Thursday, March 31, 2011

February 29th

This will be the 32nd post of March.
Somehow or another...I ended up accidentally posting twice on March 10th.
So March will have an uncharacteristic 32 days of posting.

Its strange how hectic life can get.
To where I don't remember when I've posted and when I haven't.
To where I post twice in one day.

Perhaps February 29th was feeling....left out this year.
And wanted to makes its voice heard.
So Feb. 29th has worked its little magic on my head.
And had me post again on March 10th.

Have you ever wondered why we randomly add an extra day into our calendar's every fourth year?
I know the actual reason....something about how long it takes the earth to circle the sun and that it's not a whole number and to make up for that decimal point every four years we add in an extra day...blah blah blah.
But perhaps there is another reason behind it.
There usually is an illogical reason before a logical reason is come up with right?
So why do we have an extra day added?
And why is it always in February?
Maybe we should make "Leap Year" more complicated by adding in 32nds and 31sts to the months that are not February. 
Leap year 1 January 32
Leap year 2 February 29
Leap year 3 March 32
Leap year 4 April 31
etc. etc. etc.
Yah....that would get annoying.
And I'd feel bad for those people born on these missing days. 
I mean if we had a twelve month add a day and its every four years....
You'd only really get one birthday maybe two in your lifetime. 
Then of course you'd need to remember what month got the extra day.
But then it brings to mind...why is February so short?
There's an explanation for this too....but I don't want to think on it...something about the month being 'sad' or something? I don't know. 

Why do we have February end on the 28th most years? 
Why not have a couple of months end on the 29th so February doesn't feel so....left out.
Perhaps February wanted to be special instead.
February wanted to be unique known for its shortness and for its love. (Valentines day) 
Perhaps February is trying to say something.
That its content to be shorter for three years.
But by the fourth year...February prefers to be longer as well. 
To have more of a celebration.
And not as much of a break. 

I don't know. 
But it is a random concept to think about. :) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in an amusement park/ mall place with games, rides, movies, stores, food....
I was meeting up with some high school friends because we wanted to go see a movie.
But I ended up getting...sidetracked.
Because I really had to go.
So I was looking for a bathroom to use. 
And I came upon this bathroom....
Where you had to do a waltz type dance before you could use the facilities. -dancing to music.
it was in a shallow pool only an inch deep and had yellow swirls designed into the tub.
They ended up closing before I could try it out.
But promised they'd open one last time after sunset around 7:05pm.
But I had to wait.
And that was hard....because I knew I couldn't stay that long....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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