I can't decide if it was caused by stress or not.
My headache.
I mean, it started Saturday before work ended, and lasted into Sunday.
Only for it to come back in the afternoon on Monday (which is when this post was written since my head hurt too much to focus on Sunday) and again not want to leave.
Could stress really cause the headache to stick around for over three days?
It wouldn't surprise me if it could.
But I do have to wonder.
Is it just stress?
Or is it something else in the environment. It could be the shifting weather patterns for all I know.
In any case.
Headaches are tedious.
And painful.
I should know. lol. I get them all the time....
But this time around, nothing seemed to be helping.
I did all the usual methods.
Sleep, more liquids, a bunch of medicine, showers, heat packs, pressure points, massaging the muscles....
Nothing. If there was relief it was only a lessening of the pain.
It didn't seem to go away.
It still hasn't gone away really.
Which makes me wonder.
Is it stress?
Am I tense?
Or are my muscles just pretending to be tense for some other reason?
Honestly....I think it may be people that are causing it.
Just energy that has infiltrated my own when my barriers were low or something.
As both Saturday's and Monday's headaches happened pretty soon after interacting with people.
So people caused the stress which caused the tension which caused the headache, which for some reason won't go away!
>.< Geez.
It's not like I haven't dealt with annoying stressful customers before.
I don't know for sure what it is about these particular interactions in the past couple of days that has affected me.
But if it's an annoyance wiggling in the corner of my mind, I really need to get it out of my brain.
Because this three days of headaches is beyond annoying.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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