- Be generous in our thoughts and our words.
- The greatest form of charity may be to withhold judgement.
- Don't focus on the differences and the flaws. Focus on the eternal image and the potential of the individual.
- We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness and contentment may we choose the right attitude.
- Choose to say what is positive, in order to uplift others around us.
- Words have power to build up or tear down
- Sometimes we look at what others might have or be & feel we have less. Don't become too focused on the "Instagram" lives of others.
- Be determined to look for the good in others and in the circumstances around us.
- Love YOUR life as it is, not what you think other peoples lives are.
- Allow others to grow and change, don't hold them to what they used to be and how they used to act.
- Forget the mistakes and stumbling of others rather than holding onto grudges that don't help anyone.
- Encourage others to Change. Allow them to do so on their own timing.
- Everyone is doing their best to overcome the challenges coming their way. Be patient as they work through them.
- Look for and embrace the beauty in others.
- Look for and share positive things about others and let the 'less than perfect' fade away.
Sister Carole M. Stephens
- If ye shall press forward feasting upon the word of Christ and Endure to the End, ye Shall have Eternal Life.
- Don't look for perfect understanding within the Great and Spacious Building.
- When we are desperate for help, do we forget to turn to the Savior?
- Our Faith in Jesus Christ enables us to meet any challenge.
- Look upon the Heart, not upon the Sins.
- Christ meets us where we are, and understands our pain.
- The Master Healer can comfort and strengthen us when we experience pain because of the unrighteous actions of others.
- Hope and Healing aren't found in the dark abyss of Secrecy, but in the light and love of Christ.
- Don't suffer needlessly for the consequences of other's sins. Leave it to the Savior.
- Christ can heal the scars of what is unjust and undeserved.
- Remember your divine identity and God's plan for you when things get hard.
- The Master Healer can comfort and sustain us as we experience painful 'realities of mortality.
- You don't have to bare my pain, someone already has."
- Even in your darkest moments you can stand tall and bear Testimony and give Light to others.
- You don't have to carry the pain caused by unrighteous others, alone. Nor the pain of mortal realities, alone. Christ can heal you.
Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson
- We need never despair.
- We need women who can detect deception in all it's forms and teach the next generation to stand strong against it.
- We have the innate strength to resist the challenges in our lives.
- The Temple holds a place at the Very Center of our Beliefs.
- Even the youngest can rise up in faith and make a difference.
- Are we fully drawing upon the power of those promises given to us?
- See yourself as an essential participant in the work of Salvation and not just onlookers.
- Confidently take your place in this work and Participate!! Your voice matters.
- Get to work. The Kingdom needs you!
- Imagine what one person of faith can accomplish!
- Make your home a safe place to be able to ask Questions with confidence.
- Some questions may not come in this lifetime. Be committed to a lifetime of serious study.
- We must use sensitivity, but we also need to use our common sense. Be bold and straightforward.
- Don't fail to teach correct principles to avoid offending others.
- If we don't teach pure doctrine the world will teach them lies.
- We must be careful not 2 live in such an atmosphere of avoiding the fence that our kids get caught up in the wire.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- You are never too insignificant to have a meaningful influence on others.
- Activate the power of faith in our lives.
- Faith is being sure of what we Hope for and Certain of what we Do Not See.
- There are more ways to See than with our Eyes, more ways to Feel than with our Hands, more ways to Hear than with our Ears.
- Just because we Can't Hear Something Doesn't mean there's Nothing to Hear.
- Telling our loved ones to just "listen harder" may not be the best way.
- Seek the voice that speaks to our Spirit and not just to our Ears.
- Don't listen harder; listen differently. Not everyone discerns the Spirit the same way.
- Anything Essential is invisible to the Eyes.
- Faith is powerful and often does result in miracles.
- But no matter how much faith we have, faith cannot Violate another's agency.
- Faith cannot force our will upon God. We can't force God to comply to our desires no matter how right we think we are.
- God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we'd hoped they'd be answered.
- Faith is Trust. Trust that God Sees what we Cannot. He knows what we Do Not.
- I had to trust and act accordingly in an unseen voice to arrive safely at my destination.
- Faith is not only trust in God's wisdom, but in his love.
- In the End, everything will Make Sense. All things work together for Good to them who Love God.
- Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring. It comes to those who pay the price of faithfulness.
- We walk by whatever faith we have.
- If no one listens to your message, let it not be because you didn't make the effort to give it.
- Have Faith. Be Willing to Work.
- Be the Sunshine in Another's Life.
- In our Search for Enduring Faith, in our Quest to connect to God's Purposes. Remember to Knock. Don't give up after the first door.
- Knock until the Fourth Floor Last Door.
- God is Real. He Lives. He Loves You.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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