Sunday, January 1, 2017

Fish Freak Out

Okay, I'm totally a work nerd.

Not in that I nerd out about work. Or that I'm obsessed with work.
It's the fact that I work at a Pet Store. So I tend to nerd out about animals and such. Like when I recognize animals used in movies. Example: In the movie Holes the 'Yellow Spotted Lizards' are actually Bearded Dragons!
That sort of thing.

Today, my family visited the Aquarium that's located by the Point of the Mountain. My brother just started working there, and had some passes that allowed him to bring us to see where he worked!

It was great to see all the different reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and mammals that he has the opportunity to work with and around every day. ^^ lol.

And you know what I got the 'most' excited over?
lol. Seeing all the different fresh water fish that they had in various tank set ups.
And those fish?
Those fish are the same types of fish that I sell at work. :D lol.
Cardinal Tetras, White Clouds, Danios, Mollies, Platys, Various Plecos, Bala Sharks, Clown Loaches, Tiger Barbs, Glo-light Tetras, Ghost Catfish etc.

It was amazing to be able to look at a tank and go "HEY I KNOW WHAT THESE FISH ARE!!" lol
Being able to excitedly point to a tank and tell my family what fish are which.
Yah. I felt special. lol.

It just made the experience that much better. As for every creature that I was like "What animal is this?" I could also go "Hey I know this animal!" lol. :)

It was fun times. I'm glad I was able to go. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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