Sunday, June 10, 2018

Rattle Rattle

I went on quite the mini adventure after work yesterday.

You see, one of the lightbulbs on my 125 gallon had burnt out. 
Which foo. >.< Bad lightbulb. 
It left half my tank in darkness, which makes it hard to appreciate the entire thing.

So after my shift yesterday, I picked up a new lightbulb from work to take home.

But when I got home and pulled the new bulb out of the box....

It made a rattling noise. 

That's not a good sound.
Rattling within a lightbulb is Not. A. Good. Sign.
Because it means something within is broken which means more than likely the parts that make the lightbulb turn on...are broken.

Placing the lightbulb in the hood.
I confirmed it.

I'd bought a broken lightbulb. >.< 

Which thankfully I can return it. You know since I just bought it.
But there was a bit of a struggle with "Do I go right back to work right now?"
-Which I was loathe to do because I had just escaped the place and it's headache causing radio conversations. 
Or do I wait until Monday when I next work and return it then.

I was in a stubborn, gonna make myself suffer mood, so I chose to drive back to work to replace my lightbulb.
I wanted my entire tank to have light so I could fully enjoy it! 

But this time I was smart.
When I walked into the store and went to the bulbs.
I pulled the one still on the shelf out of it's box to test it.

Only to discover that it too rattled.
So I went up to my manager and was like "I think these are both broken, cus I tested this one I bought and it didn't work but this one rattles so I think it also doesn't work."

He was like "Sooo what do you want me to do about it? I have no way to test it."

Which I wasn't expecting him to test it, I was expecting him to take the broken lightbulb still on the shelf to the back of the store to be taken out of inventory in the scangun so we could get more in. 

*shakes head*
But I figured I'd test it anyway.
And I knew we had a display tank that had the same size of bulb in it.
So I took out that bulb, put in the one in the store....and it worked. O.o Which was weird because it rattled.
So I was like "maybe the bulb isn't broken?" and tried the one I'd just bought.
So I grabbed the bulb that rattled and still worked no longer worked. It would flicker if I jostled it just right into working, but yah....still broken. 

And that was the last one on the shelf.
Though...I realized today that there might have been more somewhere in our overstock, but since I was suffering from a headache I didn't think of that yesterday. 

So I ended up just returning the broken bulb and getting my money back and heading home. 

Unfortunately, we're not getting another truck into the store until Wednesday.
So it's unlikely that I'll be able to replace my broken light until then,
Though I am going to double check when I get into work tomorrow and make sure we don't have extras in the topstock somewhere first. 

That or maybe I'll just go away from the bulbs and go buy a much more expensive LED thing to use on my tank. >.>
We'll see....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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