Thursday, June 21, 2018

A State Drive

The thing about living in the West....
Is that all our states out there are rather large.
Like it can take the entire day to drive through the state to reach another state. 

And it wasn't that weird of a concept really. 
If you want to go anywhere out of state.
It takes time. 

But for the first time really....
I'm experiencing something different.

I flew out to the east coast this week to visit friends. 
And I'm currently the furthest north on that East coast I've ever been lol. 

Because before that point I'd been to like North Carolina and Virginia and Florida.
All states that are pretty big in their own right.
Where it can still take hours of driving to reach another state -depending on where you're starting from and where you're going.

But currently.
I'm not in one of those big states.
I'm in one of the little states.
And like it's weird.

We went on a drive today and like after twenty minutes of driving...we'd entered another state. 
I don't even known 'when' we entered this other state.
I only knew that the location -an Amish Farm- was in another state.
And it's crazy.
Because I didn't 'see' when we entered the other state. 
Maybe I missed the sign.
Or they only do it on large freeways/highways.

But the fact that we drove for only twenty minutes...and reached another state is mindboggling a bit lol. 
Because that shouldn't happen.
It shouldn't be so short of a drive.
Yet it was.
And like...if we'd driven for another hour or two, we'd probably would have been able to reach two or three other states in that time frame (depending on direction we were driving.) 

So weird.
To think that you could live in one state and work in another and have the commute be like...twenty minutes. 

*shakes head*

It was pretty cool.
But definitely not something I'm used to. lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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