- To Christians who have returned to their old, less faithful ways, consider the faithful example of Peter. Do not delay. Come hear and recognize the Master's voice calling. Then straightway return to Him and receive His abundant blessings once again.
Richard G. Scott -The Joy of Redeeming the Dead
- Any work you do in the temple is time well spent, but receiving ordinances vicariously for one of your own ancestors will make the time in the temple more sacred, and even greater blessings will be received. The First Presidency has declared, "Our preeminent obligation is to seek out and identify our own ancestors."
Russell T. Osguthorpe -One Step Closer to the Savior
- Sometimes the pathway to conversion can be long and hard.
- When obstacles appear, we will keep going. When doubt comes, we will keep going. We will never turn back. We will never fall away.
Marcus B. Nash -By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled
- We too can exercise such faith in the Lord, believing and trusting that our kind and constant God will bless us with His miraculous power suited to our circumstance, according to His timing. As we do so, we too will see the hand of God manifest in our lives.
- First, unbelief in the Lord or His gospel will cause us to resist the Spirit of God.
- Second, fear distracts from and undermines faith in the Savior.
- Third, sin diminishes the presence of the Spirit in our lives, and without the Holy Ghost, we will lack the spiritual stamina to hold onto and exercise faith.
Daniel L. Johnson -Becoming a True Disciple
- These latter types of trials may be even more daunting and dangerous and more difficult to overcome than the former. Our discipleship will be developed and proven not by the type of trials that we are faced with but how we endure them.
- Discipleship is all about doing and becoming.
Don R. Clarke -Blessing of the Sacrament
- If we properly prepare for the sacrament, we can transform our lives.
David A. Bednar -Converted unto the Lord
- A testimony is a gift from God and is available to all of His children.
- For many of us, conversion is an ongoing process and not a onetime event that results from a powerful or dramatic experience.
- Testimony alone is not and will not be enough to protect us in the latter-day storm of darkness and evil in which we are living. Testimony is important and necessary but not sufficient to provide the spiritual strength and protection we need.
Thomas S. Monson -God Be with You Till We Meet Again
- I wish also to commend you, my brothers and sisters, wherever you are throughout the world, for all that you do in your wards and branches, your stakes and districts. As you willingly fulfill callings when you are asked, you are helping to build the kingdom of God on earth.
- Let us be of good cheer as we go about our lives.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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