Monday, June 8, 2020


I spent the day at work (only a couple of hours really) peeling up tape from the floors at work.

As I finally reached the point where I was like "That's it! This needs to change!" 
Because a) I didn't quite like how the tape had been placed in the first place that marked how we were trying to 'distance' from the animal cages and b) the tape has gotten so scuffed up and dirty and torn that looked bad. Like bright blue tape had faded to a deep blue of nearly black because of how many people have walked on the tape. *shakes head* 

But yah. 
The placement of the tape in front of the reptiles, birds, and small pets has bugged me for the past couple of months.
Mostly because like...with the bird enclosures and small animal enclosures the workers who put down the tape...didn't even put it around all the glass? Just in front of the 'main' front edges of the cages. But since the cages are on the end of the aisle the glass wraps around to the side....
And like if we're trying to tape it out so people don't touch the would make sense to tape ALL the glass. 
And not just portions of it.

Plus like I don't quite see why we needed to do six feet distances from glass to person.
Like yes we don't want customers touching the glass.
But I do get that having to stand six feet away to look at a two inch animal makes it rather hard to well...see them.
It would make more sense to shorten the distance to two or three feet at least.

Plus like with the 'opening of the economy' happening...I'm thinking the rules and such are getting slightly less strict so the distance between cages and person can like...decrease?

And yah...the tape was just like...torn and peeling and really really dirty as it's hard to clean tape apparently.

Unfortunately it wasn't a smooth like ten minute operation to remove the tape like I'd been hoping it would be.
No because of it being on the ground since March and being torn...I ended up having to scrape peel scrape scrape peel peel scrape peel. XP It took two or three hours.

But ah. It felt so good and looked so good to lay down fresh tape. 
(watch we'll have to peel it up in a week cus that's my luck lol) 

But I was able to fully tape off all the glass area and make it more obvious that people shouldn't be touching the glass. (not that people won't touch the glass anyways) Plus I decreased the crazy six foot barrier down to like...two or three feet.
So hopefully customers complain less about that.

But yah!
I feel rather proud of myself. XD lol
We'll see if my manager likes it come the morning.
At least head manager liked it. XD 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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