Sunday, December 19, 2010

Liar's Dice

Last night I came across a game called "Liar's Dice"

I had a great time playing it.
(Because I won both times we played. ;) haha)
But I thought you would like to know how to play it. :)

First: You need ALOT of dice.
You need Seven Dice per person.
So if you have five players you'll need 35 dice.
-It helps if each set of dice (each player w/ 7 dice) are a different color.
But they don't have to be.

Once each person has 7 dice you sit down at a table.
and shake the dice in your hand then roll them on the table.
-You don't want the others to see what you rolled so you need to somehow keep the dice covered.

After that its a matter of guessing.
How many of each number do you think are on the table.

You need to guess the number of dice that show a certain number

Example: Five Twos.
Which means you think there are five dice that are showing twos on the table.

You can either increase the dice face number
Example: From Five Twos you say Five Threes.

Or you can increase the number of dice showing the face.
Example: From Five Twos you say Six Twos.

You cannot decrease the number.
From Five Twos you can't say Five Ones
Or From Five Twos you can't say Four Fours
You always have to increase one of the numbers

You don't have to go in order it can go.

Four Fives, Six Twos, Six Threes, Seven Sixes, Ten Fours, etc.

Each person goes around the table saying their number.
Player one: Four Fives
Player two: Six Twos
Player Three: Six Threes
etc etc

Until you get to a point where you don't think that there are that many dice showing that number on the table.

So the person calls "Liar"
So if player one says: Eighteen Fours
and player two says: Liar

then all the players reveal how many of their dice have the 'number four'
If the total amount from all the players = 18
Then Player two has to toss one of their dice into the bowl.

If the amount from all the players doesn't = 18
Then Player one has to put one of their dice in the bowl.

After a liar is called and a dice is placed into the bowl
then every one will reroll the dice to get different numbers
And player three will start out by saying Seven Fives
And it will move to player 4 back around the circle.

The key to the game is to be the last one with dice.
Everytime Liar is called, a dice needs to go into the bowl. (that way they don't go sliding off the table)
Once you have no more dice, you're out of the game. (So 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...out)

The last person with dice is the winner. :)

And that's how you play liars dice.
Hopefully its not confusing. :)
If it is....well you can comment and I'll try to explain better. lol..

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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