I'm probably weird.
Okay, so I'm totally weird. lol.
But in this regards. I'm probably weird.
In that I really enjoy moving fish around.
Like from tank to tank.
Even as a kid.
When I was breeding guppies.
I liked moving them about.
Reorganizing them as the mood struck me.
Maybe one week it was by color.
The next by gender.
The next by age.
Maybe back to color again.
I really just liked putting fish together to see how they'd do/react/look.
And then if I decided I didn't like it....
I could always move the fish again! :)
So it will probably come as no surprise that my favorite time of year at work.
Is when our new schematic for our fish wall drops.
Showing us what new fish we're getting in, telling us what old fish we won't have anymore once we sell through them.
And plus!
The ability to move fish between tanks!
Placing fish together in new combinations.
Ah!!! It's my Favoritest Thing!!
And it's a task I tend to hog to myself whenever I get the chance.
Because that's how much I enjoy this rearranging. lol.
So. Happy!
I'd begun to worry that we weren't going to have our fish shift around this year.
As usually. The new plan for the tanks drops in like April or May.
Then will drop again in Octoberish.
(to correspond with weather/seasons/availability etc)
But here it is.
July! O.o
Which is rather late for new schematics.
Which probably means we won't be getting another plan drop until next spring....
Or if we do have a plan drop in the Fall....it will only be minor changes.
But this plan?
Oooohhh boy.
It's like a major change!!
Nearly every single fish in our tank system is moving to a new location. O.o
Because this time around, the people planning the tank set ups.
Decided to try and put the fish 'together'
As in. Put the same family groups in the same section. Instead of spreading them out.
So sharks will be in the same column, koi will be in the same column of tanks, mollies, barbs, tetras, etc will have their own section.
So when people are like "Where are the sharks?"
I can be like "Here. These two tanks!" *gestures*
Instead of saying "Well, there are sharks in this tank here, and over here, and way over here."
Basically I think they're trying to make it all more 'customer friendly' so that if they're looking for mollies, the mollies are in one section.
--okay, Mollies was a bad example. As technically they're supposed to be,
but in reality they're not.
Because our GloFish section (which has a blue light above them.)
Wasn't very well thought out....
As....the two columns of tanks we have for them. (one for GloDanios another for GloTetras)
...aren't under the same bulb.
-Each bulb in our tank system covers two tanks.
And the glo fish happen to fall between...two bulbs.
Which meant...
I had to shift over the Glofish a column, and move unfortunately separate the mollies.
So that all the Glofish would be under that blue light.
There are other minor adjustments I've made.
Like keeping cichlids that look very similar pattern wise, separate from each other when they're supposed to be together.
Or keeping tiny catfish from being placed in a tank where the more aggressive fish will eat them.
But overall!
It's been a major undertaking in moving all those fish. lol.
Especially when you have the annoying fish that make you spend like 20 minutes trying to fish them out.
I'm looking at you Giant Danios and Buenos Aires Tetras.
I've already spent yesterday and today reorganizing everything.
As fishing out the fish basically becomes one big game of ring-around-the-rosie.
As I empty out one tank, to put the other fish in their new location, and then have to place the ones I took out of that tank into their tank which requires moving the fish from that tank into their tank....
Yah. It can be a bit of doozy lol.
tons of fun!!
I still have the last wall (we have 3 walls of fish) to complete.
As I had to deal with more customers today than yesterday, which meant less time to move the fish around. :(
It's not like I'm in a big hurry though.
This new fish plan doesn't have to officially be set until July.
But from past experience.
Once the new plan drops....we usually start receiving in our new fish within the next week or so of that happening.
So it's best to be prepared!!
Especially considering that I'm no longer working on our Fish Shipment days. Y_Y (boo)
So if we did get new fish....my coworkers would be left confused about where to put everyone.
Therefore, hopefully! I can finish the last section tomorrow and get all the tags up and everything so that on Friday, if new fish show up....my coworkers can easily just place the fish in their new spots. :)
I guess we'll see what happens. :D
Super excited for the change!
It's about time. :D
lol....now though, we're going to have to relearn where everyone went on that wall....so when customers ask us for specific fish....we know where to go. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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