Sunday, July 5, 2020


I needed to get away.
Get away from work.

I haven't had a vacation from my job since Kikay got married back in February.
And that wasn't much of a 'vacation' since I spent that long weekend running around helping with wedding preparation.

And then having to be an essential worker working on a skeleton crew in the middle of a's rather hard to justify taking a long vacation.

As I hate to leave my store short staffed.
But as things have dragged on and we've remained on a skeleton crew.
I just needed to get away.

So I requested to have a four day weekend off.

Over my birthday.
Because with all the crazy we've had to deal with with customers and such, I didn't want to work on my birthday. Not this year. Maybe never again as it's not fun to work on your birthday.

And by the time this weekend popped up.
I was seriously regretting not taking an entire week off.
Because I was and am that drained from dealing of the stress of being at work during this pandemic. 

And I wasn't even sure if this weekend would be the break I needed.
Since it would be another busy weekend.
With meeting up with close family on the 3rd and extended family on the 4th.
Leaving just the 5th and 6th to myself. 

But today.
Today has been nice.
To relax and know that tomorrow I don't have work.
That I can just chill without worrying about having to go into work and I can take time to relax and refocus myself. 

Normally for Birthday's I want to try and get a group of friends together. Go have dinner with family.
But this year.
I needed some alone time. Quiet time. 
So I spent my birthday home.
Focusing on writing.
Focusing on just relaxing.

It was a good way to spend the day. Chilling. 
And while I do think I need to take a longer vacation.
I do think that four days is enough to let me be relaxed enough to return to work. 
We'll see though...when I get back to work.
How crazy things are. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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