Thursday, March 12, 2020

Don't. Horde. It.

It's interesting the herd mentality that humans can have.
Like. If one person is buying it, everyone else has to buy it.

Or like at work when there's no one in line but then suddenly there are six people in line. 

But with the updates of the Church canceling basically all religious services for the next little's spurred quite the panic among everyone in my state.

We had a short panic on Monday.
But another wave of it hit yesterday.

Where everyone is rushing out to buy toilet paper and hand sanitizer like the world is ending. *exhales* 

And they're over doing it.

Like, I got sent out to try and find some hand sanitizer for a reception (that's now been postponed) and I saw people walking by with carts filled with hand soap, hand sanitizers like...twenty or thirty of them.

Which is so confusing to me.
Cus like with normal usage and such a bottle of soap should last like...a month if not longer. 

And here people are stocking up with enough to last them for years and years. *shakes head*

It's just so weird to me that people are hoarding everything.'s great that you're going to be all clean and safe in your toilet paper fort filled with hand soap.

But part of the way to keep an illness from spreading is to make sure EVERYONE can have access to the products to help keep them healthy too.

Like I get there are reasons to stock up on things. Like if you have a bunch of kids.

But there is stocking up and then extreme stocking up. 

And like people are going crazy extreme leaving a shortage for everyone else.

And it's difficult to not fall into that same trap. To grab everything and hoard it.

I was only going to buy three hand soaps. Because honestly I knew we wouldn't need more.

But then the people in the store brought out some cases of hand sanitizer and it would have been so easy to take just like the entire case.
But I limited myself to taking just three.
As I figured for the reception if a lot of people came we might go through at least one if not two bottles. And it's always good to have a third on hand. Just in case.

But like we didn't need to have hand soap AND sanitizer. One or the other would have sufficed.

And when I called to tell people what I had obtained, and they heard that there was still more hand sanitizer in the store. They wanted me to go back and buy more.

*shakes head*

I grabbed what we needed.
But there are other people who need it more.
So I'm going to give them their best chance to have access to it. 
And only take what I think I reasonably need.

Hopefully the ferver will die down over the weekend.
And I'll be able to go out and do my actual grocery shopping next week. 
Because while I do still have food to last me a week or so.
It's always good to have extra on hand just in case.

And it's given everyone a nice wakeup call I think...on how much food/other storage to have in their homes.

So next time I go grocery shopping I may pick up an extra can of tuna fish or a box of macaroni and cheese.
Just so we have it on hand if something crazy like this happens again. *shakes head* 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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