Sunday, May 17, 2020

A New Obsession

The 'fun' thing about this like 'stay at home' 'quarantining' business is seeing like all the different hobbies and projects that people are taking on. Or like...the things they get into watching or reading because they're looking for something...different. 

I haven't really had the...idk luxury? of doing that...since I never stopped going to work or had to work from home (that would be rather difficult to do in a petstore) 

But I did end up coming across a new...idk obsession? to watch.

It started like a week ago?...maybe two weeks ago now?? idk.

But I was scrolling through youtube. Looking for something to 'watch' to entertain myself. 

When I saw this video where a dude was biking a trail in Moab.

And I've been missing my red rocks.
And I have to admit I was curious. 
I've heard of people mountain biking in Moab.
Seen a lot of bike shops as well when I've been in town.
But I've never understood...why people liked doing it?
I didn't understand why mountain biking was a 'thing.'

So I clicked on the video of someone biking the "Portal Trail" in Utah.

Which apparently is...super dangerous to ride? 
Like I think people have fallen off the side of the cliff -because the trail is on the side of the cliff- before and like...died. :S :S

Of course I didn't quite realize how dangerous it was in that first video because the dude in it just like...sailed through it easy peasy.

But it got me curious about how others did on that same trail.
And's also crazy that so many different riders gopro their bike rides and then post them on youtube.
Like that's not something I would have ever thought of doing.

Of course the only bike riding I ever did was like...riding my bike around the neighborhood. Never did any of the nonpavement stuff.

In any case.

Watching those videos?

It's intense.
Like not quite an adrenaline rush.
But oh so captivating.
To see all the different trails and ways that different riders do their videos and tackle the differing obstacles they encounter throughout their rides on both uphill climbs and downhill descents.

It wasn't long before I ventured into watching other mountain biking videos. Of bike rides all throughout the world.

It's crazy.
Like I never realized how popular mountain biking was as a sport.

Like I knew about jeeping/rockcrawling?? where people take their jeeps/cars over difficult terrain. I mean I've been on a couple of adventures doing that (never driving just riding) 

But biking? Nope never thought of it.

But like...
It looks like a ton of fun.

And I'm just like...loving watching all the bike rides and places and riders having fun.
It seems overall to be such a nice community in these videos.

And I do find myself wanting to try it out myself.
I literally looked up mountain bikes to see how much buying one would cost. 
But at the same time...with things still closed...I definitely don't want to buy a bike online without first trying it out. ^^;; lol. 

I don't know if I'll ever actually try out the sport though.
Some of those rides by the cliff face? Heh...yah...I'm not sure I could actually do them.

My cautious side and my adventurous sides are definitely at war with themselves.
Because on one hand I totally feel like I can do it.
On the other hand I also recognize that these people I'm watching are pros and have been riding for years and like....watching the videos would be totally different from hitting the trail myself. 

So for now I'm just contenting myself with watching other people's adventures. 
But I definitely see why people enjoy mountain biking now. Even if I haven't done it myself. It just looks like a lot of fun. long as you don't fall off your bike. ;) lol 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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