Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Returning the Dead

We had a little boy and his father come into the store today.
To do a fish exchange because the boy's little catfish had died within our 14 day guarantee.
And they were wanting to get a new fish.

Which per our policy, you have to bring us the dead fish to prove that it's dead.
Like the actual body into the store.

Mostly to prevent people from taking advantage of us and trying to get new fish when their old fish are fine. 

So the boy comes in with a baggy full of water and the dead fish within it to do the exchange. 

And he was like "Okay, now you've seen him, I can take him home right?"
Because the boy apparently wanted to bury him in the backyard and have a little grave for him.

However...if customers return animals to us....even little fish....we have to keep the body per policy.
Again, it's to prevent people from trying to take advantage and get more fish.

But it was kinda heartbreaking to see how upset the boy was that he couldn't take the dead fish home.

Honestly, I probably could have just let him take the fish back.
But in the I get rather work was "I need to take the fish."

He wasn't having it.
And the father had to talk to the boy for a bit.
Before the boy finally decided to give us the dead fish so he could get a new one. 

And it was....sad...when he asked me what I was gonna do with the fish.
Because like it was clear that he loved the poor fishy.
And wanted the body taken care of.

Which...with dead fish we don't have to do anything special with them. 
Usually we place them in the trash can ---away from customer's eyes-- and move on. 

But with the little boy I knew that wouldn't go over well.
So I told him that we would drain the water from the baggy, and then put the fishy in the freezer where a guy would then come and take the body away to properly take care of it.

-Which is what we do for other animals that are returned dead. There's a specific company that comes in to properly dispose of any dead animals in the store. 

Which seemed to soothe him.
And I made sure to do exactly what I told the boy I would do.
Drain the water and place the little fish body in the freezer off the floor.

At least he seemed quite happy to get himself a new fishy after that point. 
Hopefully it lives better than the first one did. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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