Thursday, February 2, 2023

More Sickness?????

 So for the past....couple years? I think it's been a couple of years now. 

I've had a little ten gallon tank set up. 

And within that tank set up I've had 2 goldfish.

One of those goldfish was a semi-causalty from my big tank in that one of my other fish in my 125 attacked the goldfish and managed to eat both of it's eyeballs. 

*exhales* It was a pandemic at the time. And I couldn't figure out which fish was doing it. But basically any bigger fish I tried to add that had bigger eyeballs like your goldfish or angelfish....would end up missing one or both eyes and would consequently die. 

Not fun.

Not fun at all when I'm trying to get my tank to play well together.

And this one particular goldfish was unique in the fact that it actually survived being blinded. 

And to help said fish continue to survive I placed him in a smaller tank -aka the 10 gallon tank- to ensure that he would have an easier time finding food and wouldn't get 'lost' in a larger space. 

To help said fish survive, I ended up placing a black moor goldfish in that tank as well.

Mostly because it was getting picked on by some fin nipping fish.

But also I figured the vibrations in the water from that fish swimming would help guide my blind goldfish up to the surface whenever I fed them so that said goldfish could eat.

Though I think after a while just the act of opening up the flap on the lid to feed them clued in the blind goldfish to there being food coming.

And it was a pretty good system overall. 

Ended up adding in a betta fish into that tank that was abandoned at my work and all 3 of them did pretty well...

Until I noticed one day the betta just laying on the ground on its side.

Figuring that wasn't a good sign, I ended up moving the betta into a one gallon tank.

But also noticed that the blind goldfish now had a front fin that was...well missing a bit of its fin. But I could tell if it was fin rot or if it was just an injury that the fish somehow managed to get.

Though I had recently added in snails from my 125 to my 10 gallon tank to a) help clean the 10 gallon tank as it was getting a bit of algae and b) save the snails from death via ick treatment since my big tank was dealing with some sort of ick/finrot death pandemic. *exhales*

And like my 125 has finally stablized to the point where I think I can start adding fish back in to get my schools and community back up and running.

But yesterday....after I got home....I discovered my blind goldfish had shoved its way into a corner and...well...was dead. 

Which I'd noticed he was acting kind of off the past couple of days so I wasn't too surprised, but I was surprised you know? Because they'd been doing good for so long.

And to suddenly have the goldfish die....I still don't know what to think.

And I'm worried that by putting the snails from my 125 into my 10 I somehow managed to transfer whatever disease struck that tank into the smaller tank.

Except...snails don't carry ick. They can carry a similar looking thing. But they don't get ick themselves.

And yet both the blind goldfish and the black moor had visible white ick-like dots on their fins.

So I figured I'd probably need to do an ick treatment to try and save the black moor.....

Except when I got back home today with the treatment....there was like no signs of ick on the fish? 


So I'm...I'm now confused.

And worried for the poor black moor.

Because he's now the only fish in his tank (since snails are boring companions to interact with apparently) and like I'm pretty sure all my fin nipping fish in my 125 kicked the bucket in the death spiral my tank went into.

So more than likely it would be safe to add the black moor back into the big tank as I'm not planning to get any semi-aggressive fin nippers at the moment. 

And that would give the goldfish some more friends to interact with.

Except...I don't know if it's actually safe for me to add the moor into the tank. After all it looked like there were signs of ick. That shouldn't just disappear a day later.

So honestly I should keep him in his own tank for a while longer to make sure he's recovering and healthy.

But he's also been so lethargic. My black moor.

Like kinda a depressed sort of lethargic of "I'm bored there's no one here in the tank to talk to." 

Which has me considering maybe just grabbing one of those little feeder comet goldfish and placing it in said tank with my black moor to give him a buddy in the 10 gallon until I can established that he is healthy.

But at the same time if there is sickness in the tank....I don't want to expose yet another fish to it....


So there's the delimma I'm facing currently.

Like I want to get the moor into my big tank but can't until he's healthy but I'm not sure he'll get healthy if he stays by himself with no one to interact with. 


I'll figure it out I guess.

But yah.....we'll see how this goes.

Just kinda sad that this little 10 is suddenly having its own issues.

*shakes head*

No matter what happens though...I'll probably end up taking down the ten. Whether that's from the moor dying or from me moving the moor into the big tank....I won't have a need for the 10 if all goes well and I'll finally have one less tank to take care of.

We'll see though.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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