Thursday, October 31, 2019

Left At Home

My brain was still struggling to...idk recalibrate? This morning from the nuclear migraine I had yesterday. 

As I did something that I haven't well forever. Probably two or three years really.

I accidentally left my phone home. 

Which...should have been traumatizing.

I mean, it was only like a month or so ago? 
That I got to work only to discover that my phone hadn't charged over night and I hadn't brought my portable battery pack with me and so it died within like...two hours of me arriving at work.

And I was lowkey trying not to freak out over it.
But I was totally freaking out over my phone dying and not being able to contact anyone or know of things going on.

But today?
I wasn't....freaking out.
I was just...resigned to the fact that I would be phoneless when I pulled into the parking lot this morning, went to grab my phone from my coat pocket...only to find it not there...and not on the seat next to me, or on the passenger seat by my purse...or in my purse....

Which is then when I realized that in my sluggish attempts to get ready that morning, and heat up my heat pack, and gather my foods and such for work....
That I'd probably left my phone on the counter at home and had just assumed it was in my pocket when I left, not realizing I hadn't put it in there in the first place.

And like I said.
I probably should have been freaking out.
Because again...that's what I basically did when my phone died.

But apparently leaving my phone home is different than it dying on me.

Or else I'm currently in a...less paranoid state of mind than I was back when my phone died.
(As I do go through phases where I tend to....worry more on some days than on others.) 

But today...
Not so much freaking out.

I did end up using the work phones to call Kikay and left a message on her voicemail to basically let everyone know that I was without my phone at work that way those I usually talk to would know that I would know why I wouldn't be responding to any potential messages I might get and be unable to respond to.

I did have the half hearted thoughts of trying to go back for my phone.
Like taking my lunch break to go run home and get it and such.

But at the same time, I was still recovering from yesterday's migraine. So my energy levels were....low. And taking my entire lunch break to drive home to get my phone and come back...seemed like unnecessary stress. Especially since it was just eight hour shift without my phone. 
And if I went on my lunch at my normal time...I would be going home like three hours later anyway.

So why avoid the hassle and just go without my phone for the day?


I didn't need to.

As my roomie, while she was getting ready to leave for her job a couple hours after I had left, happened to notice my phone still on the counter and was like ()_() 

And took the time out of her day to detour over to my work and bring my phone to me! 
YAY!! :D 
I didn't have to go phoneless! WOOT!

I have awesome roomies.

And I do admit that I was lowkey hoping someone at home would notice that I'd accidentally left my phone there and would bring it to me.
Because I don't know any of my roomies numbers so I couldn't just text them and let them know to bring me my phone.

So I'm grateful my roomie noticed and brought it to me. ^^;; Yay. :D 

So happy.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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