Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Million Dollar Question

If you won a million dollars...what would you do with it?

I have often said that if I won a million dollars I would buy
1) Cats and Dogs
2) A car
3) a lot to build my dream house on then
4) put the rest in the bank. that really what I would do with a million dollars?
I'm not sure.
I probably would buy all those things...
but I wouldn't go for the most expensive things to buy.
I'd probably get the animals from the pound, or on sale.
A car I'd probably get slightly used, or a couple of years old so it wasn't too expensive...
the house...I would probably spend the money on...
but all the rest...
I don't know.

I've been given money before to spend however I wish.
(Not a million dollars but more money then I'm used to having.)
And what do I do with it?
Well....if its given to me in cash....
I stick it in my wallet and slowly over time it dwindles away as I buy this or that.
Its never really anything that costs alot. perhaps tickets to a movie, or a book I want.
But otherwise the cash in the wallet just goes to those 'needful' things. that I think I 'need' at the time.
It sometimes dwindles so slowly that by the time the cash is gone, I can't really tell you what I spent those dollars on.
But if its given to me in a check...I usually deposit it into savings....and never take anything out. lol.
Because Savings would be for those more expensive things like a car, or a house payment for the future.

What then would I do with a million dollars?
I think I would put most of it, if not all into savings.
I would probably shop around alot looking for the 'best deal' or the 'perfect thing' that I feel is worth it to spend the money on.
Would a million dollars change who I am?
Perhaps in small ways.
I might go on a cruise to somewhere exotic and bring family with me.
I'd finally buy that trampoline I've wanted since I was little.

But otherwise....I think most of it would go into a 'rainyday' fund.
So I would still have money when I buy my own house. (or build it)
When i need to buy a car, or fix the car I already have.
and I would probably buy a couple of cats and dogs for my house when I get my own house lol. :)

Then I might spend some of the money to help......others....
I hesitate on this last one, because being rich can make enemies out of friend and family rather quickly.
If you refuse to give money to one person, but some to breeds jealousy. Contention.
I'd rather not be selfish with this million dollars and only buy stuff for me.
But...I'd have to be really careful how I'd give money......

I guess I won't know my own actions (or others actions) unless I actually win a million dollars.

But I do wonder.
We all have our ideal of what will happen if we get the million buckaroos
But does our ideal match up with our reality?
I guess its up to us to decide if we ever get that much money at one time. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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