Thursday, September 24, 2020

Small Changes

So our Regional Manager came into the store today.

And surprise surprise.

Nothing crazy happened.

Our visit went well. No major issues to fix. Just little things to adjust. And a lot of it is out of our control. Like yah our shelves are emptier but that's because our suppliers are having a hard time getting product onto the shelves not because we're being negligent in making sure our inventory is correct.

But yah. Nothing crazy and the RM seemed in quite the perky mood today.


I was able to see some pictures of changes that will be eventually coming to my department in the store.

The first one being a redesign of our betta endcap that will have a backlighting on it to show off the bettas better and will be able to let us apparently hold over 100 bettas.

Which would be super nice! As our current set up doesn't really allow that many bettas to be on display at a time. And being in a college town, bettas are our most popular pet to sell to college students. So to be able to have like the capacity to show off around 100 at a time would be amazing.

It sounds like we should have that installed pretty quickly. I hear that the lights should be coming in in the next week or so. And the full reset for it should be done before the end of the year, or else by the end of January at the latest.

But the other cool concept that they're testing right now is to have a 'Bug Endcap'

Where instead of having the crickets on our 'cricket podium' -which also doubles as a fish podium.

All the bugs, including the crickets would be located at the end of one of our aisles.

And the crickets would be in this one big container that would be divided between the small and large sizes.

But would have a tray in the bottom of the bin where you can sweep all the dead crickets into it and then pull the tray out and dump it.

Which will be so handy!! 

PLUS we'll finally be getting in the other bugs we were promised like a year ago. Like the cockroaches and such.

But the other fun feature of this bug endcap would be that we would finally get in like a mini fridge where we could store all the refrigerated bugs mealworms/waxworms/redwigglers/nightcrawlers etc. And the customers would be able to just go to the fridge and grab what they need without having to ask one of us to go into the back to grab the bugs for them.

I'm so excited!

Only there's no telling when we'll actually have that particular endcap installed.

As it's still in the testing phase apparently.

And apparently they need to work on signage to help direct customers over to the bug endcap as people keep waiting by the podium to get their bugs. 

Of course I'm not sure signage will help.

Customers can't read after all. This is a proven fact.

But yah.

They're small changes, but I'm soooo looking forward to them! Hopefully they occur sooner rather than later. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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