Sometimes I wonder if I'm too quick to shoot down new things.
Like...things that would take me out of my comfort zone. Things that would be considered crazy in general and something that only young wild people would probably end up doing in a crazy romance movie.
*shakes head*
I suppose I should explain myself.
So, at work, I have a regular customer that comes in, who I've kinda come to think of as an Uncle.
He tends to worry about my welfare and drops by randomly to check in on me. lol.
But also, he's trying to convince me to come work for him in the hypothetical future.
Because he owns like 20 birds. I think all of them in the parrot family.
And he's really good at taking super excellent care of them. Like deep cleans their cages every single day sort of care. Takes them to the vet at the first sign of trouble kind of care.
And in his hypothetical future. Once he's bought a house and created a bird sanctuary in a giant room with a concrete floor (so it would be easy to clean) with large bird cages for all his birds (larger, his cages are already plenty big from what I gather)
Then he would hire me to come work for him full time.
Where I would basically spend each day helping him care for the birds.
lol. And he'd pay me well for it.
The only problem?
Birds....are like my least favorite animal to work with.
I like them well enough, don't get me wrong.
They're just not my type of pet.
And I suppose when it came down to it, I could be just fine working for him...
Only I really like my current job.
And despite what I may say. I do enjoy being able to meet different people and socialize.
Working for him...would mean isolation. After all it would be at his house, with his birds.
And I'd miss the interaction part that comes with the animals.
And me being me.
I do, for the most part, like talking to people. Getting to know them, learning little tidbits about them and their pets. Helping them to come to a solution to their problems. Answering their questions.
I may complain about it on occasion. But I do like socializing with people.
Which is part of the reason why I haven't seriously considered his offer.
-The other parts being that they're birds and that this is still a hypothetical offer.
The other day.
He came in again.
With a completely different offer.
As he's now decided that he wants to get out of the state. Move to California where there's this nice vineyard for sale. Where the house is huge. And he'd have plenty of space for his birds and such.
He wants me to come work for him there.
*shakes head*
It's amusing because I was like. ()_() "But...I have a fish tank here! You know I just set it up!"
-As he's taken to asking after my 125 gallon tank....cus that's all I really talk about with people recently.
I mean it's an easier obsession for people to understand than my Detective Conan obsession. lol.
Back on topic.
He was like:
"Oh! That's simple! I'll bring you to California and work you for two weeks. And then for a week I'll fly you back here! It will be perfect. I'll even pay you $1,000 a week for it."
I know.
The crazy adventurous people are probably like.
I mean, what better deal could you get than making $1,000 a week. And getting a week vacation every third week? It's like a crazy good deal. Even 'better' is the fact that it's in Cali. Where it's like permanently what? 76 degrees all the year around?
(I don't get to Northern Cali I really don't remember. But it's Cali. The weather's basically always nice.)
Its an easy get rich quick sort of scheme I suppose.
And tells you how desperately he wants me to come work for him. lol.
But I told him no.
Again for one...because this is all hypothetical still. It's not like he's gone and bought the vineyard and is moving out as soon as the snow melts here.
But I've also told him No for other reasons.
I don't know anyone in Cali.
Okay, that's a lie. I have high school friends who now live in the southern part of cali.
But I would be in the northern part if I went.
I would basically be isolating myself there. And me, being the family oriented sort of person I would stress me out to have family states away from me.
If something goes wrong....there's no easy way for them to reach me quickly without spending $$$$$$ to get to me.
I would be leaving my mountains behind, my snow, the cold.
All aspects that I love.
Love to everyone's confusion lol. Who likes cold and snow?
*raises hands* Me.
I hate it when it gets too hot.
I hate it when I don't see mountains.
It's like...*shudders* Oh, I don't know if I could be happy there in the sun and warmth even if the Redwood trees and ocean are super cool. ;)
There are other reasons to not want to leave as well.
Mostly the "That's totally crazy." sort of reason.
If I was to have a 'let me go completely crazy and go on an adventure!" moment
It would be me disappearing all by myself into red rock country to go find myself some new arches I've never seen before. lol.
That's my type of adventure.
Say "Sarnic! We're going down to Arches for a day trip!"
I'd be like "Sweet! Let's Go!"
(provided that I didn't have work right at that moment....I am too responsible for my own good so I would ensure I wouldn't be missing work before agreeing.)
But packing up to move to Cali?
Only getting to see my fish tank every third week?
Leaving my roomies to take care of a tank that I said I would be in charge of?
Not...quite what I want to do right now.
Perhaps I've missed yet another opportunity to grow and gain new perspectives and get out of my comfort zone.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
A way that will hopefully give you a glimpse inside the mind of the author, and help you see the world in a slightly different light.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
October 2013 General Conference -Sunday Morning
Henry B. Eyring -To My Grandchildren
- Heavenly Father has made each of us unique. No two of us have exactly the same experiences. No two families are alike. So it is not surprising that advice about how to choose happiness in family life is hard to give.
- I urge those I love to accept and to magnify every calling offered them in the Church. That choice is one of the great keys to family happiness.
- The pressures at every stage of life can tempt us to reject or neglect calls to serve the Savior. That can put us in spiritual peril for ourselves, our spouse, and our families.
- Success in the Lord's service always produces miracles beyond our own powers.
- It is only with the companionship of the Holy Ghost that we can hope to be equally yoked in a marriage free from discord. I have seen how that companionship is crucial for felicity in a marriage. The miracle of becoming one requires the help of heaven, and it takes time. Our goal is to live together forever in the presence of Heavenly Father and our Savior.
- Heavenly Father has perfect foresight, knows each of us, and knows our future. He knows what difficulties we will pass through. He sent His Son to suffer so that He would know how to succor us in all our trials.
- "There is not one of us but what God's love has been expended upon. There is not one of us that He has not cared for and caressed. There is not one of us that He has not desired to save, and that He has not devised means to save. There is not one of us that He has not given His angles charge concerning. We may be insignificant and contemptible in our own eyes, and in the eyes of others, but the truth remains that we are the children of God, and that He has actually given His angels--invisible beings of power and might--charge concerning us, and they watch over us and have us in their keeping."
- "I gave him to you because I knew you could and would love him no matter what he did."
- We cannot force God's children to choose the way to happiness. God cannot do that because of the agency He has given us.
- Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son love all of God's children no matter what they choose to do or what they become. The Savior paid the price of all sins, no matter how heinous. Even though there must be justice, the opportunity for mercy is extended which will not rob justice.
- With the help of the Holy Ghost, all truths will be brought to our remembrance. We cannot force that on others, but we can let them see it in our lives. We can always take courage from the assurance that we all once felt the joy of being together as a member of the beloved family of our Heavenly Father.
Dallin H. Oaks -No Other Gods
- Have we forgotten to follow the Savior who taught that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments? If so, our priorities have been turned upside down by the spiritual apathy and undisciplined appetites so common in our day.
- The plan of salvation explains the purpose of creation and the conditions of mortality, including God's commandments, the need for a Savior, and the vital role of mortal and eternal families. If we Latter-day Saints, who have been given this knowledge, do not establish our priorities in accord with this plan, we are in danger of serving other gods.
- We are correctly known as a family-centered church.
- The scriptures teach that we are responsible to be compassionate and charitable (loving) toward all men.
- We are also respectful of the religious beliefs of all people, even of those increasing numbers who profess no belief in God. We know that through the God-given power of choice, many will hold beliefs contrary to ours, but we are hopeful that others will be equally respectful of our religious beliefs and understand that our beliefs compel us to some different choices and behaviors than theirs.
- Man's laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral. Commitment to our highest priority--to love and serve god--requires that we look to His law for our standard of behavior.
- "Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God's approval. Courage becomes a living and an attractive virtue when it is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but as the determination to live decently. A moral coward is one who is afraid to do what he thinks is right because others will disapprove or laugh. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well."
Bonnie L. Oscarson -Be Ye Converted
- True conversion is more than merely having a knowledge of gospel principles and implies even more than just having a testimony of those principles. It is possible to have a testimony of the gospel without living it. Being truly converted means we are acting upon what we believe and allowing it to create "a mighty change in us, or in our hearts."
- In our world where instant gratification is the expectation, we are often guilty of expecting the reward without having to work for it.
- It is well to remember that no matter how inspired your parents and youth leaders may be, "you have [the] primary responsibility for your own conversion. No one can be converted for you, and no one can force you to be converted."
Richard J. Maynes -The Strength to Endure
- As we temporarily endure the challenges we can solve and as we continue to endure the challenges we cannot solve, it is important to remember that the spiritual strength we develop will help us successfully endure all the challenges we face in life.
- Heavenly Father has organized our journey through life to be a test of our character. We are exposed to both good and evil influences and then given the moral agency to choose for ourselves which path we will take.
- Our ability to endure to the end in righteousness will be in direct proportion to the strength of our testimony and the depth of our conversion.
- "You must become the rock the river cannot wash away."
- Because we face challenges every day, it is important that we work on our spiritual stamina every day. When we develop spiritual stamina, the false traditions of the world, as well as our personal daily challenges, will have little negative impact on our ability to endure in righteousness.
Richard G. Scott -Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ
- It is a fundamental truth that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed. We can become virtuous and pure. However, sometimes our poor choices leave us with long-term consequences. One of the vital steps to complete repentance is to bear the short- and long-term consequences of our past sins.
Thomas S. Monson -"I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee"
- Brothers and sisters, it may be safely assumed that no person has ever lived entirely free of suffering and sorrow, nor has there ever been a period in human history that did not have its full share of turmoil and misery.
- The difficulties which come to us present us with the real test of our ability to endure. A fundamental question remains to be answered by each of us: Shall I falter, or shall I finish? Some do falter as they find themselves unable to rise above their challenges. To finish involves enduring to the very end of life itself.
- Job kept the faith. Will we do likewise as we face those challenges which will be ours?
- Whenever we are inclined to feel burdened down with the blows of life, let us remember that others have passed the same way, have endured, and then have overcome.
- They have made the gospel of Jesus Christ the center of their lives. This is what will pull us through whatever comes our way. We will still experience difficult challenges, but we will be able to face them, to meet them head-on, and to emerge victorious.
- Never did he dwell on what he was lacking; rather, he was always deeply grateful for his many blessings.
- Our Heavenly Father, who gives us so much to delight in, also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass. We know that there are times when we will experience heartbreaking sorrow, when we will grieve, and when we may be tested to our limits. However, such difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in the way our Heavenly Father teaches us, and to become something different from what we were--better than we were, more understanding than we were, more empathetic than we were, with stronger testimonies than we had before.
- This should be our purpose--to preserve and endure, yes, but also to become more spiritually refined as we make our way through sunshine and sorrow. Were it not for challenges to overcome and problems to solve, we would remain much as we are, with little or no progress toward our goal of eternal life. The poet expressed much the same in these words;
- Good timber does not grow with ease, The stronger wind, the stronger trees. The further sky, the greater length. The more the storm, the more the strength. By sun and cold, by rain and snow, In trees and men good timbers grow.
- Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, He is with us. He has promised that this will never change.
Until you next see these words see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Sunday, February 26, 2017
When To Cave
My phone is probably considered to be ancient by now.
I mean, it's a smart phone, so it's not that old.
But in technology years.
My phone is probably ancient.
After all anything older than like two years is considered old.
With my phone heading into like it's fourth year of use...
It's definitely an old phone lol.
I'm surprised that it's lasted this long, with it being my first touch screen/smart phone.
I kinda expected to break it, at least shatter the glass before now.
*knock on wood* Hopefully that doesn't happen now that I'm posting about it lol.
So far I haven't had complaints about my phone.
I love it actually.
Because I can take a gazillion pictures on it.
Which is great.
Because I tend to take a gazillion pictures whenever I go anywhere lol.
So I haven't felt the need to update to a new phone.
Since my current phone is doing so great.
But every now and then....
I consider it.
Getting myself a newer phone.
lol. But then I tell myself.
It's kinda silly to want a new phone...
for a game.
Since my phone is older.
It doesn't have the 'updates' necessary to get certain games.
Like Pokémon Go.
But there are days,
When I seriously consider it.
Getting a new phone that allows me to play that game.
Since my roomies and my family all play it and I'd like to participate lol.
I can in my own fashion, on my little Ipod.
But the device itself can't seem to handle the game for long.
And I can only play where there is internet access.
So it's kinda pointless.
Which again....
has me considering getting a new phone.
But for a game?
It really does seem kinda silly.
After all there's nothing wrong with my phone otherwise.
Plus another phone may not be able to give me as much space for pictures.
Decisions. Decisions.
For now though, I'm keeping my current phone.
But we'll see when I actually reach the breaking point...when the need to participate with the others with the game overrides my liking of my current phone. lol.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Wrong Number
The problem with having more than one person in your contact list with the same name...
Is that sometimes you mistake them for the other person and then end up calling/texting the wrong person.
There I was.
Attempting to text a coworker friend of mine to you know....complain about work.
Since they no longer work at my work, I don't end up texting them that often.
Usually just when someone/something really irks me or I find something funny that sort of thing.
So I decided to text my friend the other day.
Venting some frustrations.
And was confused as to why they weren't texting me back.
I figured they were busy and didn't think more of it.
Until I got a text back tonight from my coworker.
That basically said. "That moment when a random stranger texts you complaining about work, but you have no idea what's going on so while you want to can't."
I was like "I know right! That's not fun when it happens."
And they were like "Yah, but I'm totally with you in spirit! Hope it goes well!"
*blink blink*
It hit me then.
That it wasn't my coworker texting me a frustration of their own.
But that this was in fact...probably....a random stranger....that I'd been texting.
and they were like "Who is this random person!"
To double check I was like. " I by chance texting a random number? As this used to belong to my coworker."
Yah it was. lol.
It turns out that the number I thought was my coworker's....wasn't theirs.
It wasn't even a person with their same name.
I'd had two contacts with the same name, but ended up texting the wrong number...only that number no longer belonged to a person with the same name of my coworker. lol.
But hey.
We had a nice brief chat after that point.
Which was rather fun.
Though the person on the other end is probably like "Well that was random."
We'll probably never talk again.
But hey.
It was good to meet a random stranger today. :) lol.
Even if it was just via texting.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Is that sometimes you mistake them for the other person and then end up calling/texting the wrong person.
There I was.
Attempting to text a coworker friend of mine to you know....complain about work.
Since they no longer work at my work, I don't end up texting them that often.
Usually just when someone/something really irks me or I find something funny that sort of thing.
So I decided to text my friend the other day.
Venting some frustrations.
And was confused as to why they weren't texting me back.
I figured they were busy and didn't think more of it.
Until I got a text back tonight from my coworker.
That basically said. "That moment when a random stranger texts you complaining about work, but you have no idea what's going on so while you want to can't."
I was like "I know right! That's not fun when it happens."
And they were like "Yah, but I'm totally with you in spirit! Hope it goes well!"
*blink blink*
It hit me then.
That it wasn't my coworker texting me a frustration of their own.
But that this was in fact...probably....a random stranger....that I'd been texting.
and they were like "Who is this random person!"
To double check I was like. " I by chance texting a random number? As this used to belong to my coworker."
Yah it was. lol.
It turns out that the number I thought was my coworker's....wasn't theirs.
It wasn't even a person with their same name.
I'd had two contacts with the same name, but ended up texting the wrong number...only that number no longer belonged to a person with the same name of my coworker. lol.
But hey.
We had a nice brief chat after that point.
Which was rather fun.
Though the person on the other end is probably like "Well that was random."
We'll probably never talk again.
But hey.
It was good to meet a random stranger today. :) lol.
Even if it was just via texting.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, February 24, 2017
I wonder if I've been pushing myself too hard recently.
I mean, I don't feel like I've been doing anything too crazy.
Beyond not always taking my usual naps after I get off work now....
But apparently.
I really just needed a day of rest and recuperation.
Because when I woke up this morning.
I had no desire whatsoever to go anywhere or do anything.
I was content to stay in bed and sleep the day away.
Which I slept until mid-lunch time....
But yah.
I spent basically the entire day in bed. Hanging out on the internet and doing writing things.
And resting.
As I've had energy whatsoever today.
And I was fine with that.
I mean...I had concepts to go out once again and be social.
But I was perfectly okay with having the house to myself and enjoying not having to talk to anyone at all today.
It was great.
And apparently just what I needed.
Hopefully a day of rest will give me the energy to get through work tomorrow.
Meh. We'll see. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
I mean, I don't feel like I've been doing anything too crazy.
Beyond not always taking my usual naps after I get off work now....
But apparently.
I really just needed a day of rest and recuperation.
Because when I woke up this morning.
I had no desire whatsoever to go anywhere or do anything.
I was content to stay in bed and sleep the day away.
Which I slept until mid-lunch time....
But yah.
I spent basically the entire day in bed. Hanging out on the internet and doing writing things.
And resting.
As I've had energy whatsoever today.
And I was fine with that.
I mean...I had concepts to go out once again and be social.
But I was perfectly okay with having the house to myself and enjoying not having to talk to anyone at all today.
It was great.
And apparently just what I needed.
Hopefully a day of rest will give me the energy to get through work tomorrow.
Meh. We'll see. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Shaking Hands
When I returned from my mission, I met a beautiful young woman with long black hair down to her waist.
She had beautiful, big honey eyes and a contagious smile.
She captivated me from the first moment I saw her.
My wife had set the goal to get married in the temple, although back then the nearest temple required a trip of over 4,000 miles.
Our civil marriage ceremony was both happy and sad, for we were married with an expiration date.
The officer pronounced the words "And now I declare you husband and wife," but immediately after, he said, "until-death do you part."
So with sacrifice we set out to purchase a one-way ticket to the Mesa Arizona Temple.
In the temple, as we were kneeling down at the altar an authorized servant pronounced the words I longed for, which declared us husband and wife for time and for all eternity.
A friend took us to Sunday School.
During the meeting he stood up and introduced us to the class.
As the meeting came to a close, a brother approached me and shook my hand, leaving a 20-dollar bill in it.
Soon after, another brother reached out to me as well, and to my surprise, he also left a bill in my hand.
I quickly looked for my wife, who was across the room, and shouted, "Blanqury, shake hands with everyone!"
Soon we had gathered enough money to return to Guatemala.
-Enrique R. Falabella -The Home: The School of Life -April 2013 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
She had beautiful, big honey eyes and a contagious smile.
She captivated me from the first moment I saw her.
My wife had set the goal to get married in the temple, although back then the nearest temple required a trip of over 4,000 miles.
Our civil marriage ceremony was both happy and sad, for we were married with an expiration date.
The officer pronounced the words "And now I declare you husband and wife," but immediately after, he said, "until-death do you part."
So with sacrifice we set out to purchase a one-way ticket to the Mesa Arizona Temple.
In the temple, as we were kneeling down at the altar an authorized servant pronounced the words I longed for, which declared us husband and wife for time and for all eternity.
A friend took us to Sunday School.
During the meeting he stood up and introduced us to the class.
As the meeting came to a close, a brother approached me and shook my hand, leaving a 20-dollar bill in it.
Soon after, another brother reached out to me as well, and to my surprise, he also left a bill in my hand.
I quickly looked for my wife, who was across the room, and shouted, "Blanqury, shake hands with everyone!"
Soon we had gathered enough money to return to Guatemala.
-Enrique R. Falabella -The Home: The School of Life -April 2013 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Night Time Visit
So there I was,
In my room, wrapped up in blankets, watching my obsession show. (Detective Conan) as I was working on some writing projects.
When my sister knocked on the door.
A surprising thing, as it was later in the evening (after 9) and I'd thought she was upstairs as I heard movement above me and assumed that she and another roomie were talking.
I wondered if she was going to invite me out to watch a movie or something....
As that's usually the reason why she knocks on my door. It's either movie related or food related. lol.
That wasn't quite what she was wanting.
She came in with "Hey, there are some random girls who showed up on our doorstep and want to feed us ice cream. They're upstairs in the kitchen."
Well....that's random.
Was it visiting teachers? Was it our relief society presidency?
But no. Kikay had said that it was 'random girls'
So...she had no idea who they were either.
*shakes head*
Turns out the two girls are in our ward.
One living a few houses down from us.
The other further down the hill.
And they had been curious about who lived in our house,
And decided to randomly visit.
To get to know us.
And give us ice cream -to break the ice-
So we sat and chatted with them for half an hour or so as we ate ice cream.
*shakes head*
It's such a random encounter.
I mean who decides at nine at night to go visit a random house full of strangers and bring them ice cream....when it was blizzarding outside.
That's Collegetown for you I suppose.
The parties don't start until after 9pm. *shakes head*
Totally was a random encounter.
But I did enjoy the brief socialization and of course, the free ice cream. lol.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
In my room, wrapped up in blankets, watching my obsession show. (Detective Conan) as I was working on some writing projects.
When my sister knocked on the door.
A surprising thing, as it was later in the evening (after 9) and I'd thought she was upstairs as I heard movement above me and assumed that she and another roomie were talking.
I wondered if she was going to invite me out to watch a movie or something....
As that's usually the reason why she knocks on my door. It's either movie related or food related. lol.
That wasn't quite what she was wanting.
She came in with "Hey, there are some random girls who showed up on our doorstep and want to feed us ice cream. They're upstairs in the kitchen."
Well....that's random.
Was it visiting teachers? Was it our relief society presidency?
But no. Kikay had said that it was 'random girls'
So...she had no idea who they were either.
*shakes head*
Turns out the two girls are in our ward.
One living a few houses down from us.
The other further down the hill.
And they had been curious about who lived in our house,
And decided to randomly visit.
To get to know us.
And give us ice cream -to break the ice-
So we sat and chatted with them for half an hour or so as we ate ice cream.
*shakes head*
It's such a random encounter.
I mean who decides at nine at night to go visit a random house full of strangers and bring them ice cream....when it was blizzarding outside.
That's Collegetown for you I suppose.
The parties don't start until after 9pm. *shakes head*
Totally was a random encounter.
But I did enjoy the brief socialization and of course, the free ice cream. lol.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Strong Arms
I went shopping for food today.
Because, despite what my coworkers think.
I actually do eat food.
Well...I do eat more than the crackers they see me eating at work. lol.
In any case.
I was only going to the store to get 'top off' supplies.
Minor things that I was running out of.
Like bread, ...more crackers for work....muffins, some veggies, more juice. That sort of thing.
It only ended up being like two bags of stuff, and then two gallons of my juice by the time I was done.
Which as I was leaving the checkout line.
I figured.
It's not that much stuff.
Why should I push a cart all the way out to my car when I could easily carry everything there?
So I pushed my cart to the cart return (still in the store) and paused to load up my arms with my groceries.
And this guy walks past and says "Wow, you're strong."
^-^ huh. "Thanks." lol.
It caught me off guard really.
Because it didn't strike me that my things were particularly heavy.
I mean the juice, yah that's not easy to carry to gallons of that while arms full of groceries.
But I've carried a lot more than what I had in my cart before.
To no comment.
Where I've had like six bags stuff full of groceries on each arm, gallons of juice and soda in hand....
After all.
It's one trip or bust right? lol.
That's the college student mentality.
If I can't get all the groceries in to the house in one trip...what's the point? lol.
So to have me rather lightly loaded up....
It was rather amusing to think that the guy thought I was strong for being willing to walk out of the store to my car without having my groceries in the cart. :)
But I am grateful he took the time to mention that as he walked by.
As it totally brightened the rest of my day. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, February 20, 2017
October 2013 General Conference -Priesthood Session
Gerald Causse -Ye Are No More Strangers
- As disciples of Jesus Christ who strive to be in the world but not of the world, we sometimes feel like outsiders. We, better than many, know that certain doors can be closed to those who are considered to be different.
- In this Church there are no strangers and no outcasts. There are only brothers and sisters. The knowledge that we have of an Eternal Father helps us be more sensitive to the brotherhood and sisterhood that should exist among all men and women upon the earth.
- Unity is not achieved by ignoring and isolating members who seem to be different or weaker and only associating with people who are like us. On the contrary, unity is gained by welcoming and serving those who are new and who have particular needs.
Randy D. Funk -Called of Him to Declare His Word
- Wherever you are sent, to whichever mission you are assigned, know that a member of the Twelve duly recommended that assignment and you are called by the Lord's prophet. You are called "by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands."
- "Without the Spirit, you will never succeed regardless of your talent and ability."
- "A knowledge of truth and the answers to our greatest questions come to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God." How reassuring it is to know that through our obedience we gain knowledge.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -You Can Do It Now!
- Brethren, there may be times in our lives when rising up and continuing on may seem beyond our own ability.
- And sometimes we just need someone to look us in the eyes, take our hand, and say, "You can do it now!"
- I have watched men filled with potential and grace disengage fro the challenging work of building the kingdom of God because they had failed a time or two. These were men of promise who could have been exceptional priesthood holders and servants of God. But because they withdrew from their priesthood commitments and pursued other but less worthy endeavors.
- No one likes to fail. And we particularly don't like it when others--especially those we love--see us fail. We all want to be respected and esteemed. We want to be champions. But we mortals do not become champions without effort and discipline or without making mistakes.
- Brethren, our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the numbers of times we rise up, dust ourselves off, and move forward.
- True repentance is about transformation, not torture or torment.
- Satan's purpose is to tempt us to exchange the priceless pearls of true happiness and eternal values for a fake plastic trinket that is merely an illusion and counterfeit of happiness and joy.
- Another method the adversary uses to discourage us from rising up is to make us see the commandments as things that have been forced upon us. I suppose it is human nature to resist anything that does not appear to be our own idea in the first place.
- "Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."
- My dear friends and brethren, no matter how many times you have slipped or fallen, rise up! Your destiny is a glorious one! Stand tall and walk in the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine. You can do it now!
Henry B. Eyring -Bind Up Their Wounds
- You cannot help people repair spiritual damage unless your own faith is vibrant.
Thomas S. Monson -True Shepherds
- Home teaching is more than a mechanical visit once per month. Ours is the responsibility to teach, to inspire, to motivate, and where we visit those who are not active, to bring to activity and to eventual exaltation the sons and daughters of God.
- "If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend."
- "Above all, be a genuine friend to the individuals and families you teach. ... A friend makes more than a dutiful visit each month. A friend is more concerned about helping people than getting credit. A friend cares. A friend [shows love]. A friend listens, and a friend reaches out."
- There are lives to brighten. There are hearts to touch. There are souls to save. Ours is the sacred privilege to brighten, to touch, and to save those precious souls entrusted to our care. We should do so faithfully and with hearts filled with gladness.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Sunday, February 19, 2017
All The Space
It's the weirdest thing to have a clean room.
Okay...granted I still have odds and ends stuffed here and there that need to be organized and placed on shelves.
But for the first time since I started moving boxes into my room....
I can actually see my floor again.
*shakes head*
It was a long time in the making.
A very long time.
You see.
I find it difficult to do cleaning when I'm at home.
Mostly because my job at work is to basically clean up after animals.
lol. So if I'm cleaning all day....
I don't really want to clean at home too.
But a couple of days I actually found the energy.
...and the messiness of my room finally got to an irritating level.
That I decided to actually take the time to finally clean/put away laundry, unpack from vacations, unpack from Christmas, unpack from moving, and just get all the stuff off my floor.
Like I said earlier. I have basically all my knickknacks I still need to organize.
My floor is clean!
Clean enough I could lay out and not touch anything.
Clean enough I could do cartwheels and not worry about stepping or breaking anything.
Such a weird feeling.
I'm not quite used to it yet.
To the fact that I have so much space.
I've gotten used to how messy my room was.
How crowded it felt.
And to have the crowded chaos gone.
It's freeing in a way.
But also just empty feeling too.
So much space. lol
I feel the need to clutter it up somehow.
Though not by making my room a mess again.
I just need to continue to make my room more personalized.
Hang things up on the wall.
Put away the knick knacks.
Give my room just a tad bit more of that lived in feeling that it seems to be missing.
So it goes from 'messy room'
to actual 'bedroom'
Where someone lives and does stuff and things.
Guess we'll see how long it takes me to do that though. lol.
I ran out of energy Friday.
And haven't found the compulsive need yet to organize.
We'll see when that will hit next. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
It's the weirdest thing to have a clean room.
Okay...granted I still have odds and ends stuffed here and there that need to be organized and placed on shelves.
But for the first time since I started moving boxes into my room....
I can actually see my floor again.
*shakes head*
It was a long time in the making.
A very long time.
You see.
I find it difficult to do cleaning when I'm at home.
Mostly because my job at work is to basically clean up after animals.
lol. So if I'm cleaning all day....
I don't really want to clean at home too.
But a couple of days I actually found the energy.
...and the messiness of my room finally got to an irritating level.
That I decided to actually take the time to finally clean/put away laundry, unpack from vacations, unpack from Christmas, unpack from moving, and just get all the stuff off my floor.
Like I said earlier. I have basically all my knickknacks I still need to organize.
My floor is clean!
Clean enough I could lay out and not touch anything.
Clean enough I could do cartwheels and not worry about stepping or breaking anything.
Such a weird feeling.
I'm not quite used to it yet.
To the fact that I have so much space.
I've gotten used to how messy my room was.
How crowded it felt.
And to have the crowded chaos gone.
It's freeing in a way.
But also just empty feeling too.
So much space. lol
I feel the need to clutter it up somehow.
Though not by making my room a mess again.
I just need to continue to make my room more personalized.
Hang things up on the wall.
Put away the knick knacks.
Give my room just a tad bit more of that lived in feeling that it seems to be missing.
So it goes from 'messy room'
to actual 'bedroom'
Where someone lives and does stuff and things.
Guess we'll see how long it takes me to do that though. lol.
I ran out of energy Friday.
And haven't found the compulsive need yet to organize.
We'll see when that will hit next. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Mad At Work?
My Manager believes I'm mad at him.
Because he's scheduling me to work Saturday evenings.
When it's well known that I prefer working Morning shifts.
Mostly because I like 'doing' rather than 'talking'
And Morning shifts means a lot of doing.
While evening shifts means a lot of talking.
But because our DM has set the standard that our 'best' people should work during the 'busiest' times of the day on Saturdays.
And I'm obviously the best person in my department. -Quick, Knowledgeable, Experienced....
It means for the forseeable future...I'm going to be working Saturday evenings. >.< Boo.
I'm obviously not pleased about this turn of pace.
Because like I said. I prefer doing things over talking to people.
But that doesn't mean I'm angry.
Angry is sending a cart flying across the floor to bump against a fish stand.
Angry is forcefully throwing packages of bedding onto the floor with loud thumps.
Angry is raising my voice, talking back to the manager, and refusing to listen to orders to go home.
That is me angry.
That is me at my breaking point of frustrated.
And in the handful of years I've worked at Starsmet.
I've only blown up like that once.
And that was because I was stressed out, frustrated, understaffed, and dealing with a manager who wasn't listening to me.
But me getting angry about a schedule change?
Not really happening currently lol.
I'm used to the twists and turns of retail scheduling.
And I know that for a while I have to work shifts I don't want to work.
For the 'greater good' of the store. Blah blah blah.
It's just one of those things I'm resigned to happening.
I don't like it when it does happen.
But it's nothing worth getting upset about.
Schedules are schedules. Work is work.
I can tolerate it.
Because I know in retail...that nothing lasts forever.
So for now I have to deal with one evening shift a week.
I don't like that it's on the busiest day of the week.
But hey.
That's life.
And it doesn't mean that I won't give my managers the puppy dog eyes, and sad sighs, and the 'but I like morning shifts!" routine. lol. If only so they recognize that I really would prefer to not work during that time.
But me? Be angry about it?
It's not worth the energy it takes to keep that up. lol
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Because he's scheduling me to work Saturday evenings.
When it's well known that I prefer working Morning shifts.
Mostly because I like 'doing' rather than 'talking'
And Morning shifts means a lot of doing.
While evening shifts means a lot of talking.
But because our DM has set the standard that our 'best' people should work during the 'busiest' times of the day on Saturdays.
And I'm obviously the best person in my department. -Quick, Knowledgeable, Experienced....
It means for the forseeable future...I'm going to be working Saturday evenings. >.< Boo.
I'm obviously not pleased about this turn of pace.
Because like I said. I prefer doing things over talking to people.
But that doesn't mean I'm angry.
Angry is sending a cart flying across the floor to bump against a fish stand.
Angry is forcefully throwing packages of bedding onto the floor with loud thumps.
Angry is raising my voice, talking back to the manager, and refusing to listen to orders to go home.
That is me angry.
That is me at my breaking point of frustrated.
And in the handful of years I've worked at Starsmet.
I've only blown up like that once.
And that was because I was stressed out, frustrated, understaffed, and dealing with a manager who wasn't listening to me.
But me getting angry about a schedule change?
Not really happening currently lol.
I'm used to the twists and turns of retail scheduling.
And I know that for a while I have to work shifts I don't want to work.
For the 'greater good' of the store. Blah blah blah.
It's just one of those things I'm resigned to happening.
I don't like it when it does happen.
But it's nothing worth getting upset about.
Schedules are schedules. Work is work.
I can tolerate it.
Because I know in retail...that nothing lasts forever.
So for now I have to deal with one evening shift a week.
I don't like that it's on the busiest day of the week.
But hey.
That's life.
And it doesn't mean that I won't give my managers the puppy dog eyes, and sad sighs, and the 'but I like morning shifts!" routine. lol. If only so they recognize that I really would prefer to not work during that time.
But me? Be angry about it?
It's not worth the energy it takes to keep that up. lol
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Friday, February 17, 2017
Pardon the Intrusion
We were planning to have another roommate way back when we moved into the current place.
My roommates and I.
As we had an extra bedroom.
But things worked out in such a fashion...that we ended up not getting another roommate.
And the smallest bedroom, between mine and one of my other roomies...remains empty.
It's a storage room now. Where we've been placing extra stuff that doesn't go elsewhere.
The interesting thing about our smallest bedroom...
Is that it has an odd feel to it.
Odd enough, that we've had a couple of blessings placed upon it. So that if there are any malevolent spirits within the room....they'll leave.
For the most part.
We ignore that bedroom.
The door remains shut.
As it's down a hallway that only one other roommate uses to go to her's often forgotten.
But today.
Not so much.
As I finally got around to actually cleaning up my room.
Y_Y;;; heh.
As I had not yet fully unpacked from moving in.
Yah...I procrastinate a lot.
But today, the state of my room bugged me enough that I finally bit the bullet, and went to work.
The results?
So weird.
To have space to move around without stepping on anything. So weird.
But in any case.
Back earlier when I was cleaning.
I ended up moving a few boxes and other odds and ends into that smallest bedroom.
Since it is a storage room.
The first time I did so. I just barged right in.
After all, the room is empty.
But I got such a....well, I felt as if someone was glaring at my back.
It made me uncomfortable.
So randomly, the next time I had to go in....I decided to knock first.
The glare was still there. But not as dark.
And with each knock and visit.
The feeling in the room got lighter and lighter.
More calm so it didn't feel so...foreboding when I entered.
Therefore....lesson learned.
Knock before entering bedrooms. Even if they're empty. lol.
Though I do have to wonder....
If there actually is a spirit living in the empty bedroom. And if so....why?
*shakes head*
Who knows.
It's not like I haven't lived with ghosts before. ;) lol
My second apartment complex ended up having an empty bedroom basically the entire time I lived there. So I always referred to that one as where a ghost girl lived.
Basically...if I don't bother them.
They won't bother me.
So hopefully the ghost, if there is one, in the smallest bedroom didn't mind my random intrusions throughout the day. At least...after I began knocking before entering. lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
My roommates and I.
As we had an extra bedroom.
But things worked out in such a fashion...that we ended up not getting another roommate.
And the smallest bedroom, between mine and one of my other roomies...remains empty.
It's a storage room now. Where we've been placing extra stuff that doesn't go elsewhere.
The interesting thing about our smallest bedroom...
Is that it has an odd feel to it.
Odd enough, that we've had a couple of blessings placed upon it. So that if there are any malevolent spirits within the room....they'll leave.
For the most part.
We ignore that bedroom.
The door remains shut.
As it's down a hallway that only one other roommate uses to go to her's often forgotten.
But today.
Not so much.
As I finally got around to actually cleaning up my room.
Y_Y;;; heh.
As I had not yet fully unpacked from moving in.
Yah...I procrastinate a lot.
But today, the state of my room bugged me enough that I finally bit the bullet, and went to work.
The results?
So weird.
To have space to move around without stepping on anything. So weird.
But in any case.
Back earlier when I was cleaning.
I ended up moving a few boxes and other odds and ends into that smallest bedroom.
Since it is a storage room.
The first time I did so. I just barged right in.
After all, the room is empty.
But I got such a....well, I felt as if someone was glaring at my back.
It made me uncomfortable.
So randomly, the next time I had to go in....I decided to knock first.
The glare was still there. But not as dark.
And with each knock and visit.
The feeling in the room got lighter and lighter.
More calm so it didn't feel so...foreboding when I entered.
Therefore....lesson learned.
Knock before entering bedrooms. Even if they're empty. lol.
Though I do have to wonder....
If there actually is a spirit living in the empty bedroom. And if so....why?
*shakes head*
Who knows.
It's not like I haven't lived with ghosts before. ;) lol
My second apartment complex ended up having an empty bedroom basically the entire time I lived there. So I always referred to that one as where a ghost girl lived.
Basically...if I don't bother them.
They won't bother me.
So hopefully the ghost, if there is one, in the smallest bedroom didn't mind my random intrusions throughout the day. At least...after I began knocking before entering. lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Thursday, February 16, 2017
To Help or To Be Late
Brothers and sisters, remember that this charge I more than just not doing bad things.
With an engaged enemy we must also act and not sit in "thoughtless stupor."
Taking upon the countenance of God means serving each other.
There are sins of commission and sins of omission, and we are to rise above both.
While serving as a mission president in Africa, I was forever taught this great truth.
I was on my way to a meeting when I saw a young boy alone, crying hysterically on the side of the road.
A voice within me said, "Stop and help that boy."
As quick as I heard this voice in a split second, I rationalized: "You can't stop.
You will be late.
You're the presiding officer and can't walk in late."
When I arrived at the meetinghouse, I heard the same voice say again: "Go help that boy."
I then gave my car keys to a Church member named Afasi and asked him to bring the boy to me.
About 20 minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
The young boy was outside.
He was about 10 years of age.
We found out his father was dead and his mother was in jail.
He lived in the slums of Accra with a caretaker, who gave him food and a place to sleep.
To earn his board, he sold dried fish on the streets.
But after this day of hawking, when he reached in his pocket, he found a hole in it.
He had lost all his earnings.
Afasi and I knew immediately that if he returned without the money, he would be called a liar, most likely beaten, and then cast out onto the street.
It was in that moment of alarm when I first saw him.
We calmed his fears, replaced his loss, and took him back home to his caretaker.
As I went home that evening, I realized two great truths.
First, I knew as never before that God is mindful of each of us and will never forsake us; and second, I knew that we must always hearken to the voice of the Spirit within us and go "straightway" wherever it takes us, regardless of our fears or any inconvenience."
-Robert C. Gay -What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul? -October 2012 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
With an engaged enemy we must also act and not sit in "thoughtless stupor."
Taking upon the countenance of God means serving each other.
There are sins of commission and sins of omission, and we are to rise above both.
While serving as a mission president in Africa, I was forever taught this great truth.
I was on my way to a meeting when I saw a young boy alone, crying hysterically on the side of the road.
A voice within me said, "Stop and help that boy."
As quick as I heard this voice in a split second, I rationalized: "You can't stop.
You will be late.
You're the presiding officer and can't walk in late."
When I arrived at the meetinghouse, I heard the same voice say again: "Go help that boy."
I then gave my car keys to a Church member named Afasi and asked him to bring the boy to me.
About 20 minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
The young boy was outside.
He was about 10 years of age.
We found out his father was dead and his mother was in jail.
He lived in the slums of Accra with a caretaker, who gave him food and a place to sleep.
To earn his board, he sold dried fish on the streets.
But after this day of hawking, when he reached in his pocket, he found a hole in it.
He had lost all his earnings.
Afasi and I knew immediately that if he returned without the money, he would be called a liar, most likely beaten, and then cast out onto the street.
It was in that moment of alarm when I first saw him.
We calmed his fears, replaced his loss, and took him back home to his caretaker.
As I went home that evening, I realized two great truths.
First, I knew as never before that God is mindful of each of us and will never forsake us; and second, I knew that we must always hearken to the voice of the Spirit within us and go "straightway" wherever it takes us, regardless of our fears or any inconvenience."
-Robert C. Gay -What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul? -October 2012 General Conference
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Okay, so electrifying oneself is never a fun experience.
Trust me. I know.
I've had a few zaps here and there at work.
After all, water and light/electricity don't often mix.
Especially with our finicky canister filter.
So this morning I came into work to a note for us to clean out the canister filter.
As it wasn't flowing as well as it should be.
Which probably means it needs to be cleaned out. Again. Some more.
This time though, my coworker wanted to change out the filter.
I'd shown her how to do it a couple of times,
So she knew the basics.
In any case.
I was busy with something else.
When she called me over.
Asking how to unhook the canister filter from the tank.
The first thing I asked if she had turned off the filter.
Which she had unplugged it.
So I figured everything was okay.
Showed her how to unhook the canister.
And then it was no longer okay.
Because water started streaming out of the filter.
Not. Good.
Because the rest of the fish tank was still on. Lights and such.
So automatically I reached out to said power strip to turn it off.
Water had already reached the strip.
So when I went to turn it off.
I got zapped.
Ugh. It's not a fun feeling.
Because your muscles get forcibly contracted all at once.
Thankfully it was only for like two seconds at the most before I pulled back.
And we figured out quickly why the water was still flowing.
I always make the mistake of forgetting about the water build up within the hoses and canister.
Just because the filter is off...doesn't mean the water hasn't stopped flowing in the tubes. A suction/vacuum has been created and giving it an opening -like opening the canister filter--makes the vacuum/suction continue.
So to prevent from happening you have to close the openings to the hoses First, and THEN open up the canister filter.
*shakes head*
In the end though,
We got it all sorted, water running, the water on the floor cleaned up.
And me....with a wet sock...
And tingling fingers. lol.
Well, at least my pointer finger was tingling. *shakes head*
Thankfully, being zapped isn't that bad pain wise.
Bad tensing wise for sure.
But it's hardly worse than a light tingling of the fingers when your arm falls asleep.
In any case.
I won't do it again.
Because it's not a fun experience at all.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Before the Love
I don't think the guy in charge of the previews to the movie I saw tonight was in a good mood when he picked out the line up. would think, when watching a romantic movie.
The previews would be other romantic movies coming out soon right?
I mean, if the audience is going to see this movie.
They probably want to see other movies similar to it.
So to get them to come back. You show them those future possibilities.
With this movie.
With the exception of the first one being a Trailer of Beauty and the Beast....
All the other movies were....rather dark.
Death, End of the World, War, more War, Even more war. Explosions. Destruction.
Uh...not the kind of thing you want to see before going into a movie about love right?
Totally sets the wrong mood for the audience
Sure, if we were about to see a horror movie, those shows would have fit right in.
But for a romantic movie?
Not at all.
Which leads me to believe that the dude in charge of lining up the trailers for movies....
Was probably has recently had a relationship end. Or is bitter about love in general.
Hence they wanted to ruin the mood of the movie as best they knew how.
By showing death and destruction before hand.
Poor dude.
I hope wherever you are....that you change your opinion soon and find someone to make you happy.
Without all the gunfire and explosions okay?
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi would think, when watching a romantic movie.
The previews would be other romantic movies coming out soon right?
I mean, if the audience is going to see this movie.
They probably want to see other movies similar to it.
So to get them to come back. You show them those future possibilities.
With this movie.
With the exception of the first one being a Trailer of Beauty and the Beast....
All the other movies were....rather dark.
Death, End of the World, War, more War, Even more war. Explosions. Destruction.
Uh...not the kind of thing you want to see before going into a movie about love right?
Totally sets the wrong mood for the audience
Sure, if we were about to see a horror movie, those shows would have fit right in.
But for a romantic movie?
Not at all.
Which leads me to believe that the dude in charge of lining up the trailers for movies....
Was probably has recently had a relationship end. Or is bitter about love in general.
Hence they wanted to ruin the mood of the movie as best they knew how.
By showing death and destruction before hand.
Poor dude.
I hope wherever you are....that you change your opinion soon and find someone to make you happy.
Without all the gunfire and explosions okay?
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Monday, February 13, 2017
October 2013 General Conference -Saturday Afternoon
Henry B. Eyring -The Sustaining of Church Officers
Boyd K. Packer -The Key to Spiritual Protection
Boyd K. Packer -The Key to Spiritual Protection
- Parents today wonder if there is a safe place to raise children. There is a safe place. It is in a gospel-centered home. We focus on the family in the Church, and we counsel parents everywhere to raise their children in righteousness.
- We must be ever watchful and diligent.
- If the language of the scriptures at first seems strange to you, keep reading. Soon you will come to recognize the beauty and power found on those pages.
- "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and if profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction righteousness."
- "Be not afraid, only believe." Righteousness is more powerful than wickedness.
- If you are set on a course of faith and activity in the Church, stay on course and keep your covenants. Continue forward until the time when the Lord's blessings will come to you and the Holy Ghost will be revealed as a moving force in your life.
- Repentance is individual, and so is forgiveness. The Lord requires only that one turn from their sin, and "[He] will forgive their iniquity, and ... remember their sin no more."
- Paul and others warned about the trials of our time and the days yet to come. But peace can be settled in the heart of each who turns to the scriptures and unlocks the promises of protection and redemption that are taught therein.
D. Todd Christofferson -The Moral Force of Women
- A woman's moral influence is nowhere more powerfully felt or more beneficially employed than in the home.
- In all events, a mother can exert an influence unequaled by any other person in any other relationship.
- "When the real history of mankind is fully disclosed, will it feature the echoes of gunfire or the shaping sound of lullabies? The great armistices made by military men or the peacemaking of women in homes and in neighborhoods? Will what happened in cradles and kitchens prove to be more controlling than what happened in congresses?"
- A pernicious philosophy that undermines women's moral influence is the devaluation of marriage and of motherhood and homemaking as a career. Some view homemaking with outright contempt, arguing it demeans women and that the relentless demands of raising children are a form of exploitation. They ridicule what they call "the mommy track' as a career. This is not fair or right. We do not diminish the value of what women or men achieve in any worthy endeavor or career--we all benefit from those achievements--but we still recognize there is not a higher good than motherhood and fatherhood in marriage. There is no superior career, and no amount of money, authority, or public acclaim can exceed the ultimate rewards of family. Whatever else a woman may accomplish, her moral influence is no more optimally employed than here.
- There has long been a cultural double standard that expected women to be sexually circumspect while excusing male immorality. The unfairness of such a double standard is obvious, and it has been justifiably criticized and rejected. In that rejection, one would have hoped that men would rise to the higher, single standard, but just the opposite has occurred--women and girls are now encouraged to be as promiscuous as the double standard expected men to be. Where once women's higher standards demanded commitment and responsibility from men, we now have sexual relations without conscience, fatherless families, and growing poverty. Equal-opportunity promiscuity simply robs women of their moral influence and degrades all of society. In this hollow bargain, it is men who are "liberated" and women and children who suffer most.
- "The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity." In blurring feminine and masculine differences, we lose the distinct, complementary gifts of women and men that together produce a greater whole.
- My plea to women and girls today is to protect and cultivate the moral force that is within you. Preserve that innate virtue and the unique gifts you bring with you into the world. Your intuition is to do good and to be good, and as you follow the Holy Spirit, your moral authority and influence will grow. To the young women I say, don't lose the moral force even before you have it in full measure. Take particular care that your language is clean, not coarse; that your dress reflects modesty, not vanity; and that your conduct manifests purity, not promiscuity. You cannot lift others to virtue on the one hand if you are entertaining vice on the other.
- Dear sisters, we rely on the moral force you bring to the world, to marriage, to family, to the Church. We rely on blessings you bring down from heaven by your prayers and faith. We pray for your security, welfare, and happiness and for your influence to be sustained.
S. Gifford Nielson -Hastening the Lord's Game Plan!
- We need to be engaged as never before to match the excitement of our leaders and the commitment of our full-time missionaries. This work is not going to move forwards in the Lord's intended way without us!
- "Until you know a person's name and face, the Lord cannot help you know his or her heart."
Timothy J. Dyches -Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?
- Jesus Christ heals body, mind, and spirit, and His healing begins with faith.
- "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
- When we lay down "the weapons of [our] rebellion," we become "agents unto [ourselves]," no longer blinded by the sophistry of Satan or deafened by the discordant noise of the secular world.
- "There is one life that sustains those who are troubled or beset with sorrow and grief--even the Lord Jesus Christ."
- Be assured the Savior still seeks to mend our souls and heal our hearts. He waits at the door and knocks. Let us answer by beginning again to pray, repent, forgive, and forget.
Jeffrey R. Holland -Like a Broken Vessel
- So how do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love? Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend. As President Monson said to the Relief Society sisters so movingly last Saturday evening: "That love never changes. ... It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve [it]. It is simply always there." Never, ever doubt that, and never harden your heart. Faithfully pursue the time-tested devotional practices that bring the Spirit of the Lord into your life. Seek the counsel of those who hold keys for your spiritual well-being. Ask for and cherish priesthood blessings. Take the sacrament every week, and hold fast to the perfecting promises of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Believe in miracles. I have seen so many of them come when every other indication would say that hope was lost. Hope is never lost. If those miracles do not come soon or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Savior's own anguished example: if the bitter cup does not pass, drink it and be strong, trusting in happier days ahead.
- In preventing illness whenever possible, watch for the stress indicators in yourself and in others you may be able to help.
- Fatigue is the common enemy of us all--so slow down, rest up, replenish, and refill. Physicians promise us that if we do not take time to be well, we most assuredly will take time later on to be ill.
- Don't assume you can fix everything, but fix what you can. If those are only small victories.
- For caregivers, in your devoted effort to assist with another's health, do not destroy your own.
- Whatever your struggle, my brothers and sisters--mental or emotional or physical or otherwise--do not vote against the preciousness of life by ending it! Trust in God. Hold on in His love.
M. Russell Ballard -Put Your Trust in the Lord
- "Perhaps the greatest reason for missionary work is to give the world its chance to hear and accept the gospel. The scriptures are replete with commands and promises and calls and rewards for teaching the gospel. I use the word command deliberately for it seems to be an insistent directive from which we, singly and collectively, cannot escape."
- We know from our research that most active members of the Church want the blessings of the gospel to be part of the lives of others whom they love, even those whom they have never met. But we also know that many members hesitate to do missionary work and share the gospel for two basic reasons.
- You don't have to be an outgoing person or an eloquent, persuasive teacher. If you have an abiding love and hope within you, the Lord has promised if you "lift up your voices unto this people [and] speak the thoughts that [He] shall put into your hearts. ... you shall not be confounded before men.
L. Tom Perry -The Doctrines and Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith
- This doctrine is to the Church like a battery is to a cell phone. When you remove the battery fro your cell phone, it becomes useless. A church in which true doctrine is no longer taught is similarly useless. It cannot guide us back to our Heavenly Father and our eternal home.
- The truths taught in the Articles of Faith build upon one another like the components of a cell phone mutually supporting one another. Like the elaborate supply chain that adds components to a cell phone, the Articles of Faith supply us with key doctrines of the Restoration. Each article of faith adds unique value to our understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Do you ever have your mind stall out?
Like you stare at a blank screen and you have many things you want to say...
But when it comes down to the moment...
Your mind blanks.
The words stutter to come to the page.
As you try to decide if what you want to write is actually a good subject to write upon or if you should try for a different subject?
It's more difficult, when what you want to blog about is a thing that brings irritation to you.
I mean, complaining is fun, but it's no fun to constantly read complaints about things.
Even if I want to blog about them to try and understand the thought process.
Sometimes...I do wonder what people are thinking when they do things.
*shakes head*
My current conundrum of writing comes from seeing how a little bit of responsibility/power can change people.
Or at least...bring out a more unpleasant side of them?
Bring out a side of them I hadn't seen yet?
I halfway see it amusing as well.
To see a Greenie at work, trying to boss around the Older Workers and basically 'nip at their heels' over little this and that's, that nobody else would have batted an eye over.
I mean, I can see wanting to do your new job well. And wanting to make an impression.
But an irritating impression isn't a good one.
Nor is trying to force changes upon workers out of the blue when they're not a manager either.
It's amusing when people think that with the new responsibility they're suddenly able to boss around those like a manager.
Amusing until it gets annoying.
Amusing until I can tell that it's irritating my coworkers and causing strife within the work place, chaos where we don't need chaos.
*shakes head*
So we'll see how my little Heel Nipper does in the coming days, if they'll calm down after their first taste of it, or end up getting a slap of reality in the coming weeks from overdoing it.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
Saturday, February 11, 2017
A New Saturday Shift
I guess I should have expected it.
For the managers to get smart once more.
When it comes to scheduling people for shifts.
Particularly for scheduling me for my shifts.
The last time I had a major scheduling shift, was basically around this time last year.
When they decided (or the District Manager decided? Some high and mighty person with power decided.) that they needed me to work Saturdays....sadly getting rid of my weekends off that I'd been enjoying. Y_Y
As there was some policy or ideology somewhere that came to light, that perhaps the Lead of the Department. (Me) Should be working on the busiest day of the week.
Not my favorite thing.
As Weekend shifts means that there isn't as much work to do.
It's more focused on customer service and helping out people, than doing any cleaning or maintenance, or things like that.
And while I can be a people person.
I can't be a people person for long without needing a break.
And Saturday shifts can be....hectic.
Last weekend involved basically 4 straight hours of people talk. Which left me exhausted.
*shakes head*
In any case.
Saturday shifts aren't my favorite thing.
But at least I still had morning shifts, because I work best, and I like working mornings.
Because at least I get a couple of hours or so of no customers to interact with in the mornings.
Like I said at the beginning.
The Manager's have gotten smart.
Or at least. The District Manager nudged them into this direction.
As she stated that she wanted our 'best' workers working during the 'busiest' time of the 'busiest' day.
Aka Saturday.
Aka. Saturday Afternoons.
And guess who one of the 'best' workers in the store is?
The one who's been around the longest.
With the most knowledge?
That would be me.
>.< Fooey. lol.
So it looks like.
For me.
For the next forseeable future.
I'll no longer be working morning shifts on Saturday.
But instead the closing ones.
It's a great 'excuse' for me to 'check in' with the closers of my department and 'ensure' that they're doing the closing correctly.
*rolls eyes*
Honestly, it would be better done if they scheduled me an evening weekday shift. As the closers are in charge of more things during the weekdays. The weekends are basically a free pass for them with the extra tasks already done for the week.
But I get that they want me to work longer with the closing workers than to say "Hi! Bye! As they come on shift and I come off shift."
*shakes head*
Yah, I can see the logic behind it all.
I saw it long ago. lol.
I know where I would be 'best' at in the store.
But that doesn't mean I want to be working at that 'best' time lol.
Like I said.
I love the morning shifts because I have a few hours without customers.
Midday/Evening shifts....
No such luck.
It's basically 8 hours of constant talking and interacting with people.
Which... I can do.
If I have enough energy to do it.
I just don't like doing it.
Forcibly being social for hours on end is exhausting. Particularly when you have to be happy/smiley for hours on end since you have to be 'helpful' to customers.
I can get that it makes sense that I should be there Saturday evenings. Starting at the lunch rush and hanging out til nearly closing so I can hit the dinner rush customers as well.
To give out my knowledge, and help customers quickly and such.
I see the logic.
lol I just wish that the managers hadn't.
In any case.
It looks like I'll have to resign myself to one evening shift a week.
Though *fingers crossed* That I won't have to work every Saturday evening.
Because honestly...that's just torture there.
But if anything...
It makes me laugh to know.
That they should have scheduled me a morning shift today.
Because work was at it's busiest before I came in. With customers in the store right at opening, and my poor coworker having to get a manager to help back her up because she was the only one in the department until I came in. (A typical tactic)
But then it slowed down once I showed up.
But then it slowed down once I showed up.
*shakes head* Silly Managers.
Eventually they'll rerealize that morning shifts are best for me and the store in general. ;) lol
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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