Solemn Assembly
M. Russell Ballard
- May each one of us, completely sustain Pres Nelson and his counselors and follow his direction.
- We should not be surprised that those called to do the Lord's work are not perfect.
- Given the reality of our human weaknesses and shortcomings, we should remember all are not perfect.
- Faith in the Savior is the first principle and doctrine in the gospel of Christ.
- If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, move hence, and it shall be moved. And nothing shall be impossible unto you.
- If we have faith the size of a mustard seed, God can help us move Mountains.
- A little faith can go a long ways.
- Life can be filled with faith, joy, happiness, and love when we exercise the smallest amount of faith in Christ.
- Hang on. Exercise Your Faith. Keep your Courage. And You'll Come Out on Top.
- If we do not find time to Unplug, we may miss the opportunities to hear the still small voice.
- When trials close a door, service can open a window.
- We must keep Christ the center of our lives. At all times. In all Places.
- May we be blessed to Treasure our many gifts and blessings from God.
- May the joy and the peace of the Lord abide with each one of you.
Brian K. Taylor
- You are a child of God. He is the Father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of Noble Birth. The Offspring of the King of Heaven. Fix that Truth in your Heart and Hold onto It.
- Knowing I am a child of God is the most powerful knowledge that I possess.
- Our Father knows us by name. We ARE his children.
- God will never desert us. He never has. He never will. It is not his character to do so.
- God walks with us. Constantly.
Larry Echo Hawk
- Forgiveness is an essential and precious gift offered to us by our Savior.
- Even in the midst of your own trials, you can help others going through their own tragedies. It can ease the hearts of both sides by doing so.
- The Prince and Peace can help lift the painful burdens weighing us down and uplift us through the gift of forgiving others.
- We need to be forgiving, even if we feel others don't deserve to be forgiven.
- Even as Christ forgives you, you ought to forgive one another.
- While it is required to forgive, it is understandable that forgiveness cannot come immediately. It can take time.
- Are we letting Pride keep us from forgiving and letting go?
- Even if Forgiveness does not come today, know that even as we desire and work for it. It will come.
- An essential part of forgiveness is being able to forgive ourselves for our mistakes.
- As we forgive, the Savior will strengthen us and his power and joy will flow into our lives.
Gary E. Stevenson
- As one star sinks below the horizon another rises.
- Close the grave, dry your eyes, and turn your faces to the light of the future.
- We are witnesses to and participants to a most sacred occasion. A solemn assembly.
- A Prophet is in Place. The Lord is Pleased that His Work is being Done.
- One must move quickly to keep up with Pres Nelson's pace.
- Place yourselves in situations where things are peaceful, dignified, and full of respect.
- Are you offering correction and teaching in a positive uplifting manner?
- In no matter the circumstance our hearts can be filled with love and joy.
Lynn G. Robbins
- Success isn't the absent of failure, but the going from failure to failure with a positive attitude helps us find success.
- Hopefully each mistake we make becomes a lesson in wisdom.
- We are all grateful for second chances in a life full of stumbling blocks and failures.
- To become like God will require a lot of second chances as we learn from our mistakes and practice in becoming perfect.
- If to err is Human nature, how many failures will it take us before our human nature isn't human but divine?
- The Savior's grace is ever ready and ever present.
- Repentence isn't His backup plan IF we fail. But is his MAIN plan when we do fail.
- Do not establish limits on Forgiveness. It is limitless. Forgiveness is always available to you no matter how often you mess up.
- Our success isn't from going to failure to failure but GROWING from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm.
- Things that do not change remain the same. And when we are through changing. We are through. If we don't want to be through, we need to continue to get up despite how often we fail.
- Our Spiritual Growth is often invisible to us unless we take the time to look back on our past actions with a spiritual eye.
Neil L. Andersen
- The power of Heaven is with us.
- The Lord selects his prophet.
- The most important role of the Lord's prophet is to teach us of the Savior and lead us to Him.
- Despite all our success and acclaim...we still at times have to bow our heads and say "Not my will but Thine."
- A greater witness will come to you as you humbly and worthily seek it.
- Anchoring our Souls to the Lord Jesus Christ requires listening to those that he sends.
- The Lord's voice often comes without explanation.
- Beyond the intellect alone, we treasure the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- As you are humble in following the counsel of the Lord's prophet you will be blessed with safety and peace.
- Walk forward in faith, trusting in God that we will in time receive more spiritual clarity.
- A prophet does not stand between you and the Savior, the prophet stands beside you and points the way to the Savior.
Saturday Afternoon Session
David A. Bednar
- Sometimes in order to gain what one values must lose and take away the things of the world.
- We may think words of advice given during Conference are meant for someone else, but we all can become and be a little better.
- The Savior chose to emphasis Meekness above all the attributes he could have chosen.
- When the Lord tells you to do something through his Prophets do you act immediately to follow that counsel, or come up with excuses as to why 'that's not for me?'
- Meekness is strong not weak. Active not passive. Courageous, not timid. Restrained, not excessive.
- Meekness has a particular spiritual receptivity both in listening to the Holy Ghost and to those who appear to be less capable than their more accomplished peers.
- Meekness is the principle protection from prideful blindness.
- Meekness is the foundation for which all spiritual capacities and gifts arise.
- The Lord will guide, strengthen and protect us as we walk with His Spirit.
Taylor G. Godoy
- If we only had One More Day, what would we change? How would we use the time we have left?
- We all have Today to live. Let's make every day successful. Let's make every day count.
- Personal sacrifice is an invaluable source that drives our actions and decisions.
- The sacrifices our loved ones make for us refreshes us like cool water in a dry desert. It brings hope and light to our lives.
- Come forth. Harden not your heart any further. Now is the time and day of your salvation. Soften your heart and great things and blessings will happen to you.
- Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Speak your love and then speak it again.
Bonnie L. Oscarson
- Every one of us has something to contribute, unique talents that can help move this work forward.
- Every one of us should feel valued. Should feel that we can contribute and help the work.
- We have something to contribute in ALL areas of this work.
- Everyone in the church young and old can be called upon to serve others.
- Men, Women, Youth, and Children are ALL recipients of Priesthood blessings and ALL can be used to move the Lord's work forward.
- Service can often lighten your burdens and make your challenges seem less hard.
Taniela B. Wakolo
- All the families of the Earth will be blessed with the blessings of the gospel.
- God promises us blessings if we faithfully honor the covenants we've made with him.
- Children need to know that their Dad (or Mother) loves God too.
- You may be happy and positive, but receiving the ordinances and covenants can enhance your gentleness.
- Our temptations do not end when we make our covenants. Our covenants help us to have the strength to resist those temptations when they come into our lives.
- Aren't we shepherds of our own Souls? Would we not want to care for ourselves as much as we would care for another?
- Be A Faithful Shepherd.
Devin G. Durrant
- We are never released from the eternal calling of being a Parent.
- There will always be opposition to holding FHE. Regardless find your way around the obstacles and hold FHE.
- We can't ever pray too much as a family.
- Parental teaching is like being an on-call physician because we never know when we'll be called upon to teach our children.
- Never hesitate to teach your children.
- Be ready always to give an answer to everyone.
- It's wise to ask ourselves, what are teaching others by our acts and our attitudes?
- Our example often provides the most impact when teaching.
- Is your best work done even when you're out of the public eye? Are you the same person in private as you are in public or are you even better?
Dale G. Renlund
- We have an obligation to research and compile family histories.
- When God directs us to do one thing, he often has many purposes in mind.
- Family history work isn't only for the dead, but blesses the living as well.
- When ordinances are preformed on behalf of the deceased, God's children on earth are healed.
- Feelings we experience in Temples can often feel like we got a glimpse of heaven.
- We can be inspired all day long about family and temple experiences Others have had, but we must Do something to experience the same thing ourselves.
Priesthood Session
- The purpose of the priesthood is to provide God's children to the Atoning power of Jesus Christ.
- I believe the way we see others significantly impacts their perception of who they are and what they can become.
- How can they believe in Him if they have not heard of him? Faith comes by hearing. Hearing the word of God.
- If we have prepared we can teach the gospel the way the angels do, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
- Through your words and actions, young men you are authorized Messengers of God. You will be as a Ministering Angel
- God has a work for you to do.
- You are the hope of our Redeemer.
- The Lord wants ALL of his ordained sons to represent him, to speak for him, to act for him, and bless the lives of God's children.
- We have felt a pressing need to improve how we communicate and teach with our members.
- To care for our members we need to strengthen our priesthood quorums.
- While one may be ordained to multiple callings but aren't actively serving in each priesthood office at the same time.
- The priesthood is greater than any of its offices. The priesthood is not divisible.
- The Lord's direction is manifest and I rejoice in it.
- How blessed we are to have a living prophet today.
- These adjustments will help the Relief Society and Priesthood harmonize their efforts.
- We can serve shoulder to shoulder.
- Thank you for all that you are doing to be a part of this magnificent work. May we go forward together in this great and honored cause.
- The Lord's plan to provide loving care has taken many forms over the years.
- It wasn't hard. While we walked we talked the entire way of what a miracle this all was.
- It is not important if others see us serving, it is important that the Lord sees us serving.
- The Melchizedek priesthood is not a status or a label. It is a divine power held in trust for the benefit of God's work for his children.
- We are laboring for the salvation of souls and we should feel that this is the greatest duty placed upon us. Therefore we should be willing to sacrifice everything if need be.
- An Elder is the minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Lord's agent.
- One is never "Only" an Elder. Every Elder in the church holds as much priesthood as the Prophet.
- What is an Elder? He is a Shepherd serving in the sheepfold of the good shepherd.
- When one becomes a member of the priesthood he becomes an agent unto the Lord.
- Will you act like an Agent on the Lord's Errand?
- Fathers should cultivate loving family relationships. So that family members will WANT to ask their fathers for blessings.
- Parents should encourage more priesthood blessings in the family.
- Fathers function as Equal partners to their Wives.
- Never is the power of the priesthood more wonderful than when there is a crisis in the home that is vested in the power of the priesthood to perform miracles if the Lord wills it so.
- In order to use the priesthood one must be Worthy to Exercise it.
Russell M. Nelson
- It really doesn't matter Where one Serves. What the Lord cares about is How one Serves.
- Are you focused on yourself and your selfish desires? Or on using the priesthood to help and serve others and bring upliftment into their lives?
- Are you missing opportunities in your life because you are unware of your full capabilities?
- The Priesthood has been restored to the earth, and yet soo many go through trials without experiencing the power of the Priesthood blessing their lives, to give them strength to come out of their trials stronger and better.
To view/read/listen to the talks in their entirety please visit:
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi