Monday, May 18, 2020

Going Yellow

So my state went to yellow over the weekend. 
Which in regards to the pandemic, means that all businesses can open back up, but social distancing needs to be maintained and people need to wear masks when social distancing can't be maintained. Plus. Larger groups can gather together. Like up to 50 people. 

Which it's one thing to hear it.

It's different to experience it.

As today at kinda felt like people were like "Oh pandemic over!" and like...I was the only one of my coworkers wearing a mask today. 
And the customers?
Like only a handful were wearing masks when like on Saturday most people were? 

It's crazy. How fast things can change.

And it's also crazy how like...on edge I still am.

Like there were multiple single parents who brought in their hordes of kids.

Like 3-8 little ones in tow.

Basically all of them not wearing masks. 

It's weird.

And stressful.

Like I was able to come into work earlier than I've been able to come in for like...a month and a half.
Which meant I had like an hour and a half before the store opened to do opening stuff without customers around.

And yet I was so on edge just working without a mask on.
Like I've only been wearing the mask like...a week? 
Since work finally provided me with one. 

But like I was on edge enough that it was notable when I put on my mask when the store opened for customers...that I relaxed.

*shakes head* 
It's weird.
How much can change in a tiny amount of time. 

So yah...this week is gonna be weird. 
As it's the first week with us being in the yellow.
So I'll be curious to see how many customers come into the store. How many come in with masks or no masks. 
I'm also curious how much longer it will be before my store can move off of it's skeleton crew. How long before we can hire back some of my coworkers so that we're not like one sick person away from crashing and burning.

Because I really just want to take a vacation and just get a week long break away from things so I can...unwind. Relax. get back in the zone and be able to be less tense at work again.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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