Friday, May 14, 2021

First Shot

So in the month of April my state gave the go ahead for basically every adult to get the vaccine.

I ended up holding off on doing so...mostly because a) a bunch of my other coworkers were taking time off to get their own shots. b) the other half were taking time off to finally take some vacation and c) we were having coworkers getting sick....

So April was rather hectic at work. And so I put off getting the vaccine. 

Not that I didn't keep an eye outish. Like my general plan has been to try and get the vaccine after one of my shifts at work, with said shift occurring before my day off.

That way I could have the day off to recuperate in case the vaccine shot had bad effects on me. 
And I wouldn't have to take any extra time off for said shot.

There's only one tiny problem about that.

My day off...tends to occur after I work a closing shift.

And unfortunately, most places giving out shots stop doing so waaaayyy before we close for the night.
And without knowing how the shot would affect me, I didn't want to get the shot before work and end up getting sick and having to leave my shift early.

Especially with May turning out to be nearly as difficult of a month in getting shifts covered as April was. 

But I wanted to get my shot.
It was stressing me out that I haven't gotten my first vaccine yet. Especially because I want to be able to travel this summer and fall and go visit family and fear less about possibly spreading the virus by having said vaccine. 

But with schedules still consistently being like 2 weeks well as schedules shifting last minute to account for sudden call outs......

Yah...there's no easy way to plan to have an early shift coincide with the day after being my day off.

So I finally decided to bite the bullet.

I've had multiple people say that the first shot isn't that bad. A bit of soreness of the arm, maybe some tiredness or a slight headache. 

Overall. The symptoms aren't as major for the first shot.

So I decided to just go get the shot on my day off and hope that I wouldn't have a bad reaction so that I could go into work the next day and be okay.

So that's what I did today. :) Scheduled an appointment a couple of days ago and went in first thing this morning to get the shot so that a) I would have the entire day to rest and b) I wouldn't spend all day worrying about going to get the shot.

And it all went well. :D 

I ended up getting the Moderna. First shot. And so far the only major symptom I've had has been the typical sore arm around the injection site. 

I've felt pretty normal otherwise. Slightly tired...but that could be from the amount of sleep I got. Who knows.

But yah...gonna take a couple of Tylenol tonight before bed to hopefully help with the soreness and will cross my fingers that tomorrow's work shift goes well. 

Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. :D

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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