The past couple of days
I have been noticing how I open doors
With a push bar.
-The doors where you push on a bar to open them outward?
Yah...those doors.
You see I tend to place my left hand near the edge of the door where it opens.
Then my right hand about a foot away closer to the hinge side of the door.
As I walk forward (pushing the door open)
I tend to let go of the bar with my left hand
and move my right hand upwards
to the same spot my left hand had barely unoccupied.
My right arm moves back behind my body keeping the door open behind me for a moment
Until I and my big backpack have cleared the doorway
and then I move outward and onward to my next destination.
And I finally realized today...why I do that with doors.
You see I tend to hold the door with my right hand open
so that in case someone is walking behind me.
They don't have to content with a closing door.
Because the door would still be 'opening' having not hit the point where it starts to swing shut.
Basically I'm holding the door open for somebody behind me as I move through the door myself.
I just don't take the time to stop and hold it open.
Its a....shortcut opening the door thing I guess lol :)
And it reminds me of something my AP English teacher told my class a while back.
How she liked our High School because almost everyone in the school
Would do what I just described above.
They would 'hold the door open' for a person behind them
Instead of just opening it enough for just the opener to get in.
We would open it enough that the door wouldn't swing completely shut
before the next person got to it.
And I guess that habit has continued to stick.
I open the door wider
To give a potential person behind me
less time spent opening the door.
After all its easier to keep a door open when...its already open...
compared to when its almost shut.
So the next person's steps don't have to hesitate as much to open the door.
They can just smoothly walk on through.
Or it could be that I just find it fun to open doors in that manner....
;) haha. jk.
I like to help people out when I can.
And opening doors...even if I'm in a hurry.
Just taking that extra half second to push the door open wider so that
the person behind me can catch it and move on through as well
with less effort, is a good way to give a small act of service. :)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
Was a stressor dream, brought on by...well stress.
It had to do with school and aspects of things that I needed to get done this day as well as random scary elements thrown in.....however...I don't remember much more. It was just one of those restless dreams that were kinda dark, but not quite a nightmare. Just uncomfortable and stressful.
And that
is why the fox never came home :)
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