Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Facebook Quo

I was told an interesting little fact today...
And I guess it shows my ignorance of current fads.
I found it interesting because it made me go:
O.o What?! You're...kidding right?

But Facebook.
Apparently you are now only "officially in a relationship" if you say
that you are in a relationship on Facebook.

*shakes head*
Why I ask. Why?
It seems....I don't know....kinda superfluous to me.
Even though I'm slightly addicted to the Internet...(thanks to Anatomy...that addiction is really diminished)
I don't see why a relationship can only be a 'real' relationship...
when its posted on a website where people can be anything they want to be
where not everything viewed is "real"  
The Internet isn't always a place of truth telling, or realism.
Often times its a place where people can be caught up in fantasy worlds.
Where they place games above outside relationships.
Where the intangible items that only can be found on the computer screen
Appear to have more value then real objects on the outside.
Its easy to say, be, do whatever you want on the Internet.
The world is at your fingertips.
So why now is part of our 'daiting and courtship rituals?"
The Internet...sure we can make online friends, or stay in contact with friends and family.
But...I don't think that it should be the....say all end all  basis of our relationships.
Does it really need to be of high importance to only be 'offically' in a relationship
when its confirmed on facebook?
(When I say relationships I mean the dating relationships only)
It does seem to be the thing to do these days...
but is it really the foundation you want?
I certainly don't want it to be like that.
"I can only date you if you confirm it on facebook?"
It seems silly.

I really don't know...
I don't pay attention to all these fads/fashions.
If I participate in them...its halfway by accident. And halfway has some other purpose in mind when I do it. :) lol.
But that doesn't mean I know the rules.
Apparently here in my area (it might be true for others...or this whole thing might just apply to a crazy college town) there is another level to this Facebook "Dating" Confirmation.

You can only be Facebook Official if you've kissed.

Guess I broke that rule. ;) haha.
Ah. The intricate social rules of dating life.

I"m glad I don't really pay attention to all these rituals within rituals.
It seems to make life soo much more complicated then it needs to be.
I think the best thing to do...
Is be yourself.
Be yourself with that someone you're dating.
Do things for fun, not because you're required to establish it
in order for others to believe.
Only follow the fads for the fun of it.
Don't base your happiness or how the relationship is going by
 what people tell you needs to be confirmed on Facebook
A relationship is a relationship.
Even if Facebook doesn't know about it.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

;) For the comment yesterday.

The fox never came home tonight after an awesome dream of awesomeness and adventure. This fantabular dream was forgotten because its epicness was too awesome for the waking mind to comprehend.


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