Friday, December 24, 2010

The Lights

There are two times during the year when I like seeing lights.

The first is the 4th of July with all the fireworks going off.
I love both the big ones that shoot up into the sky,
and the small ones set off by the family.

The second are the Christmas lights...during the Christmas time of year.
For as long as I can remember on Christmas Eve (sometimes a couple of days before)
The family would pile into the car, and we'd drive around the city, up and down the streets
looking at all the different lights people had taken the time to put up.

I remember when I was way younger we'd drive downtown into the city suburbs to "Candy Cane" street.
There the story of Christ would be told via radio..or written signs, along with lights to high heavens. The lights were sooo bright. It was like candy to my eyes lol.
But...after a couple of years...that street....became nothing special...not so many lights, only pieces of the story.

There was a house closer to home that would decorate every inch possible with Christmas lights.
They'd start placing things on and around the house the day after Thanksgiving.
Why? In remembrance of their boy Danny, who died for some disease.
He had always loved Christmas lights, so the parents decided to decorate their house bright enough that Danny would be able to see it from heaven.
It was always an awesome site to see, and we'd purposely go out of our way after dark to drive past it trying to see everything in one fell swoop and failing.

Then, a couple of years ago, those lights too faded because the father got hurt one year and wouldn't let anyone help him put up the that house has become dark as well.

It seems this we were driving around....that there weren't as many lights as last year. 
The streets seemed darker, though there were bright spots of holiday cheer here and there.
A couple of streets were lined with candles in bags. That was very cool to see.
And very inspiring in their silent way.

But, there was one light I noticed way more then the others.
It was cloudy today.
In a kind of foggy manner.
But as I glanced up the hillside looking for Christmas lights..
I saw a light shinning in the clouds.
Its the type of light you see in the clouds where big cities are. Just a whiter area in the dark sky.
I followed that light down...
to the Temple.
It was shining brightly tonight, and it seemed like a pillar of light rose from the temple to the clouds white washing them in a brighter spot for a bit.

It was heartwarming to see and I think I enjoyed that view much more then the Christmas lights on the houses this year. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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