Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Memory Comes Back

Do you ever run into people that you know you know, but you can't quite place how you know them?

I had that happen today at work.

A girl came into the store, who knew me. And I recognized her.
I knew her face, though her hair had been dyed a lighter blonde than I remembered. As I was sure her hair had been darker the last time I'd seen her.

Which threw me off a bit more, as I knew the girl, but the hair wasn't right, so I was trying to remember the hair before it was dyed before I could place where she was from.

Was it from school? I'd halfway thought she was in one of my sign language classes.
Maybe it was institute?
Or was it in a ward? She struck me as some sort of Relief Society person.

I got a clue when she asked if I was still living at the Palace.
The Great and Spacious apartment complex that I had moved into...what three years ago? Maybe it's four now. It was the apartment complex before my last apartment... So yah three years ago. As I spent 2 years in my last place....
In any case.

The Palace.
I knew her from the Palace.
But how?
Again, all I could think of was that I knew her from the ward.

It was only later,
after she'd left.
And I'd had time to consider and think about it.

Did I place her.

She used to be my roommate.

I think she was part of the 'summer' group that lived in the apartment with me before the 'main year contract' started.

But it's no surprise that I had trouble remembering her.
As I've probably suppressed thinking about her.

Because we didn't end our relationship that well....

She was one of those roommates...that kinda just made you feel worse about yourself.
She was one of those roommates that seemed really sweet...and then I found her candy coated heart of darkness and I ended up irrationally fearing for my life.

She was one of those ones that had a hand in knocking down my confidence levels a peg or two or six.

Because she...as I recall....basically moved out of the apartment to get away from me.
So she said in a text or some sort of note...it wasn't verbal and wasn't in person.

But it was basically over a disagreement of cleanliness. She was more into having the apartment look unlived in than I was. But wouldn't tell you to your face that things were too dirty for her. Her take was a passive aggressive sort of thing. Notes, texts, all your stuff piled in a corner.

And the last note she'd left that basically said "I'm leaving because you're driving me crazy because you can't keep things clean and it's despicable that you leave thing so untidy" yadda yadda that left me feeling...unsafe, downtrodden, and worthless.
How could such a nice person to your face say such mean things on paper?

It was a case of "hide in my room and pretend not to exist" sort of case until she actually moved out.

*shakes head*

No wonder I had trouble placing her. lol.
I mean, I encountered her a few times during the year after she'd moved out. As she was still living at the Palace, and ended up being around the Institute as well.

But it's been a while since I've seen her.
Or thought of her.

Like I said.
It took me a while to remember who this girl was.

Which now explains why I felt a slight tension when talking with her at work today.
There's still that false friendliness feel around it all....the broken trust.

Still....it shows how much I'd put it behind me that I didn't remember who she was until I put effort into remembering.

Now to put it behind me once more.

Ah. The random encounters of life. *shakes head*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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