I was driving home in the dark today.
Noticing all the while different car headlights lighting up my mirrors.
And I was trying to figure out if some cars had their brights on.
Because they would appear in my mirrors.
and I wouldn't be able to look at them.
There was this one truck. With really bright white lights. I think the car was a newer model, it had lights that were like the lights that light up a baseball field at night. And they were blinding. I checked the 'range' of those bright lights against other cars driving nearby, and I'm pretty sure that yahoo's lights were on bright. Even if the truck was ten feet off the ground with its huge tires.
Others. I'm not sure if their lights were on bright or not.
I know that sometimes at just the right angle lights can appear to be on bright just because your car is lower then their car, sometimes higher then their car.
But I do wonder. Why.
Why do you need to have your lights on bright if they are on bright IN A CITY?! Is there not enough lights from cars surrounding you? from the countless businesses and their lights lighting up the road as well as the overhead lights on the freeway? I could understand if you were alone, in a windy country road up in the mountains on a cloudy night or something. But when there are tons of other people around...can they not be considerate?
Sometimes I think not.
On the drive home (earlier then darkness)...One of the parents mentioned that people have shifted to having more of a "Me complex" where the "World revolves around me!" Bow to my will! Do what I want you to do and get out of my way! Instead of being considerate of others around them. It all involves them and often it seems like some cars on the roads are completely oblivious to other cars and what is happening around them.
Perhaps its the burst in technology with GPS's and the like where its not really necessary to look outside of your car and observe more then that the guy in front of you is speeding up or slowing down because the GPS will tell you when to turn and where to go.
Yah...mostly I'm just annoyed with the brightness of car lights when there is a big contrast of darkness surrounding them.
My eyes are sensitive...I really don't appreciate being blinded.
Soo...I'll just go ahead and continue to assume that the driver is terrified of darkness and needs to have as much light as possible surrounding them to chase those scary dark shadows away. ;)
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
My family and I were taking a trip to Japan.
They had a store there.
Known as the Free Store.
Where everything was free inside of it.
So we went traversing off to japan.
And we were in this mall place. Where it looked more Chinese/Indian in culture then America.
during our search in the mall for the 'free store' we passed by this all you can eat buffet type of place.
and on one of the buffet tables I saw...this huge bat. It was the size of a cow. It was all greasy and cooked looking though the fur was still on it. It was brown fur. And the bat face...had some dragon and some dog characteristics to it. It might even have had four legs...but I just noticed the head the body and the huge black wings. Because I was trying to see what it was. And then I understood. It was a gigantic bat bigger then me, all cooked up and ready to eat. :S
Anyway we traveled onward...
but I never did get to the 'free store'
I was in a house with my brother and sister.
There were a ton of secret staircases and rooms and rooms within closets.
My siblings were chasing me all over the house, trying to catch me.
But I kept finding rooms and staircases that led elsewhere.
There was one where there was a staircase next to a staircase separated by a thin wall and a door.
A door that led to a closet had a small room with a chair. I tried to hide there it didn't work.
There was also this big grandfather clock in the attic and behind it was a staircase leading up to the top of the clock.
Apparently it had been part of a room that no longer was there? or they redid the entrance to it. but the staircase connected to the clock led to nowhere, though I did climb up there hoping to hide from my siblings.
There wa sa dark menance in the house a little later. I had just come inside, and I was silghtly terrified. Worried more like I guess. There was a woman...darkly dressed....she was after something...and the Trio -Harry, Hermione, and Ron were involved somehow along with myself.
Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.
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