Friday, December 31, 2010

The Resolution

It's the end of another year.
Things have happened and things haven't happened.

and once again...I have not gotten married.


I have completed more school.
Made new friends
Gone on adventures to new places across the sea...and to places familiar and loved.
And not gotten married. :)
I've started writing...worked on drawing....enjoyed family life
And my goals of last year....have been forgotten.
So that's why my new old goal not get married. ;)
haha jk jk.

I don't know what the goal for this year should be...
I made one to write last year.
And I've been writing. :) Haven't finished writing, but I'm still trying.
But this year...the goal should be something....
that I can complete...
And actually enjoy.
And to feel progressive by the end of next year. 2011.

Perhaps the goal should be to....

Not get married.
But that seems like a silly goal.
Perhaps it should be
"Be more outgoing."
"Get more dates."
"Do more outside activities."
"Write more blogs lol...."
Who knows. :)
Go on a hike to some random place.
Go somewhere new.
Maybe the goal should be, and should always be...
To have a fun year, and make it memorable. :)
Enjoy life by what you do...not by the goals you set...and complete or don't complete.
New Years is a evening where you set a goal....that you know won't be completed.
This goal is not to make a goal until....I find out how hectic this semester of school will be. :)

Hope you guys have a wonderful New Years Eve!
I'll talk to you next year.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I was cleaning today.
And boy, was there alot of dust.
It just seems to gather everywhere.
Even in places where you don't expect it.
How can dust show up so quickly?
I clear off my laptop, shut the case...
and then the next morning, there's a layer of dust
on the keyboard and screen.
Perhaps if we didn't have the
a/c or heater going, the dust wouldn't circulate so quickly
But then again, anything that stirs the air...
anything that sheds dust.
Would place dust elsewhere.
So even if nobody lived in the house...
I'm pretty sure there would be dust gathered deeply
when the next human opened the door.
Maybe it grows like mold...
Just surviving off of nothing...
Who knows.
All I know is...
Dust can gather in the strangest places.
I found a whole layer of lint stuff
on top of the shower doors....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snow Game

It snowed today.
And I had the fun task of driving in it.
The snow was falling.
The roads were slushy and I was at risk of spinning out
It was weird driving through the storm.
Because I didn't feel like I was going fast enough.
When I was going over the speed limit
(This was before the roads got bad)
When the roads did get bad...I always thought I could go faster
Though my passengers told me to stay under the speed limit.

Still, while navigating the snow covered roads
I was reminded of the dentist.
lol odd thing to be reminded of, but it wasn't the dentist itself
But a game at the dentist before they switched buildings.
It wasn't even my dentist.
My siblings and I had different dentists.
But in their dentist place...for one time only.
(I remember this being at the dentist...but its possible it could have been might have been that surgery dentist place)
I just remember this old arcade looking thing.
But it wasn't really a game.
But you could drive in different types of weather.
And I remember either reading or hearing something along the lines of.
"In a snow storm people often think they're driving slower then they actually are."
Or maybe it was faster...
All I know is that, when the weather conditions are less then ideal....
You can't really tell how fast you are going.
You may feel you're going really fast....when you're going slow.
More often I feel like I'm going really slow...when I'm actually going pretty fast.

But as I drove on those snow covered roads.
I was reminded of that old video/game thing.
Telling me that speed....feels different in different weather.

So pay attention to the speedometer.
and be safe while driving in less then ideal weather.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Toy Story

I'm sure we've all done it.

Carefully we set up our toys
Placing them in particular positions.
Before we leave.
Hoping when we come back, that we catch the toys out of their position.
That they actually do come to life.

The problem with that is....memory.
Being gone long enough from the room...
You forget how exactly you had placed the toys.
So you're never sure if they actually had moved or not.

Still, you hope. Do my toys actually come to life?
Do they have thoughts? Feelings? Wants and Needs?
I know, that I often give 'inatimate' objects thoughts and feelings.
Most of the time it deals with an object 'going first' or 'going last'
You don't want that object to be alone.
That toy to feel cold.

I think Toy Story might have had a huge influence on me with the whole
"Toys come to life" idea.
It brings a certain magic to play time.
With the idea that...maybe just maybe, the toys come to live.
I never really feared that my toys were 'out to get me' though.
I made sure to play nice enough with them that they didn't hold grudges lol. ;)
I wouldn't want my toys to come after me and tell me to "play nice."

It was nice, with the toy story movies, to revisit them. Like I sometimes revisit my old toys.
Hours seemed to pass by with a new toy, or an older one as we went on adventures everywhere.
Especially around Christmastime as I grow older and hardly any toys come into my possession.
How fun it was, when I was younger, to be able to spend the rest of Christmas day
just sitting in the living room or the bed room and play.
Going on imaginary adventures. Having fun the whole while. lol. :)
It was a blast, and I love my toys alot, for the good times.
For being my friends when I had none.
For being a comfort in the dark.
And for being a laugh a minute wherever I was.

So this is to you: My Stuffed Animals and Toys throughout the years.
Especially to Jasper my buddy through it all.


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 27, 2010


A blank screen is before me and I sit and stare...
Ever thinking.
What can be written today? mind is left...clueless
Ideas spiraling in and out.
But none of them seeming good enough to write down on paper
Even if they are cool in my head.
So instead, to get these ideas satisfaction
every once in a while..
I'll just sit down, like I am now.
And just start typing.
With my eyes closed. Not really looking.
But writing because the...movements of my fingers
help to make a pathway from brain to screen.
Giving satisfaction to one who
yearns for satisfaction
that one has been productive today.
That something has been written down.
Even if it doesn't say much about anything. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Frost-Covered Windows

Sitting on my doorstep.
The door is open
The glass frosting up.
And through the foggy whiteness
A black shape moves.
Up and down side to side
for food.

Its cute actually. Seeing these little shapes through the frost covered windows.
Almost like home.
Frost covered windows
A fire...well not in a fireplace, but a candle is close enough.
And curled up on the couch enjoying the feeling of winter.
And the kittens giving a cool blast into the scenery
every time the door is opened.
Refreshing the senses.
its nice.
And while looking out those frost covered windows.
i imagine images of the past.
Fond memories of laughter and joy.
Frost covered windows.
Always different, a new beginning
when the heat fogs up the windows
and when the temperature between the doors equalizes
the fog clears leaving the outside open to interpretation.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pre-Dawn Christmas

You know what my favorite part of Christmas is?

Sneaking into the living room to check out all the presents.
If I'm sneaking up the stairs, or just sneaking along the hallway.
There is always a thrill that comes from turning that corner
And seeing all the presents  piled around the room.
My favorite part though was looking at the stockings hanging from the fireplace.
In the darkness its hard to see whats in the stocking.
I can make an educated guess.
(I'm one of those people who like to be surprised so I wouldn't just take the stocking
down off the fireplace and go through it. The anticipation of waiting is more fun then opening in my opinion)
at what might be in the stocking. was always fun to see where and how many presents were mine....
we always had 'special' wrapping paper. One for each sibling so we could see which presents were ours.

But back to wandering around in the darkness.
It was always my favorite part.
The sneaking.
Wincing at every creak of the floor, every random thing I actually brushed.
But sneaking there and then back to my bed...without being discovered...
ooo it was thrilling.
It still is.
Because not knowing what you're getting or how much you're getting....
It makes Christmas morning a bit more...

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Lights

There are two times during the year when I like seeing lights.

The first is the 4th of July with all the fireworks going off.
I love both the big ones that shoot up into the sky,
and the small ones set off by the family.

The second are the Christmas lights...during the Christmas time of year.
For as long as I can remember on Christmas Eve (sometimes a couple of days before)
The family would pile into the car, and we'd drive around the city, up and down the streets
looking at all the different lights people had taken the time to put up.

I remember when I was way younger we'd drive downtown into the city suburbs to "Candy Cane" street.
There the story of Christ would be told via radio..or written signs, along with lights to high heavens. The lights were sooo bright. It was like candy to my eyes lol.
But...after a couple of years...that street....became nothing special...not so many lights, only pieces of the story.

There was a house closer to home that would decorate every inch possible with Christmas lights.
They'd start placing things on and around the house the day after Thanksgiving.
Why? In remembrance of their boy Danny, who died for some disease.
He had always loved Christmas lights, so the parents decided to decorate their house bright enough that Danny would be able to see it from heaven.
It was always an awesome site to see, and we'd purposely go out of our way after dark to drive past it trying to see everything in one fell swoop and failing.

Then, a couple of years ago, those lights too faded because the father got hurt one year and wouldn't let anyone help him put up the that house has become dark as well.

It seems this we were driving around....that there weren't as many lights as last year. 
The streets seemed darker, though there were bright spots of holiday cheer here and there.
A couple of streets were lined with candles in bags. That was very cool to see.
And very inspiring in their silent way.

But, there was one light I noticed way more then the others.
It was cloudy today.
In a kind of foggy manner.
But as I glanced up the hillside looking for Christmas lights..
I saw a light shinning in the clouds.
Its the type of light you see in the clouds where big cities are. Just a whiter area in the dark sky.
I followed that light down...
to the Temple.
It was shining brightly tonight, and it seemed like a pillar of light rose from the temple to the clouds white washing them in a brighter spot for a bit.

It was heartwarming to see and I think I enjoyed that view much more then the Christmas lights on the houses this year. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Million Dollar Question

If you won a million dollars...what would you do with it?

I have often said that if I won a million dollars I would buy
1) Cats and Dogs
2) A car
3) a lot to build my dream house on then
4) put the rest in the bank. that really what I would do with a million dollars?
I'm not sure.
I probably would buy all those things...
but I wouldn't go for the most expensive things to buy.
I'd probably get the animals from the pound, or on sale.
A car I'd probably get slightly used, or a couple of years old so it wasn't too expensive...
the house...I would probably spend the money on...
but all the rest...
I don't know.

I've been given money before to spend however I wish.
(Not a million dollars but more money then I'm used to having.)
And what do I do with it?
Well....if its given to me in cash....
I stick it in my wallet and slowly over time it dwindles away as I buy this or that.
Its never really anything that costs alot. perhaps tickets to a movie, or a book I want.
But otherwise the cash in the wallet just goes to those 'needful' things. that I think I 'need' at the time.
It sometimes dwindles so slowly that by the time the cash is gone, I can't really tell you what I spent those dollars on.
But if its given to me in a check...I usually deposit it into savings....and never take anything out. lol.
Because Savings would be for those more expensive things like a car, or a house payment for the future.

What then would I do with a million dollars?
I think I would put most of it, if not all into savings.
I would probably shop around alot looking for the 'best deal' or the 'perfect thing' that I feel is worth it to spend the money on.
Would a million dollars change who I am?
Perhaps in small ways.
I might go on a cruise to somewhere exotic and bring family with me.
I'd finally buy that trampoline I've wanted since I was little.

But otherwise....I think most of it would go into a 'rainyday' fund.
So I would still have money when I buy my own house. (or build it)
When i need to buy a car, or fix the car I already have.
and I would probably buy a couple of cats and dogs for my house when I get my own house lol. :)

Then I might spend some of the money to help......others....
I hesitate on this last one, because being rich can make enemies out of friend and family rather quickly.
If you refuse to give money to one person, but some to breeds jealousy. Contention.
I'd rather not be selfish with this million dollars and only buy stuff for me.
But...I'd have to be really careful how I'd give money......

I guess I won't know my own actions (or others actions) unless I actually win a million dollars.

But I do wonder.
We all have our ideal of what will happen if we get the million buckaroos
But does our ideal match up with our reality?
I guess its up to us to decide if we ever get that much money at one time. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The 12 days of Christmas

As Christmas draws ever nearer (and I'm counting down the days), I'm reminded of the song the "Twelve Days of Christmas." (because I've been counting down from 12 lol)

lol, I won't write the verses to the song here.

But today I was reminded of when I was younger, that one year during the Christmas season, my sibling and I would sing the twelve days of Christmas as my parents went visiting teaching...home teaching?
I don't recall.
I just remember that we sang for my grandma, and a couple of her friends. But not really anyone else. I'm not really sure why we decided to sing that song...*shakes head* Oh well.

I remember feeling a thrill each time I completed my part correctly.  (we'd switch off)
No mistakes on my half...though my sibling might have made one or two ha.
:) It was a fun song to sing and now I enjoy hearing different versions of the twelve days of Christmas.

But whenever I do hear the song, I'm reminded of the time I went to grandmother's house to sing it. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Hand

I made cookies today.

Mixed up all the ingredients to make the dough, and then put the dough on the pans and the pans in the oven.

But I did it with one hand.
Why did I do this?
You see putting dough on cookie sheets....your hands get kind of gooey.
And I really didn't want to have to constantly wash my hand off whenever I had
down time inbetween the cookie cooking process.
So I decided to one hand it.
(I two handed the mixing of the ingredients...but after that it was one hand)
With my left hand I would get the dough and put it on the cookie sheet.
With my right hand I would do basically everything else lol.
That way, my left hand stayed constantly gooey, but my right hand was clean to do
everything that needed to be done.
It was an interesting process, like juggling three balls in one hand.
But I managed it, its not really that just need to be creative in how you do things.
Like how to get the cookies off the tray.
There's the spatula (I think that's what its called...), but if you can't hold the pan to steady it, its hard to get the tool under the cookie and off the tray.
So...the process might have been slower then usual.
But it was interesting.
One hand....
I'm really glad I have two to do everything. :)
Like typing out this blog.
With one hand it would have taken twice as long...
unless I became an expert at typing with one hand ;) lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 20, 2010

School Nightmares

I think it safe to say that we all have had nightmares about school.
Whether its from past classes, or classes up and coming, or just random school classes
that decide to pop into your brain....
We have basically all ended up dreaming about school in some way or the other.
Running late for school.
Having to go to a class you've never been to before and you need to take a class
Realizing after you get out of a class that its taken far longer then you thought it would
so you've missed other classes.

I know that many people dream about schools...mostly dealing with past schools. Or finals or something.

Me....not so much.
Oh occasionally I'll have dreams about school.
But rarely is it about anything relevant to me.
I actually like dreaming about schools lol.
Mostly because I've been in many creatively constructed ones in my dreams.
Ones made of glass, or classrooms stacked on top of each other in a tall tower, those with secret entrances, as well as those that have features of my elementary, Jr high, high, and college schools.
Most of the time I have fun dreaming about schools because of all the different details of things happening.
Having things where they shouldn't and such.
Plus the people I meet in them are interesting...though often I'm running from them.

But this dream I had last night.
It wasn't one of those creative dreams that had features of past schools and people.
No, it was one of those dreams that dealt with my upcoming semester in college.
I really don't think that has happened before.
Even though the school wasn't my college school.....
I could remember my schedule for this upcoming semester.
And I knew that I was missing classes and that it was the first day of school and such.
And I really didn't know what day it was because I kept thinking to myself
"This semester hasn't started yet. I'm not late, I haven't missed anything."
So I was conscious enough to realize that something wasn't right.

I really think that this dream just deals with my subconscious fears.
I'm taking one of the 'hardest classes' offered at my school next semester.
I've heard its hard to get over a C in that class.
So, I'm somewhat worrying about it. (even though I heard that the teacher curves as well.)
I am wondering if this class is actually really difficult.
Everyone says it is.
But I've heard that said before, and when the class has been taken....I still get the grade...
It wasn't hard at all.
So I'm looking forward to next semester because I want to see if this class will actually be challenging.
And I'm not looking forward to net semester because I know that this class will have a homework load for everyday. So its a wait and see situation until the new year starts.
But my mind is still trying to process this concept I think lol.

And this processing comes out in dreams.
Where I miss important classes on the first day.
*shakes head*
School is a big part of our lives.
It makes sense that we'll dream about it.

Hopefully though, more good dreams about school come out instead of bad ones of forgetting something.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Liar's Dice

Last night I came across a game called "Liar's Dice"

I had a great time playing it.
(Because I won both times we played. ;) haha)
But I thought you would like to know how to play it. :)

First: You need ALOT of dice.
You need Seven Dice per person.
So if you have five players you'll need 35 dice.
-It helps if each set of dice (each player w/ 7 dice) are a different color.
But they don't have to be.

Once each person has 7 dice you sit down at a table.
and shake the dice in your hand then roll them on the table.
-You don't want the others to see what you rolled so you need to somehow keep the dice covered.

After that its a matter of guessing.
How many of each number do you think are on the table.

You need to guess the number of dice that show a certain number

Example: Five Twos.
Which means you think there are five dice that are showing twos on the table.

You can either increase the dice face number
Example: From Five Twos you say Five Threes.

Or you can increase the number of dice showing the face.
Example: From Five Twos you say Six Twos.

You cannot decrease the number.
From Five Twos you can't say Five Ones
Or From Five Twos you can't say Four Fours
You always have to increase one of the numbers

You don't have to go in order it can go.

Four Fives, Six Twos, Six Threes, Seven Sixes, Ten Fours, etc.

Each person goes around the table saying their number.
Player one: Four Fives
Player two: Six Twos
Player Three: Six Threes
etc etc

Until you get to a point where you don't think that there are that many dice showing that number on the table.

So the person calls "Liar"
So if player one says: Eighteen Fours
and player two says: Liar

then all the players reveal how many of their dice have the 'number four'
If the total amount from all the players = 18
Then Player two has to toss one of their dice into the bowl.

If the amount from all the players doesn't = 18
Then Player one has to put one of their dice in the bowl.

After a liar is called and a dice is placed into the bowl
then every one will reroll the dice to get different numbers
And player three will start out by saying Seven Fives
And it will move to player 4 back around the circle.

The key to the game is to be the last one with dice.
Everytime Liar is called, a dice needs to go into the bowl. (that way they don't go sliding off the table)
Once you have no more dice, you're out of the game. (So 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...out)

The last person with dice is the winner. :)

And that's how you play liars dice.
Hopefully its not confusing. :)
If it is....well you can comment and I'll try to explain better. lol..

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Line

Most people don't really pay attention to who is in line.
They just know that they're standing in a line,
waiting to be served.
You'll pay attention to the people in front of you...
but only if they make the line move slower then you'd want it to move.
Only if you're checking out how much a person has with them.
Its rare for you to start up a conversation in a line, I've decided.
Unless you're in line for a loooonnnngggg time.
Then you might turn to the person behind you and start up a conversation.
I wonder, if we ever saw the people we met in lines randomly,
on a frequent basis, if we'd become friends with them.
Especially if we really hit it off. And have an enjoyable time.
What would it be like, if the people we made 'friends' with
for a short time in that line, became more then just
Perhaps more people would talk to each other in lines lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 17, 2010

IQ Music

I sometimes think that music devices have a mind of their own.
Especially the Ipod device. (or whatever music holder you own.)
Though they have a mind of their own, they usually are pretty in sync with our thoughts/needs.
Sometimes the music will be the opposite of what you want to hear.
Othertimes it will be exactly what you want to hear.
(This is if you put it on random or just select a playlist and let it go without skipping songs)

Oftentimes when my mood is down my ipod will start playing church songs, or ones with high energy.
lol I think it tries to cheer me up. :)
Sometimes the ipod will just match my mood exactly and subtly change it by moving through my many different songs.
But its amazing how music can influence our moods.

Earlier today I was playing a couple of.....idk...'get down on myself' songs....or songs where they reflect that I'm frustrated. A few of those were- Jack's Lament, The Riddle, and My Eyes. As well as the "I cannot find my way" song from the Forgotten Carols.

But I managed to cheer myself up by playing "Into the Fire." and while reading other blogs, listening to the Christmas music that they have there. (No I am not putting music on this blog :P)
A couple of my new favorite Christmas songs that help...Calm me down and help me to look "outwards" to others are. "I want to see Christmas through your eyes." and "All I want for Christmas is You."
Those two songs really helped me to get through this past Finals Week.

But its really interesting how well music can have us pegged.
They know when its good to just let us 'vent' our emotions (sad or glad or angry) and play music that helps us do that.
But they also know when to get us to change our way of thinking by playing music that we don't want to hear.
Sometimes we can force ourselves to stay in our current mood. (mostly on the more :( side of the spectrum) But I find I cheer up faster when I let my Ipod choose. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Knock on the Door

Its amazing how much one's mood can be brightened when
A knock sounds on the door.
And standing before you smiling widely
Is a friend bearing gifts.

It warms the heart to be noticed and remembered :)
Its much better then getting mail
lol :)
Its a time for laughter and entertainment. :)

Unexpected visitor I bid thee welcome and thanks. :)
You brightened my day muchly so.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


100 blog posts.
This is my hundredth blog post.
Its so strange to think that I've already posted a hundred blogs,
I feel like I've just begun, 100 days shouldn't have passed already
but they have.

I remember fondly the number 100.
Especially when it dealt with school.
More specifically elementary school.
I think there are only 180 days of school....
I'm pretty positive that is the number....
That calculates to about 6 months of school....
but with weekends and holidays I think that would be prolonged to a full school year.
*shakes head*
I remember that on the one hundredth school day in elementary school,
we'd have this 'big' celebration where we would do all these different things with numbers.
We'd bring 100 items of something to show the class.
and decorate glasses in the shape of 100.
There might even have been an assembly...though I'm not positive.
I doubt that last one happened.
but it seemed like in the earlier grades K-4th it was important to remember the 100th day of school.
I kept the tradition going on the 100th day bringing 100 items....
but the 5th and 6th...maybe the 4th didn't seem to share the same appreciation for the hundred as the earlier classes.
I remember the last time I brought 100 pennies with me to school. I had stayed up counting them out and I was so excited to share!!....but I never did :( they didn't celebrate the 100.

Still when I hear the number 100, I'm taken back to those early days of school, when it was a special day for me. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Supplicant

Why must I always come to thee?
Why dost thou not come to me?

Why? Why? Why?
I invited you to come to me.
Shelter and Food and Entertainment would have been provided.
Yet...your obligation, to drive a simple 45 minute drive....was too difficult?

You smile and exclaim and hug me in joy!
Crying WE MISSED YOU!!!! when I come in thy the door.

But dost thou really miss me?
If thou missed me would thou have made more of an effort to come to me.
Instead of me Always coming to thee?
Methinks that these feelings of joy are just an act, to try and make me feel included.
Yet I feel demeaned and excluded.
Why dost thou take my words as light and unmeaningful?
Do I not mean what I say?
Have you not heard me offer my place of dwelling time and time again?
Yet..again my hopes are crushed and smashed.

Why must I be the one to always come to thee?
Thou complains of money, jobs, school, and obligations, what thou dost lack and dost not have.
Dost I not have the same obligations? Dost I not have money, job, school, driving, and other obligations that I must meet?
Yet time and time again I come to thee.
I make the effort to drive, to take the time to spend the gas that could have been used elsewhere
To come see thee and experience wonder and merriment.
Yet thou dost refuse to come to me.
Is my status lesser then thine?
Is my sacrifice not equal to the sacrifice thou wouldst have to give to come visit?

Why must I be the one to always come to thee?
The drive is the same from both directions.
The gas spent the same, the time spent the same.
Yet my journey to thee is made more often then thine to me.

Over the years thy expresses of 'missing me'
Are starting to sound hollow.
From the time we separated thou hast visited me but once.
Yet I visit thee more.
Canst thou blame me then for wondering at how true of a friend ye are to me?

Why must I be the one to always come to thee?
I doubt that thou misses me.
It is true.
Our paths have taken separate lines.
But it seems like I take more effort to reconnect then thee.
Why dost thou never come to see me?
Why dost thou never come to see me?
Why dost thou never come to see me?

Methinks that a truer friend would do whatever it takes, riding bus, train, or driving
To come visit me.
Because I always come to thee.

And this supplicant is tired of feeling like an intruder.
Only there to observe, not participate in.
Events pass us by.
Memories are made that don't include the other.
Yet still, I try to meet with thee when I come by.

Dost thou ever try to come to me?
I have come to accept that the answer is

Thou makes vague promises that gets my hopes up.
But time and time again they are crushed.
I have known for a while to not believe it when thou dost say thou will come.
I know that thou whilst not come.
Thou hast only come once.
I have come many.
Thou hast only come once.

This supplicant tires of disappointment.
Tires of knowing that her offer will remain unaccepted.
Though it is continually offered time and time again.

Why must I always come to thee?
Because thou dost not want to come to me.
Thou dost not see coming to me as a benefit.
Thou dost not see the drive worthwhile.
The company worthwhile
The different scenery worthwhile.
Instead thou are stuck in the "Cannots"
Instead of the "Cans"
I tire of hearing why thou cannot come.
I make the same sacrifices to come to thee.
That thou sayeth ye cannot do.
How is my situation different?
How is my sacrifice not equal to thine?
Thou hast jobs.
I dost not.
Yet both of us are still under stress of finances.
Similar driving situations....

Our situations are similar even if the means to get the to the situation are different.

Why dost I always come to thee?
Because of thine Cannots I always come to thee.
Because of mine effort I always come to thee
To share and to laugh and enjoy.
But is the price of pain worth it?

Why dost thou not come to visit me?
Because there are more of thee then me.
So time and time again as a supplicant, alone, I come.
Driving the distance time and time again.
Thou hast numbers thou couldst take turns.
Yet thy numbers means....the majority is there.
Why should the majority come to the minority?
So time and time again.
The supplicant drives the distance.
Because the minority must always submit to the majority.

So I come to thee.....and you will most likely never come to me.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 13, 2010


Its kind of funny, but I've been noticing lately how I react to food....that I don't like.

I have a tendency when I taste something that doesn't jive with my taste buds to

Make a face.
Shake my head a couple of times really quickly
and shudder.
all about the same time.

Its like an automatic reaction that I've been self-monitoring today
Well for one of my finals we could bring food as our 'creative project'
And people brought food that was from different cultures.

Yah...I did alot of slight face making grimaces shaking my head and a slight shudder lol.

I wonder why I started doing that to show my dislike for the food that has found a presence in my mouth...maybe because people have commented on it.
Lol or I did it to show that I really didn't like it...and then it just became a habit.

Though I think it might be a natural reaction in humans to do that.
Baby's do it lol :)
So do other kids.

hmmm who knows :) lol.
I just know that its hard to repress the reaction when those types of foods enter my mouth.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Closet Shelf

The problem with being that when you have a closet...and you can't see the top shelf very well...things can get shoved in back and 'lost' for years on end until you randomly decide to try and see whats up there, or try and shove something up there and it won't move against the the wall like you wanted it to so you decide to investigate...and end up finding surprises.

Today, after church that happened. Not to me.
But after trying to place something on the top shelf and it not moving back.

A wooden board was discovered to be in the back corner.
I think it might have been left there by my previous roommate, but not the one before since it doesn't seem like their style.
But this wooden board had these words painted on it.
"Forget the glass slipper, get me some boots!"

I found the saying kind of funny, but very true.
There are times where the 'glass slipper' just doesn't work for you and you need a different type of shoe. Whether it's tennis shoes, sandals, or need a different type of shoe.
Imagine trying to run on a track in glass slippers
or climb a rock in glass slippers

It just doesn't work that well. Sure its a shoe, but not the right type of shoe.

lol Yes It did remind me of Cinderella this saying.
It made me think "Don't treat me like a porcelain doll, but like an equal." or something like that.

I think what I actually thought of was
"Sometimes you need to stop with the fancy diplomacy and just get straight to the point by being blunt.

I don't know. Maybe its a "there's a time to be girly" ,but that's not right now "get me some boots!" Give me the work, the heavy stuff.

Amazing how many different thoughts can come to mind when a random object is found on a closet shelf.

Until you next read these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Graceful Speaking

The other day I was compared to a celebrity.

I was compared to Taylor Swift.

Not in looks, or singing style, or that....

but in way of speaking.

Apparently she and I both have a 'graceful' way of speaking.

I don't really comprehend what a 'graceful' way of speaking actually is...

Is it my tone of voice? Cadence? The words I use?

I'm not sure...but apparently I have it lol :)

A graceful way of speaking....
What does that entail....

Until you next see these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 10, 2010

Free-Spirited Writing

Earlier today I was attempting to do a couple of last assignments before the semester ends.
XP bleck, why the teacher decided to give us two assignments that we didn't have time to do I don't know.
But I was attempting to do them....I started, but I haven't finished them yet.
But as I was trying to think of what I needed to write...
I just ended up closing my eyes and typing whatever came into my head.
lol it was mostly complaints about how I didn't want to do the assignment.
But I felt Just typing quickly with my eyes closed.
It was thrilling lol. :)
But very counter productive because I couldn't use anything I spent like five minutes writing.
Oh well. :) It was fun to do.
Usually if I have trouble writing, one solution I try is to just close my eyes
and picture what scene I want to write, what thoughts I want to try and get out onto the white screen through my fingers. And just start writing without caring how many spelling mistakes I make or that I have basically no punctuation lol. :) I actually do pretty well with the spelling. :) Not too many red squiggly lines when I opened my eyes.
I wish I could write more things I wanted to write.
And not the things that the teacher assigns us to write about.
Only a few more days then I'll get a break.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, December 9, 2010


In one of my institute classes, the teacher gave time for the bearing of testimonies.
He wanted us to basically tell what we've learned or what we've taken from his class.

While listening to others bear testimonies I usually start going through ideas of what I could say if I decided to stand up.

This time around as my tired brain was working extra hard to try and focus (lack of sleep not good.)
I randomly had the idea that:
Procrastinated Repentance is alot like Procrastinated Homework.

Everyone knows that if you're taking classes for're most likely going to get homework.
Some assignments are due the next time that the class meets, others are due by midterm, or at the end of the term.

Some assignments are worth very little 5 or 10 points while other big research projects are worth much more 100 points or 15% of your grade or something.

The small assignments...either easy or harder get done pretty quickly since they're due sooner.
But the other assignments...due further in the future...might not get done as quickly because you think that you have 'plenty of time' to work on it.

Well time passes by and the due date for your big project gets closer and closer.....
Smart people might begin working on their project then.
But you find a way to put it off "Oh, I need to do this one first its due sooner."
Until you're staring down the barrel a day or two before this project is due and think
"Why didn't I do this sooner?"
The stress and pressure suddenly mount to a high extreme
and you think as you're staying up most of the night...
"Why didn't I start this sooner?"

My sleep deprived brain somehow wants to connect this with sin.
Its granted that we sin.
Small sins, Medium sins, Large depends on the choices we make that tells us how much we've sinned.

The process of Repentance can perhaps be compared to the process of doing homework.

Receiving homework is doing the sin.
Doing the homework soon after being assigned it could be compared to the repentance process.
Small sins...small homework probably aren't much to blink at. You might keep doing that sin over again because you keep getting similar homework assigned until the semester ends and you don't have those assignments ever again.
Unless you failed the class....or else get similar assignments in other classes....but often times once that series of assignments is completed for the year you don't get them again. You don't do the sin again, you've moved past the temptation to do those sins.
But with the bigger assignments....
If you start working on them early you can repent from those sins and move on with your life even if it takes alot more effort to go through the process.
But if you procrastinate this sin the ramifications or stress levels are much higher then if you had done little repentances along the way instead of trying to repent for this huge monster of 'sin'
Eventually you will finish the project and move past it.
But the 'grief' you experienced trying to do it all within a short period of seriously isn't worth it.

The solution. Don't commit big sins. Its not worth the heart-ache.

Not that you can really escape sin in its entirety....
but going through the repentance process in 'small doses' is much more preferable then trying to stay up all night begging for forgiveness on your knees for procrastinating so long.

In either case....procrastination might mean that you'll never end up repenting or doing the homework due to unforeseen circumstances. Even if procrastination works for you might work for you in the future because its always changing.

I don't know if that makes any sense....
It kind of makes sense in my head...but written down.. I don't know
lol I just know that I've told myself "Never again. I will never procrastinate again."
Ha....we'll see how well that works out next semester lol :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I have this long sleeve shirt that I bought from old Navy a ear or two ago.
Its a dark red, magenta type color and on it is a picture of the bird of peace.

I don't know why...but after putting on this shirt this morning I relaxed.... even though I should be pulling my hair out of my head right now...I'm relaxed.
I have felt cheerful and confident throughout the day.
Which is kind of funny to me since I'm basically staring at the hangman's noose right now and its slowly tightening around my neck lol.
That is what I get for procrastinating projects  I guess...but strangely...or not so strangely I'm not stressing out about it. I know myself well enough that I know that I will get the project done.....even if I have to stay up for most of the night to finish it lol. :)
So I remain calm and content.
lol maybe its just the thought that one of my institute teachers stuck in my head yesterday that is keeping me calm.
Through the projects, and tests, and finals I can keep one thought in mind.
"I'm still going to the Celestial Kingdom." lol

I might not do well on an assignment or test, but in the long run it doesn't matter.... unless it causes you to fail the class, get a bad GPA, not graduate....yadda yadda yadda ;) haha....
Basically I think it gets back to the idea of "live in the present."
Don't focus on the future, but enjoy yourself in your trials and non trials that are happening now. Find the positive in what might be negative and just be easy going. The grade isn't your life. The experiences are.  

Ha maybe the peace I felt today was due to giving my teachers Christmas presents.
I've always found it exhilarating to give my teachers a gift before Christmas time.
I usually do it as a small way to say "Thank you for teaching me."
lol the back of my mind I hope to get a couple of extra credit points....Not likely lol they're just brownie points. I think giving gifts might work against me. "Oh she gave me this to try and get a better grade, well she thought wrong! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!" :P lol.
Oh well. I just enjoy watching the teacher's expression change into surprise at being given a gift. :)
It feels good and I enjoy it because I feel that teachers are often under appreciated and don't get the applause and respect that they deserve.

Who knows. Today has been a contentful day with me constantly singing "I want to see Christmas through your eyes." or "All I want for Christmas is you."

Unfortunately that project I'm staying up late for....caused me to forget to post this blog on the day it was meant to be posted (ha ha! for being able to change the time and date.) I'm actually writing this around 2:15 am on Dec. 9th. Oh well :)

I'm still going to the Celestial Kingdom ;) haha

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh Me Oh My

Oh me oh my I've lost my necklace
Its been gone since ten today
Its not my fault I lost my necklace
It just went and ran away

Is it broken on the road?
Stuck to someone's sticky load?
Round the neck of someone there
I just know it isn't here.

Oh me oh my I've lost my necklace
Why did it just fall off me?
I love you dearly precious necklace
please show up where I can see

Next time I'll take special care
To make sure necklace you are there
Duck tape used and you will see
You'll be forever stuck on me

              -Lyrics written by S.N.D
              -Sung to: Oh me oh my I've lost my homework

During my last year or so of mutual, as a group we decided to make necklaces out of fishing wire and string.
I made a couple because I finished quicker then the others.
The first one I made....broke...
the second one i made...i still have...but its not as nice...
and my third one...I lost today Y_Y
It was cool and very Christmasy alternating red and green with silver on the ends. :(
I wore it around my neck....its like a choker
And set out for school...and when I got wasn't on me anymore Y_Y
:( I really liked that necklace Y_Y
I guess you can't trust the 'twisty' things that go on the ends of the necklace...
they just easily unwind...and then the object falls....and is lost :(
Sometimes I think I loose things and don't find them ever again....because I need to be continually taught that the material things don't matter.
They're not important. :(
but it is frustrating to loose or break something....
I think its just a sign that the devil is working hard on me this day for some reason....
Loosing things or breaking things...or stressful things...
Some things happen as a test I guess. :)
Who knows I might find my necklace...
or...someone saw it picked it up and is wearing it now...
hopefully it didn't fall into a drain to never be seen again.
I would prefer someone else wear it, then it just get broken and dirty.

Wherever you are necklace...I hope you're enjoying your rebellious freedom....
And if we never see each other again....
I hope that your life is good and happy.
Otherwise...if it is meant to be, that we reunite....I will find you.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be looking for my necklace...and watching the leaves. ;)
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, December 6, 2010


There is one thing I don't like about the season of winter....and that is...

The Melting.

I love it when it snows...but not really when it melts.

Especially if the snow has been on the grass long enough to have the grass turn more yellow then green.
It seems like such a sad time of year when the snow melts and the blossoms have not yet bloomed.
The red of the leaves are gone from the trees leaving bare twigs behind.
That is...for me the most depressing part of winter...where the snow is melting and isn't bright and shiny white anymore..but there aren't any bright and green leafy things to brighten the day. Its all just yellow and brown....
It seems like the changes between the other seasons aren't as noticeable.
When Spring goes into Summer you notice it getting hotter and raining less. When summer changes into fall it gets cooler and the colors start changing.
But when fall changes into winter and winter into spring...I think the change is much more noticeable.
The grass has turned slightly more green from the pre-snow rains we get, then they get blanketed underneath a layer of snow for however long before the heavy layer of whiteness disappears...leaving smooshed grass and last years soggy leaves behind.
I wonder why the season of winter is much more noticeable then the rest.
Everything turns white after all.
Why do we have no other liquidity thing fall from the sky in summer to signal summer?
Fall...yes the leaves change
and Spring has more blossoms...
and Summer has its heat... makes winter unique i guess :) lol seeing a world somewhat 'devoid ' of color.
Its peaceful in a way. :) terrifying in others....but more peaceful how the world seems still and at rest. Calm...

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Today in church we talked about a verse:
2 Corinthians 9:7

...let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.

and then later something along the lines of:

"If you give a gift grudgingly, it is almost like you kept the gift to yourself." 

was mentioned

Now that we've reached the month of December...the month of giving....
I had to stop and think.

I enjoy giving gifts, I always find it fun :) especially when the person receiving the gift wasn't expecting anything. :) lol. Of course....I usually hope that I get something back, but I don't really expect it.
I find it fun to give...
lol....and yes I admit that I'd love for people to give to me as well ;) haha.
But giving, its fun. :)
Yet....what happens when you don't give a gift because you want to?
When you give one because you were told to?
Or one where you gave it...even if you didn't want to, when you were doing it as an obligation...

I guess it makes sense that you "Might as well have kept the gift"
If you give it under duress.

I guess its the famous "party-pooper" ideology where if you're not careful and you're a 'downer' you can make it harder for everyone else to stay cheerful.

Why give then?
If you get nothing in return....why give?
In the Christmas devotional given tonight;
one of the presidency mentioned giving gifts.....
feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving shelter to the homeless....
or giving a thoughtful gift...
when we give to others
its like we're giving to Christ.
Helping those in need, we give a gift of service to Christ.
Or just by giving we show the 'love of christ'
something like that.

I personally like giving for the 'warm fuzzy feeling' because I can and I want to lol :)

the key wanting to give.
If we give under 'duress'
Its not much of a gift at all....just a trinket given because you feel obligated to give back.

Give in the spirit of giving :) lol its more fun and heart warming that way :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Root

Soda Pop

I like most kinds and can tolerate others....

But Root Beer.....

We have a strange relationship it and I.

Depending on the type of often has a strange after taste for me.
But the most common thing is...
If I drink it before I eat....I'm no longer hungry anymore....
It doesn't work the same way if I drink other soda pops...I can drink and still be hungry.
But rootbeer...there is something in it that just takes away my hunger....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, December 3, 2010

Honor Them Always

Its one of the ten commandments isn't it.
Honor thy mother and thy father.

Be grateful to them, honor them always.

Sometimes I think people look at me weird when
they find out that I don't really have any grudges against my parents.
I don't hate them. (even in the teenager years lol.)
I do get annoyed with them every once in a while,
lol especially when I was younger and I was told to do something I didn't want to do...
but I never reached a level of dislike that often times people I know would reach.
I have felt very lucky to have the parents I have.
They're just, fair, punish me when I deserve to be punished, and spoil me without leaving me a brat. lol.
I'm grateful for the way they've helped me move through life growing and such.

I haven't yet reached a point where I can help them back.....but I try.
For all those years of help and support I try to give back.
In small ways.
One of those ways is me calling them almost every night.
To check in. To let them know I'm alive and well, and to find out what happens on a day to day basis.
I call so often because I that way, if I need something, I don't feel like I only call when I'm in trouble either emotionally or physically or even spiritually.
I can call them just to chat, or to get advice on this and that.
In no ways am I obligated or order to call my parents every night lol.
Sometimes I feel they may look at me in askance
(hard to look when we're over the maybe they look at each other)
Wondering why I insist on calling everyday.
Perhaps its my way of showing how I'm grateful to have such wonderful parents.
I've never wished for any other, and I hold tightly to them so that our connection never wavers.
I know I was extremely lucky in coming to my family.
I know that other people I have come in contact with don't have it....the same way I do.
Their family structure is different....and often times causes tensions between child and parent.
Yet, I feel that they still love their parents....
but I'm not sure if they Honor them, or are Grateful for their parents.
But then again....what doe sit mean to honor them?
Honoring them could be staying out of their hair and only calling once in a while to check in.
Being grateful could mean a Christmas and birthday card each year.
What is the difference between honoring and being grateful?
Is there a difference?
I don't really know lol.
I really think it depends on the family and relationships.

Yet sometimes I wonder if I'm doing enough to show my gratitude and honor my parents.
Is there something more I can do at this moment in time to support them, to show my love for them?
I'm sure there is. There usually is always a way you can keep moving forward showing gratitude, honoring them.
But perhaps my parents are fine for the moment, just knowing I'm alive is enough lol.
Mayhaps its those who I consider close family, parent figures, or even sibling figures that I need to show my gratitude for. Show honor to my elders....
Its just a question of how. :)
How can I serve/help/be there today for those figures....

A big question...that I will either figure out on my own...or be shown how....sometime.
I just need to search for a way. lol. :)

Honor your mother and your father.
Show them gratitude.
Even if relations between them are strained.
If there is a will....there is a way.
But first you need to will.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi