So I mentioned a few days ago that my car needed to be fixed after it started acting weird Christmas Night right? Right.
Well. I've been waiting patiently for word from the Mechanic that my car was fixed.
I'd been hoping that they'd get to it much quicker than their original 8th-12th time frame. Especially because winter decided to finally hit this week with constant snow storms.
Which made me miss my car even more because I have the option of 4WD in my car while the current car I'm borrowing doesn't. Which made driving home last night on icy
In any case. I wasn't surprised that they didn't get it fixed before this week.
But the past couple of days I've been fighting down the paranoia.
Like. I dropped off my car after hours. Did they even get my car? Was it stolen?! Could they not read the phone number I left on their little 'after hours form' and therefore couldn't contact me?!
And like...on their paper I said "by the 12th" since that was the last day of their deadline...but like...would they be able to meet it?
So I'd been debating the last couple of days whether or not I should call the mechanic today -on my day off- just know....check in. See what progress they'd made on my car. See if they'd even started working on it. Or if they would actually get it done by Friday.
I didn't have to call them today though.
Because they called me.
Which was great!
Great to hear that they were working on my car today and that it should be done by the end of the day.
Which YAY!!
I could finally after like TWO WEEKS get my car back.
I mean there was a minor hiccup to their first call.
In that the receptionist said that the mechanic who was replacing my CV Axels discovered that the lugnuts to my tires were all rusted.
And they were concerned about that. Because if I got a flat tire or would make fixing the tire much more difficult if the bolts were rusted out.
And the receptionist said that they had lugnuts for the front tires, though the back tires they'd have to order those in.
I'm more concerned about the front tires and want my car back ASAP. So I told them just to do the front tires.
Will it come back to bite me that I didn't get the lugnuts changed for the back tires? Probably. But I just want my car that I'm used to driving in the snow with back.
So yah. Getting new CV Axels. Getting new lugnuts on the front tires. I should have my car by the end of the day! Right?!
I was called again with another issue.
Which the receptionist was rather apologetic about it. And honestly I'm not surprised. We both know my car is OLD. Like. It's not ancient. But it's turning 24 years old this year. So it's getting old and pieces are rusting out and breaking and such.
So I wasn't surprised, but definitely disappointed, to hear more issues popping up while they're trying to fix my car.
But still. The cost of fixing everything they're finding is still lower than the original cost the other mechanic place told me. So I'm taking the win here.
In any case, the second call was to tell me that one of the seals...I honestly can't remember at this point. But it's one near the tires involving differential fluid. And the mechanic found that this seal was cracked and...I think they said the fluid within it was gone. Or "had been empty at one point" which is why they think it broke.
But. The receptionist -I don't know their official title, but they do all the research in finding parts for cars and such- was able to track down that particular seal for my car. Which again because it's an old becoming a bit more...difficult to do.
The only downside? Was that the part was in the next valley over.
And I'm assuming they're having it shipped to their shop.
And the receptionist was like "It should arrive this afternoon. I'm still hopeful that we'll get your car finished by the end of the day."
I wasn't.
Because it's been snowing ALL DAY.
Sure there's been periods of calm where the snow has lightened up or stopped entirely for a moment. But overall. It's been snowing all day. And snow falling means snow on the roads means slower travel means that the odds were low that I would get my car back before they closed for the day since they closed around dinner time.
I tried to keep my hopes up.
But yah no.
I didn't receive another call today before they closed.
Which means my car won't be ready until tomorrow....
No idea if they finished fixing my car today and it was just too late to come pick it up...or if the part hasn't arrived yet and they'll need to finish fixing it tomorrow.
But at this point. I'm not expecting to get my car back until Friday.
Mostly because I work a midshift tomorrow which means I don't get done with work until after the mechanic place has closed for the day. And odds aren't high that they'll call me in time for me to go get the car before I have to go to work.
Though they could surprise me. I could get a call at 9 in the morning that it's ready and I'll have time to race down and grab my car.
We'll see.
But it's soooo hard. Having that near victory in your grasp only for it to slip through your fingers.
At least I know they're finally working on my car. I know the end is in sight.
Just have to wait a little bit longer.
Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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