Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Too Quiet for Eating

Sign Language Classes.

Are the worst classes to try and eat anything in.


Well....they're extremely quiet.

After all. Everything is done in sign language.
Which means there are no voices..nobody is speaking.

So the class sits in silence.

and that silence...makes every noise twice...quadruply as loud.

Everything seems to echo.

Especially so with food.

Today I sat next to a girl, who took the opportunity to eat something for lunch during class.

What was she eating? Carrots.

(okay this might be a bit of an exaggeration...sometimes I think my hearing is more acute then others... but I'm going to say it anyway.)

I've decided they are the nosiest food to eat.
In a quiet room. Or any 'snappy veggie'..like celery.
Today it was carrots.

Anyway...I had to endure..like 30 minutes of continuous chewing of carrots.
It was like nails on a chalk board with how noisy she was being.
I'm sure it was echoing around the room.
Chomp Chomp Chomp
Crunch Crunch Crunch.
Its not like she was chewing with her mouth open or anything.
Her mouth was closed.
But due to the silence of the classroom...you could hear every time her teeth bit into those carrots.

All that Noise. Noise Noise Noise
I found that I couldn't focus on the teacher, or the sign videos we were watching.
Because I was listening to the sound of the carrots being chewed to smitherins.
Waiting for the noise to stop.
And it never did.
Not til class ended.

yah...I ended up with a headache because I let the noise get to me.

Carrots...they should be banned from quiet classrooms. Or at least from eating more then like two of them at a time so people aren't distracted.... :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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