant Manager was like "Oh, yah, you're going to have to show me how to do all the Animal Counts."
And I'm like. "Cool! I can totally do that, there something going on with Han?"
And Lan was like "Yah...she's quitting. Her last day is tomorrow."
()_() WHAT??!!?


It's so annoying.
It seems like everyone who is quitting likes to keep it quiet.
So I only find out about it like a week, or a day, or after they leave.
Which I do not like.

Because it throws plans for a loop.
I don't like the farce.

I mean. I was talking about plans for beyond the current week. Things we needed to do, and clean, and get ready....
And not a word was mentioned until that day. O.o

If you know you're leaving, just give me a hint. And indication.
Pull me aside if you have to.
So I can plan for this.
So I don't keep coming to you with problems/solutions that you won't care about and won't need to do anything about after you're gone.

Why the secrets?

*shakes head*

I lost another manager this week. :(

Which means in 4 years of working at Starsmet, I'm now on my 5th manager.
First there was Reth, Sirch, BB, Han, and now Lan.'s not a great way to install confidence in your coworkers if we're constantly switching out managers.....
*shakes head*

Guess we'll see how the new guy does. :) He seems eager enough, but he still has a lot to learn.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, June 17, 2016

Gems Gems Gems

The Gem Faire.

I love that place. :D
Sooo many shiny objects! So many shiny stones!

So. Much fun!!

lol. I end up spending a lot of money there.
But its so worth it. :)

Finding stones that just help you feel good.

This time around.
I decided to bring a couple of my roommates to the Gem Faire.

O.o As...apparently they've never been before? I'd thought they had...not with me...but they had...but apparently not.

So! I took them, to experience the Gem Faire. :D

They definitely held onto their money a lot better than I did.
Each only buying one thing.

Which, I find impressive. lol I don't think I've ever left a gem faire with just one item. lol.

But I think it was a fun experience for them.

To see all the shiny objects and such. :)

We had fun going from table to table looking at the different objects, picking out things we'd thought the other would like, or that we thought looked cool. :)

And the best bonus of it all.
Was that I didn't end up with a headache at the end of it!! Huzzah!!
Cus with that much energy swirling about, its easy for my defenses to get overwhelmed and for me to end up with a headache.

So all in all. A good day. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi