So. Yesterday, while working on Pack orders for our Ship from Store stuff, my fellow manager ended up with a cardboard cut while trying to get an item in a box.
And cardboard cuts are not fun. Like in some ways they're worse than paper cuts.
And I know....because I ended up getting a cardboard cut myself only like an hour or so later.
Though my cut came from trying to put together one of our cardboard boxes for our cat adoptions.
And my cut, managed to get at the base of my thumb like right at the joint.
Which meant that bending the area would cause the cut to bleed. Like actual droplets of blood bleed because it got me slightly deeper than a regular papercut.
But I ended up slapping a bandaid on it for a bit before calling it good and removing it after I got home last night.
And I didn't think anything more on it....
Until I was once again packing more orders at work today.
And I'd noted that the area where I got the cut was feeling rather sore. But I was trying to push through it and get the last of the ship from stores finished for the day.
Only for me to finish placing the packing paper into a box...and have my hand come away bloody with blood on the packing paper.
A glance at my hand and yep...I'd manage to break open the cardboard cut again and it was once again bleeding.
So I first, quickly removed the bloody packing paper from the box and tossed it because no way did I want a customer to encounter that when they opened their box.
And then I went and tracked down another bandaid to once again cover the bleeding spot.
And it bled rather heavily. Like you could see a dark spot on the bandaid pretty quickly.
And it made the rest of my shift rather annoying....because of course I had to cut myself on my dominate hand. And of course my remaining tasks after doing the ship from stores was to put away product onto the shelves as well as face the store...all which required grabbing things...which had things pressing constantly against the bandaid and hand is rather sore now from all that.
I'm glad I have tomorrow off. To give my hand a chance heal a bit before I probably have to go do more pack orders on Thursday.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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