Do you ever have those mini panic attacks over something that shouldn't have caused a panic attack?
Though it's not an actual panic attack, it's just a. "Ah!!! I thought things were going one way, but then you thought they were going another, and now should I go with my original way or the new way?!" sort of panic attack.
I got that.
Ugh. :(
Yah. Blew it out of proportions like a lot.
Just one of those 'the stars aligned moments' I suppose.
So what was the stress inducing panic thing?
I'm moving into a new place.
One where we're allowed to paint the walls!! (within reason aka, no crazy colors)
So I'd been like "Sweet!! I know the general theme, no dark colors, so why not go to the paint store and pick out some and check with the landlord to see if they work!!"
()_() Who knew there were so many colors in a store....
In any case.
I ended up picking out two different shades of lilac/lavender (light purple)
and a creamy shade that had a warm orange tint to it.
-They wanted light themes. So I was trying to pick light without going 'white' or 'grey' and boy is that hard!!
Really some jewel tones would be my preference.
But not good for a bedroom lol.
And in that moment I was 'craving' some purple and orange in my life.
Thought it would be a good change from the Red/Brown/Cream theme I've had going on for like....nearly a decade lol.
But by the time the land lord got back to me -approving one of the purple colors
I was thinking it wouldn't match a lot of what I wanted to put on my walls.
So instead I'd decided to go with the tan and cream colors that they were using to paint a few of the other walls in the house instead.
As it would match stuff better I thought.
In any case.
I finally had the opportunity to go over and paint my room. find out they were out of the cream paint. :( And it was too late to go buy more at that point.
And they were like. O.o "I thought you were going with Lavender."
And I was like "O.o No...I thought about it...."
But then I was like... Well maybe I should....
Should I?
Shouldn't I?
Did I want to do cream and lavender?
Or did I want to do cream and tan?
Which would match my decorations better?
And....I basically spiraled into full blown hyperventilation mode.
As I couldn't pick a color scheme!! Agh!!!
It was made even worse when it turns out that the landlord thought that I was going to keep one of the grey toned colors already on the walls. Which I was like. :S No? That'd never been a plan.....but only served to stress me out further....
I eventually figured out why.
It's because I didn't know for sure what I wanted to put on my walls, or what my furniture would look like.
As before I've always been confronted with white walls that I couldn't paint.
Pretty easy to match basically everything with white.
So it wasn't a problem.
But I realized that my main source of trouble.
Was that I didn't want to get things that clashed with the walls.
Nor did I want to be confined by the color of my walls to certain furniture pieces.
In particular though, was the fact that I'm going to have a Queen bed.
Which I've never had before.
So I have no bedding comforter set that size. Which means...I need to buy a new one.
And since the bed is going to take up most of the room, then I need to pick a comforter that will match it/go with the wall theme.
And after a lot of consideration.
I thought that I'd like to have a bit more green in my room.
But I was still considering the purple as well.
So I looked up possible comforter sets with those colors in mind.
Went to my mom.
So I could get a second opinion and have someone to shop with.
So we went shopping to look at more comforter sets, and furniture, and decide what I liked the best.
As well as returning to check out the paint samples.
As by that point I'd made up my mind that I wanted an Emerald Green accent wall.
And then the rest of the walls would be a creamy/tan color.
But since the landlord had been hesitant to use the darker shades.
I went with a plan B plan that I also liked.
Which was the Lavender and the offwhitecreamy shade.
No surprises. The landlord still went with the lavender shade.
Which meant that I would just accent my room with the darker green colors. :)
Since purple and green go rather well together.
And finally.
Now that I knew my color shades of Lavender and an off white cream thing.
I could go paint!!
Which I did!
Well....I painted the purple onto the chosen walls. Still need to do the off white painting.
But I was there....and the landlord was there.....
And as I was looking at my room.
I was looking at the tiny wall spaces above the doors and to the side of the door.
And so asked them....if it would be alright if I painted those small areas the green color I'd chosen (that had been rejected)
To which....
They said yes!!!
:D YAY!!!
lol. I was actually expecting them to say no.
But they said Yes! And I'm excited!
I can't wait to go buy that paint.
....And see if what's on paper actually works in real life. lol
Can't wait to try this lavender, green, and off white theme together. :D
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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