Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Exceptions

There's a thing about rules.

In the right cases.
They can be broken.

Take English spelling for example.
We have all these rules....and then all these exceptions to the rules.

So it makes sense that these exceptions happen elsewhere as well.

With fish....and their tanks.
There are many rules.
With water changes, feeding, and...types of fish you can have in a tank. Like:

"Only one betta per tank unless the tank is divided."
"Don't put bettas with other fish."
"Don't put semi aggressive with non aggressive fish."

etc. etc. etc.

But here's the thing.

The bigger size of a tank you have.
The more the rules don't apply.

The smaller the tank...the more strict the rules.

And the knowledge of when and how to break these rules.
Basically comes down to one thing.


Because if fish have the space to spread out and not be on top of each other.
They're more likely to get along.
So you can have fish together....that shouldn't be together.

And with six feet of space in my 125 gallon tank.

I have room to play fast and loose with the rules of fish care. lol.
Because it is my philosophy that with enough space fish can go together.

Of course not all fish can go with all fish.
>.> Those Tiger Cichlids.... I definitely would never want in my tank lol.

And having never had a tank this large before.
It's cautious going for me in adding in new fish. Trial and error.
So far which seem to be working out.

As I've placed Two Male Bettas in my tank.
Which beyond the occasional flare up at each other when they get too close, seem to be adjusting well to sharing the space with each other and other fish.
I've also place Gourami's in this same tank.
Which I shouldn't have because I've been told they're enemies to Bettas.

Yet after the first hour or so when everyone was adjusting.....the Bettas and Gouramis are leaving each other alone. ^^

So it gives me much hope that I will be able to add in other semi-aggressive fish like Angelfish, Bala Sharks, Tiger Barbs and possibly a smaller cichlid or two....without there being issues.

Only time will tell for sure if it will all work out.

So far things seem to be on my side. :)
Let's hope it stays that way. ^^

As I'm quite enjoying breaking the rules since I have the space to attempt to do so. lol.

Until you next see these words:
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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