Sunday, October 21, 2018

Turn The Day Around

It was one of those Sundays that looked like it was going to be....well a headache full day.
Mostly because my own head was against me.
Because I was....kinda in a negative frame of mind this past day or so.
Feeling like I wasn't able to get anything right. That while trying to help out...I was making people mad/sad/unhappy/uncomfortable etc. 

So the morning was starting out less than stellar.

And I was seriously debating about skipping out on the rest of church.
Because socializing at church....has....had it's issues in gaining positive energy from interacting there more often than not.
So I dread it mostly.

But there was also the Pokémon community day today.
With the event starting during the third hour of church.

So I could skip out on Relief Society and go do the event.
Or stay....and potentially suffer. 

Despite the fact that I didn't have any particular good reason to go to Relief Society.
I decided to.
Mostly doing so because's the Lord's day. I should at least try to stay the three hours.
I mean. Blessings happen  right?

And they did. ^^;;

I managed to get a seat near an outlet, so I was able to keep my phone charged while playing that first hour of Pokemon go while in Relief Society. ^^;; (caught my first shiny of the event there too woot!) 

And the lesson itself, was actually pretty good overall.
Lots of 'food for thought' moments.
So like....I felt pretty good about staying.
Didn't regret it. 
Plus...I got to still play the game lol. 

(yah...I probably shouldn't have been playing in Relief Society...but baby steps I suppose. ^^;;) 

In any case.
The rest of the day seemed to look up after that. :D

I managed to catch four more shiny beldums before the event ended.

But failed to catch the Mewtwo at the Raid happening on campus. *exhales*

BUT! I did this other baby raid of a Shinx which I'd never seen before and IT HAPPENED TO BE SHINY!! and it was soo cute and golden and aaawwwwwww. I love it so. ^^;;
It seriously made me so happy to get that golden kitty cat.

Like I got sooo excited/hyper and just...sunshiny really. ^^;;

Then to add to it.
I found another Mewtwo raid, and after some problems joining the battle....MANAGED TO CATCH IT!

So yah. ^^;;

After starting out the day in an emotional low.
I was positively on cloud nine when I got home lol.
Good church experiences in Relief Society.
Catching rare pokemon, and getting an unexpected shiny.

And finally FINALLY feeling good enough that I could return to working on my current fic.
As I'd been struggling heavily with self doubt for the past week about how to finish the fic.
And today I finally got a clearer vision of just how to do that! 

…. >.> Though I'm still struggling on how to end the chapter, at least I've made five pages of progress today! Woot! :D lol. 

So yah. ^^
Good day.
I'm happy. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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