Thursday, February 9, 2023

Calculating All The Breaks

 So, I very nearly put myself in a bad situation at work.

Like not 'bad bad' just a "that would have sucked" sort of bad.

As you see, I was scheduled to be the mid manager today.

And when I came in I had my morning manager, the morning cashier, and the morning petcare person on the floor. 

And I'm basically the gap for everyone there. Basically come in the time I do to help cover lunches and such.

In any case.

When I go to talk to my petcare person they asked if instead of taking a lunch, if they could leave at 2 instead of 2:30.

And I was thinking "Yah, sure that would be fine." As I figured that would leave an hour gap in petcare.

But like I also had my cashier here. So if anything it would be me and the cashier depending on when my morning manager got off. 


I had the thought that maaaaybe I should go look at the schedule. Just to see when exactly all my closing crew were supposed to come in and when my opening crew were off so that I could make sure everyone who needed a lunch got one and that I would still have people until the trade off happened.


It was nearly bad.

Because my morning manager? Was technically off at 230. But they never take lunches so they would be leaving at 2.

My morning cashier? Off at 2.

My morning petcare -again off at 2:30 but was wanting to not take a lunch and leave at 2.

Which ooof. Not. Good.

It became SUPER not good when I looked at when everyone else was supposed to come in.

My closing manager 4:30.

My closing cashier? 3pm..

My closing petcare? 3pm. 

Which meant. If I let the morning crew all leave at 2.

I would literally be THE ONLY PERSON in the core part of the store for AN HOUR.


And actually something I can't do.

We're supposed to have at least 2 people if not 3 people on the floor at all times.

And like I still had 3 groomers in the salon. But they're groomers. They have no core store training.

So if someone needed help at fish and I was stuck watching register? Yah. No help at fish for an hour.

So yah. Mayday mayday mayday scenario there.

And it's just crazy because that sort of thing shouldn't happen with scheduling.

Except corporate was dumb and decided to go all micromanagement on us with scheduling dictating exactly how many hours in each department in each day we can schedule people in. Which makes the whole thing complicated and confusing and leaves gaps all over the place in coverage. 

Mostly gaps in petcare because for whatever reason they don't believe the SECOND LARGEST STORE in my State who services like HALF OF THE STATE because the next store south of us is like 3 hours away so we serve like everyone bewteen that store and our store. Doesn't need any help in petcare for like 2 hours. XP It's stupid.

In any case.

I had my morning petcare take a lunch so that they were off at 230 like scheduled.

And we tried to get my evening petcare to come in early at 2:30 but they got caught in a thing and so didn't make it to the store until 2:50. 

But we also had our morning cashier stay an hour later so that they were off at 3 instead.

So from 2:30-3pm I had me and a cashier at least. So I was covered that way.

But ugh. That was stressful getting that all figured out because idk what we'd have done if people couldn't have stayed longer or come in early. 

*shakes head*

Corporate sucks big time with their microing our hours. Just give us more hours and stop trying to line your own goldenlined pockets already.


In any case.

The fun continued after that because I ended up not getting a lunch myself.


Because I was planning to take my lunch when the closing manager came in at 430.

BUT. Like 20 minutes before the manager came in. 

Grooming calls me up to the front.

Because they've had an incident where a dog injured itself in the salon by somehow getting it's tooth caught in a divider in the cage and cutting the gums making it bleed.


Luckily the vet says that it should heal just fine and gave some antibiotics as a preventative. 

But such an incident in the salon means that we have to fill out an incident report.

And that basically needs to be done ASAP.

And they've changed a bit of how to do that as well. So I had to keep confiring with my Head Manager and keep going back and forth between salon and the office to get details and take pictures and hear everyone's version of events. While I'm also trying to back up cashier, talk to the vet, help the many many helpless doordashers that seem to have sprung up out of the woodwork and deal with our fish truck as well.

So it was.... alot.

I ended up not getting done with that report until like 6pm because of all the interruptions. Ugh.

Which since I was off at 7 basically meant that I would just need to leave 30 minutes early instead since I didn't have time to take a lunch.

Thankfully we were able to get all the closers their lunches and breaks so that wasn't an issue.

Except we also had a stupid rush on the registers at 630 so I didn't end up leaving until 645. *exhales*

So yah.

It was a long day.

Waaay more stress today than there should have been.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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